Grandpa Likes To Squeeze Stuff: Solventless Extracts, Rosin, Pressed Here!

That’s interesting. I have similar things happening. For me, the Rosin really helps get me way out there. I drop 2-3 capsules before hitting my bedtime dab. My problem is dosing correctly. I either don’t get enough or I’m trembling in the corner... :headbanger: Listening to Black Sabbath with earbuds in, but trembling nonetheless. Hahaha! I’m exaggerating a little, but not much.
Here’s what the “sauce” looks like now. It’s just been sitting on the table still in the parchment I squished it on. I gathered it all up and as soon as I touched it I could smell the terpenes. Very pungent. I have not tried it since the the time I squished it, but I’m sure I will at some point. I have other things to keep me busy at the moment. Enjoy!

Well at least we know it works.

I’m really quite surprised how well it worked. I’m going to need to put more effort into trying the THCa in edibles or just straight. Next time I won’t add the sauce back in and just collect the THCa for easier dosing.
Yeah I usually take my capsules around 10 pm. I smoke my pre bed time bowl of indica around 10:30-11:00pm and then I take my bedtime dose (in the big bong) around 1:00-1:30 am and by that point I am beyond high. I am usually floating somewhere Jupiter or Saturn by that point.

Now funny enough I have found that if I am real active and really piss off my back/neck/shoulders and the pain is really up there on the pain scale, I don't get high. Its like my ECS is regulating all the THC to the pain and I don't get the fun side of the coin. Generally I need to be up above an 8 on pain scale (which for me takes quite a bit) for that to happen. Hell I even took a half strength dose of RSO (by half strength, I mean half the full dose on the cycle so roughly half a gram which is a lot for someone who hasn't done the tolerance build up) when I was at 9.5 and I didn't feel a fucking thing in terms of high. I felt hella relaxed and it knocked my pain down from that 9.5 (like still barely able to move after smoking and applying topical) to about a 1-2.

I have taken smaller doses of RSO to see the effects and when the pain isn't kicking, its a pretty wild ride, especially if you start increasing the dose.

Not sure if anyone else out there has had similar experiences with their meds and high levels of pain, but I find it interesting for sure.

I take my multi strain, mostly Indica, FECO @ 0.2 ml as a wellness dose right after I do my heart med's in the morning. Then the day is spent with Rosin, before Rosin it was bowls and joints.
When I had my little biz out in my shop I would get extreme back spasms for standing and slightly bending over, I would have to stop and lay down from 30 min. to and hour. Then I discovered FECO, when I would get a spasm I would come into the house, do a tenth between my lower lip and gums, lay down and within minutes the spasm's would begin to subside. Now that I take my wellness dose daily I have had no spasms in years. Still a very bad back but not spasms.
When I had the issues with my liver I did the entire protocol. I had the oil so I increases the total dosage from 60 to 140 grams of FECO in 90 days, ended up only doing 132 grams. Started the protocol at .25 gram and increased every few days till I was doing 1 gram. I continued this until the 55th day and said shit I got the oil so I doubled the dose to 2 grams. I continued this until the 70th day and up the dose to 3 grams a day to the end of the protocol. Needless to say I was not worth a shit for anything for those 100 plus days I was effected by the oil. I could still function, drive, be around people but had to be very careful. Always had my GF or my son with me if I had to go out and be around people. After that I began the wellness dose and I do it with 0.1 ml in the morning and 0.1 ml after dinner.
My liver function increased almost 40%, and even my Hep C numbers came down substantially. I still, the following year did the Harvanti treatment for my Hep C and I have been Hep C free now for 3 years. And my last liver function test came back still with OK numbers.

I have got to get off my ass now and either make some FECO or decarboxylate some Rosin. I am not sure if I can substitute Rosin for the FECO, sure hope I can. But I need to do something soon as I am down to less than a months supply of FECO. I think I mentioned this before but my oil jar has never been this empty. After every grow, so two times a year I make anywhere from 60 to 75 grams of FECO and each time it is added to the same jar that all the other grows have gone into. I now have 6 strains of cannabis in the oil at varying strengths. It is a wonderful oil.
I gave some, 30 ml in January, to a friend of my son's who has cancer in two locations. She now gets her oil from a friend in Nor Cal who makes a 7 Indica strain FECO that test at 72 %. Anyway she called me right after she had finished the oil I gave her, about 45 days after she began the protocol, and she had a C Scan and the tumors had shrunk over 30%. She is now doing FECO in conjunction with half dose Chemo which should work well for her, C Scan in a few weeks.

Now for fun every so often my GF, who does not do wellness doses, will do 0.1 to .2 ml and I will do a half to 3/4 grams and as you say hang on for the ride.

As far as what I believe it has done for me, FECO in wellness dose's help me with blood pressure. I take med's for it but taking FECO seems to stabilize it more. Pain management, helps the spasms, the Arthritis in two sections of my back, L4 and L5 degeneration and the pain from my motorcycle wreak to my shoulder. I only rarely take any form of pain med's.

Sorry so long winded, stoned Hippy here!
Banana Kush review:
Did two dabs this size of wonderful tasting Rosin this morning.
20190607_092918 (2).jpg

Ahhhh, Banana Kush, very nice draw and exhale, sweet flavor and an almost a Bourbon fragrance w/out any alcohol. Two dabs and I am good, very pleasant feeling but I don't want to get up out of my chair at the moment.

Y'all have a wonderful day!
That sounds lovely. I like the bourbon reference. It’s those little fragrances and subtle flavors that I don’t get from just smoking green.

Just did another and I think it was a little too much, had a hard cough. But I am higher than I should be for this time of the morning.
Yesterday with my buddy here I was explaining about the amount of Rosin to hit so I weighed the dab, 0.041 gram. That is the visual amount of the 3 hits of this morning, so, approx. 0.12 gram, think I will try again tomorrow with about 2/3's that amount. Strictly for science!
Just did another and I think it was a little too much, had a hard cough. But I am higher than I should be for this time of the morning.
Yesterday with my buddy here I was explaining about the amount of Rosin to hit so I weighed the dab, 0.041 gram. That is the visual amount of the 3 hits of this morning, so, approx. 0.12 gram, think I will try again tomorrow with about 2/3's that amount. Strictly for science!
Gotta love taking a hit for team science :rofl:
I hit the diamonds. I’m going to try some whittling. Never carved anything before so this should be fun. Can you picture it? Grandpa gets high and plays with extremely sharp objects. LOL! “Do as I say...not as I do.” :hmmmm:
Do you remove the 160 screen before you make your chips into oil? I believe you use coconut oil.
I am thinking of using Everclear like I do when I make FECO. Only put the chips in a 1/2 gallon Ball jar, cover with frozen Everclear and put in freezer for X amt of time, drain of the evaporate the alcohol off, I have an oil distiller that reclaims about 75 % of the alcohol. I can live with the little bit of residue from the alcohol because I will be ingesting it not vaping it.

Just wondering about removing the screen prior. It will be going into the Magical Oil Jar, :) .
Do you remove the 160 screen before you make your chips into oil? I believe you use coconut oil.
I am thinking of using Everclear like I do when I make FECO. Only put the chips in a 1/2 gallon Ball jar, cover with frozen Everclear and put in freezer for X amt of time, drain of the evaporate the alcohol off, I have an oil distiller that reclaims about 75 % of the alcohol. I can live with the little bit of residue from the alcohol because I will be ingesting it not vaping it.

Just wondering about removing the screen prior. It will be going into the Magical Oil Jar, :) .

Excellent question. I leave the screen on and let the Everclear do the work. There’s tons of goodness on those screens, but you’ll see how white and clean they get with the Everclear. I throw everything away after that. The screens could probably be reused, but not worth the hassle for me.

After I render it down/evaporate to just the oil then I’ll add it to olive oil for capsules. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is heart healthy... :cheesygrinsmiley:
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