Grandpa Tokin’s Perpetual

Not Gorilla Glue 4#, But Tut around 1 week left. Thanks for the fight for the frost, I couldn't get here without you, keep up the good work.:adore::adore::adore:
Just clipped all the buds off the Bubblelicious. I guessed I would pull 4 zips off that little plant, but it turned out to be 5.2 oz. I’m real happy about that. Naturally, there will still be some weight loss as it cures, but I’m a happy camper. Very happy!

Container 1 = 67.97gm
Container 2 = 78.06gm
Total = 146.03gm

Let the cure begin!

Congrats on your harvest @Grandpa Tokin. I’ve been meaning to see you but keep forgetting, what do you use to clean your dwc buckets? I’ve been using soft soap but have used dawn a few times also but I was wondering what other people was using ✌

Outstanding question Ghost! I use a few drops of dawn on a scouring pad sponge. Scrub it good. Rinse with hot water. Then, I pour a small amount of H2O2 (or normal hydrogen peroxide) in the bucket and use a clean dry rag to wipe the bucket inside with the H2O2. Any H2O2 that remains just gets diluted in the water when I fill the bucket. I don’t rinse it out. Takes me less than 5 minutes to do a bucket change.
Outstanding question Ghost! I use a few drops of dawn on a scouring pad sponge. Scrub it good. Rinse with hot water. Then, I pour a small amount of H2O2 (or normal hydrogen peroxide) in the bucket and use a clean dry rag to wipe the bucket inside with the H2O2. Any H2O2 that remains just gets diluted in the water when I fill the bucket. I don’t rinse it out. Takes me less than 5 minutes to do a bucket change.
Thanks GT for the info! I’m gonna start using the hydrogen peroxide on my next bucket change.✌️
Mmmmmmm.....just come in for me Grandpa update and get smashed with sticky sticky rosin....thank you.
Hi Grandpa, how's it going? how did you smash that white? Looks amazing! I want!!:adore::drool::drool:

It has a lot to do with lower temp settings when you squeeze. This particular one was squeezed at 195*F according to my PID. It’s probably not accurate, but I normally squish at 220-225*F on mine. This weed was dried but hasn’t been cured yet. Very yummy. I just made it all into olive oil capsules though. Because I can.
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