Grandpa Tokin’s Perpetual

It’s a beautiful morning here. I woke early and completed my upper body workout and then walked on the treadmill. Same shit-different day. Consistency is the key...I keep saying that...over and out...

You want to know how I do it at my age? Simple. I get my fat ass off the couch...beeyotch! :cheesygrinsmiley:

I have much work to do around my place. More painting...which I absolutely loathe. Oh well, “idle hands...” and all that. My flower room looks like it’s supposed least to me. Enjoy!

PS. The Bubblelicious will come down way before the others. I’m toying with starting a flush on her at the end of the week. I wish I had an entire room of theses Bubblelicious girls. She’s not huge (vegged in DWC for only 5 days before being thrown into flower), but she’s solid. I’m betting I’ll pull 4 zips off her...if not more. The buds are fantastically meaty and chunky. Just a pleasure to grow really. It won’t be my last time growing her for sure. It appears she will mature at the 8-9 week mark which is what Nirvana suggests...which means nothing.

Just one of those stoned thoughts...inside voice, my precious...
More stoney thoughts:

Here’s a side note on these three buckets this run. I have not checked PH or EC/PPM other than the very first bucket, the entire grow. It’s the first time I’ve ever not really been anal about it. I mean I did check PH and EC the very first bucket, but after that I just mixed the same nutes, in the same RO water, in the same sequence, and that’s it. This has been the easiest flower run I’ve ever had...*knocking on wood...”Come in!”
Yeah one gets sick it’s ok versus rdwc one gets the goopies the others follow along lol I love single buckets old school sometimes catches the w
I rarely check mine also do # 1 n mix the rest n I try to stick with 3 bucket changes the hole run works well if things go smoothly witch u kno how hydro goes very unforgiving
My rdwc never went far leaks then goopies water pump fail it felt like the gods didn’t want me to go that rout so stayed it simple but I have tried it all coco soil dwc to me gets the best results . I’ve just seen plant grow like crazy huge even all ur stuff u one of the main peeps who wen I seen what could get done in the hydro world but thanks for a lot of info I have learned from ur thread pops
Not sure I really teach anything in here. Just a lot of goofy old guy stuff, but I appreciate that Jack.
Just following along n taking notes along the way lol
Looking great. I can't believe the growth of your GG4.

I’ll take another picture tonight. She’s huge. Very healthy lady. I’m planning on taking clones this week. Another batch-o-love! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Vegetable garden planted. We only do 3 raised beds nowadays. My wife and I will eat good on it though. There’s tomatoes, lettuce, kohlrabi, green peppers, carrots, radishes, and onions. We also have a large strawberry and raspberry patch, and several apple, plumb, and cherry trees. It’s enough to keep an old guy busy.

I finished my painting project today so tomorrow will be lawn care day and hopefully the beginnings of a small marijuana grow op for one. I dropped two beans in some water this afternoon. Both are Dark Devil Autos. :circle-of-love:
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