Grandpa Tokin’s Perpetual

I mentioned to my wife that I need to get busy with building my little fenced grow area outside. She instantly suggested I just clean out the greenhouse a little more and grow them in there. Duh...

Took a little over an hour, but I now have room to grow the two DDA plants. I’m a happy camper actually. It keeps the dingos in check and saves my back for other work.

I put the 2 DDA seeds in water 24 hours ago and they both cracked. I’ll do the paper towel thing for another 24 and then plant them in their new home.


I'll have a greenhouse one day!

Mine is small, but it should do 2 medium plants in 5gal pots (with all my wife’s stuff too). We shall see...hopefully. My only issue is I have to carry water about 30 feet unless I buy another hose.
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