Grandpa Tokin’s Perpetual

Bad hair day in the flower room on day 57. I’m starting to detect some leaning going on. Looks like another week at least. The tangie is starting some huge foxtail. I’m not a fan, but it’s my own fault. Heat and light issues together with the crap RH is my guess. I can’t wait to see how much I pull from her. I can’t even guess, but the kolas are huge. Anyway, all is well here. Enjoy!

Workout complete!

Please get off the couch... beeyotch!
I’ve been a little more consistent lately with my workouts. It’s the eating right I struggle with. Lol
I’ve been a little more consistent lately with my workouts. It’s the eating right I struggle with. Lol

Proper nutrition is, by far, the hardest part. I almost like working out again (almost), but I absolutely hate “dieting.” However, today was the first time in over 15 years that I tipped the scale at under 210 lbs. 207 to be exact, but who’s counting?

According to the recommended height/weight chart I still need to drop 27 lbs! To get down to 180 lbs. F*ck me! It’s getting harder to cut this fat off my body. Although, I shouldn’t bitch; in total, I’ve lost 78 lbs in a little over a year.

I finally look very similar to “The Rock” now. I need a new goal. :rofl:
Congrats, did you see the YouTube of Arnold swarznegger yet. Dudes 76 and still built like a tank!
I saw a little black twig bounce off him! :rofl:

And I was like...
That was pretty rough kick, pumping iron was one of my fav docos as a kid...
Him and Lou are legends.

That plant looks soo bud filled, nice Grandpa!
grandpa. you make me want to press at least 1/2 my up an coming harvest. how would you suggest i go about doing so for 400 tops. if possible.

harbor freight 12 ton h frame and amazon plates/bags?

That’s basically what I did. I bought blocks, drilled my own holes, wired my own PID, drilled and tapped a collar, etc. That was before there were any other options. Amazon has some decent looking plate deals. EBay too.

I started with a hair straightener and a hand clamp graduated to my DIY plates and a 6-ton press and then eventually switched the plates to the 20-ton I have now. Everything is so expensive now, so that’s probably the route I would take.

It’s been a journey for sure. I like Rosin. I like it a lot.
That’s basically what I did. I bought blocks, drilled my own holes, wired my own PID, drilled and tapped a collar, etc. That was before there were any other options. Amazon has some decent looking plate deals. EBay too.

I started with a hair straightener and a hand clamp graduated to my DIY plates and a 6-ton press and then eventually switched the plates to the 20-ton I have now. Everything is so expensive now, so that’s probably the route I would take.

It’s been a journey for sure. I like Rosin. I like it a lot.

I also like rosin. A lot.

After growing my best herb yet, I want nothing more than to press it.

I’ll have to go see he size of the harbor freight press. I also need to find one near me. The plates I’m not worried about, a homie has the amazon ones in his personal lab, not a single complaint.

I live in a small space though, so size is a concern.
I also like rosin. A lot.

After growing my best herb yet, I want nothing more than to press it.

I’ll have to go see he size of the harbor freight press. I also need to find one near me. The plates I’m not worried about, a homie has the amazon ones in his personal lab, not a single complaint.

I live in a small space though, so size is a concern.

I understand space and cash concerns very well. I don’t have the space problem anymore but somebody’s always digging in my pockets for money. Mumble...mumble...
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