Grandpa Likes To Squeeze Stuff: Solventless Extracts, Rosin, Pressed Here!

Some good reads for who ever

Thanks @scrogster This sums it all up:

THCA is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis and converts to THC when it’s dried and heated (which is why you need to decarboxylate (heat) your weed to make edibles). THCA isolate is created by removing all impurities through a special refinement process, leaving a flawless THCA powder in its most pure and potent form. When heated, THCA isolate converts to THC and creates a powerful high with a potency of 95%-100%.

Left unheated, it can be ingested orally to experience medicinal benefits without psychoactive effects. According to, “Studies have found THCA to have anti-inflammatory, neuro-protective, anti-emetic, and anti-proliferative properties, all which could make it medically beneficial for a range of conditions.”

FYI, if you’re about to look up what anti-proliferative means, I already googled it for us: “...a substance used to prevent or retard the spread of cells, especially malignant cells, into surrounding tissues.”

If you’re wondering, “How the heck do I smoke it?” You’ll be pleased to know it’s not very difficult: you can dab it, or sprinkle it on a bowl or joint of your favorite flower to amp up the potency. No fancy gear or engineering necessary.
nd THCA to have anti-inflammatory, neuro-protective, anti-emetic, and anti-proliferative properties, all which could make it medically beneficial for a range of conditions.”

FYI, if you’re about to look up what anti-proliferative means, I already googled it for us: “...a substance used to prevent or retard the spread of cells, especially malignant cells, into surrounding tissues.”

If you’re wondering, “How the heck do I smoke it?” You’ll be pleased to know it’s not very difficult: you can dab it, or sprinkle it on a bowl or joint of your favorite flower to amp up the potency. No fancy gear or engineering necessary.”
One of these temperature controlled coils in either the tip of a nectar collector, or the container you use would probably do it. I'd wrap the coil around a ceramic or pyrex form for stability. The problem if you used a wick would be a blend of flavors when you switched strains.


RDA - Can We Use One for Rosin?
I attempted to squeeze THCa and think I’m in the ballpark.

Wow just WOW! Cmon though, you hit a home run on this! :)

If you could, oh great trail blazer, please elaborate on the SAUCE. What's the consistency at room temp?

Compare the left over of dabbing the sauce and the white. I assume the latter has less gunk to clean up?

I would assume that dabbing a mixture of the sauce and the THCa crystals, if in roughly the same proportions of how it squeezed out, would be the same as just dabbing a regular squeeze.

In other words my assumption here is that you end up with two different products that have some different qualities if consumed separately. Are there enough positive differences to justify the effort of separating?
Just received 14 g's of Dark Star from my Buddy in NM.
Gonna Squish it. I have maybe two zips of buds from him that he picks up in CO. May squish most of that.
I am flipping my first Dark Star tonight.....looking forward to trying that one!
Wow just WOW! Cmon though, you hit a home run on this! :)

If you could, oh great trail blazer, please elaborate on the SAUCE. What's the consistency at room temp?

Compare the left over of dabbing the sauce and the white. I assume the latter has less gunk to clean up?

I would assume that dabbing a mixture of the sauce and the THCa crystals, if in roughly the same proportions of how it squeezed out, would be the same as just dabbing a regular squeeze.

In other words my assumption here is that you end up with two different products that have some different qualities if consumed separately. Are there enough positive differences to justify the effort of separating?

Tough questions for me. I’m no scientist. Mad as a hatter, yes, but no scientist. I’ll give it a semi-educated guess though. The white/crystals (Delta 9 THCacid). Is much more powerful than the “sauce.” The sauce is more of the consistency of rosin that has been heated and is a little more runny and gooey. This sauce still contains THC, and a whole host of other ingredients like waxes, lipids, plant fats, and terpenes. Just to name a few. The important part is that it still contains the natural flavors/terps of the plant(s) being processed.

So, if you combine them again (Delta 9 THCa and the Sauce) you get a powerful concoction that still has the flavor. THCa isolates (the white) contains upwards of 99% potency. You can’t get that from just squeezing bud. Basically, when you do this process to isolate the THCa you change the composition of the product through heat and pressure techniques.

Make sense?
Completely basic question here: since all rosin is THCa, what is special about the result of this process? And, if what is in the last press is pure THCa, what is in the first two presses since the mesh size was unchanged and only temps were adjusted?

Okay, two questions!

I think I hit your question too above.

Not sure if I’m explaining it correctly. It’s fucking magic! :cheesygrinsmiley:
THCA isolate is created by removing all impurities through a special refinement process, leaving a flawless THCA powder in its most pure and potent form. When heated, THCA isolate converts to THC and creates a powerful high with a potency of 95%-100%.

Left unheated, it can be ingested orally to experience medicinal benefits without psychoactive effects.
Today's squish is the yr old LSD from Barneys Farm. Been in freeze too long, fairly dry.
Four - seven gram pucks.
Did Three different heats, 180, 190, and 200.
180 = 1.2 g
190 = 1.32 & 1.26 g
200 = 1.32 g

5.1 total is ok, I will hit it, :)
20190605_124015 (2).jpg
20190605_132956 (2)_LI.jpg

Should really wait till I finish squishing before I start dabbing, Nah, more fun this way.
Tough questions for me. I’m no scientist. Mad as a hatter, yes, but no scientist. I’ll give it a semi-educated guess though. The white/crystals (Delta 9 THCacid). Is much more powerful than the “sauce.” The sauce is more of the consistency of rosin that has been heated and is a little more runny and gooey. This sauce still contains THC, and a whole host of other ingredients like waxes, lipids, plant fats, and terpenes. Just to name a few. The important part is that it still contains the natural flavors/terps of the plant(s) being processed.

So, if you combine them again (Delta 9 THCa and the Sauce) you get a powerful concoction that still has the flavor. THCa isolates (the white) contains upwards of 90% THC. You can’t get that from just squeezing bud. Basically, when you do this process to isolate the THCa you change the composition of the product through heat and pressure techniques.

Make sense?

Another big reason to separate the THCA is for making accurate meds that contain it. You can extract the THCA, then decarb the sauce, and add the THCA back in the quantity you want. This is what I intend to do for my morning 'no-high' meds.
Thanks for putting up with all my questions about the THCa isolate... I feel like Eddie from Courtship of Eddie's Father asking so many! lol

One of my goals is to find something to dab at low temps so not to irritate my lungs enough to cough and still get good THC dosing. If I cough for any reason with ANY method I will not do it. Please, no need to defend your method, I'm just telling you my own personal requirements and would never judge yours!

If the isolate is a less harsh dab compared to full squeeze at similar temps then perhaps that could be BINGO for me.
So just increasing heat is the "refinement process"? Because won't the same size screen will filter out the waxes, lipids, plant fats, etc. regardless of the number of times you press.

I'm good with "magic" though!

That’s it. All you’re doing essentially is increasing the temperature slightly to help squeeze out more sauce in hopes for more THCa. I should point out that you could stop after the second squish if you intend to use it for edibles IMO. What @Old Salt wrote is the most important part of this whole process IMHO.

Today's squish is the yr old LSD from Barneys Farm. Been in freeze too long, fairly dry.
Four - seven gram pucks.
Did Three different heats, 180, 190, and 200.
180 = 1.2 g
190 = 1.32 & 1.26 g
200 = 1.32 g

5.1 total is ok, I will hit it, :)
Should really wait till I finish squishing before I start dabbing, Nah, more fun this way.

Wow! Dude WTF are you doing with all this Rosin? You two can’t be smoking all that...hahaha!
That’s some very nice looking stuff bud. You appear to know what you’re doing. I’d certainly hit it.

Another big reason to separate the THCA is for making accurate meds that contain it. You can extract the THCA, then decarb the sauce, and add the THCA back in the quantity you want. This is what I intend to do for my morning 'no-high' meds.

* THIS!!! Damn! I totally missed it in my explanation. This right here is the real purpose for isolating Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid. Perfect dosing with near 100% Potency.

hey gramps do you make hash rosin

I can build a pussy with a hammer... :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks for putting up with all my questions about the THCa isolate... I feel like Eddie from Courtship of Eddie's Father asking so many! lol

One of my goals is to find something to dab at low temps so not to irritate my lungs enough to cough and still get good THC dosing. If I cough for any reason with ANY method I will not do it. Please, no need to defend your method, I'm just telling you my own personal requirements and would never judge yours!

If the isolate is a less harsh dab compared to full squeeze at similar temps then perhaps that could be BINGO for me.

It’s way less harsh. Especially since you only need to melt a few granular pieces. I’ve not tried that personally but I’m sure we can find something that would work for you. There are no stupid questions, but I reserve the right to be a smartass. :rofl: Just kidding. If I know the answer I’m happy to help.
<THCa isolate> It’s way less harsh.

B.I.N.G.O then!

I suppose I could decarb the sauce for edibles. OK I'm happy, YOU sir are VERY appreciated!

I'll have to figure out the THC content of the sauce compared to the isolate, if you peeps could keep an eye out for that, I'm sure someone somewhere has tested it.
<THCa isolate extraction process> So just increasing heat is the "refinement process"?

My take is that the heat is a mechanical, not a chemical, refinement. I'm assuming if you would mix the isolate and the sauce back together after separation you end up with what you started with.
Thanks for putting up with all my questions about the THCa isolate... I feel like Eddie from Courtship of Eddie's Father asking so many! lol

One of my goals is to find something to dab at low temps so not to irritate my lungs enough to cough and still get good THC dosing. If I cough for any reason with ANY method I will not do it. Please, no need to defend your method, I'm just telling you my own personal requirements and would never judge yours!

If the isolate is a less harsh dab compared to full squeeze at similar temps then perhaps that could be BINGO for me.

I'm in the same situation, wanting to keep my lungs in my chest where they belong. Capsules, and tinctures are my preferred methods of use.
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