Grand Daddy Purple S1 & Pre-1998 Bubba Kush S1

You know the other thing that seems to change in life,, is the calendar...... Keep that cylinder well oiled......
Here's the primary GDP mother again. What I thought was a male flower I can't find on it now..... :hmmmm:

I'll get some pics of the seedlings up soon; they look the same as the last pic. I'm gonna plant another GDP S1 seed I got out of one of the purple buds a while ago and a GDP seed I got for free but don't know who did it to replace the two seedlings I lost.
Sorry it's been a while, but I've got most of these GDP plants transplanted and under my MH now. I'd have to count again, but I think there's 14 plants to choose a father from, 4 GDP S1 clones from one mother, and 1 struggling clone from a second GDP S1 mother (the main 4 are on top and the other 1 is buried in the canopy):

I took 2 more clones from the second GDP S1 mother that look okay, so I think I'm set. I hope I get at least 6 males to choose from. :dude-knocking:
In a few days I'll be choosing the GDP male for this breeding project. I only got about four males (the mother was S1, so it doesn't surprise me). Here's the plant most likely to be the father:

The main stem has purple stripes, the leaf petioles are dark for no real reason, and the shape of the leaf blades reminds me of the GDP plant I kept for a few years. I think it might turn out purple.
The last round of GDP f3 x GDP S1 seeds were almost all female. I was lucky to even get a male. And it turned out that male wasn't even slightly purple, neither were the mothers I picked (another GDP f3 x GDP S1 and a GDP S1). I've got those seeds put to the side, but not getting any purple offspring (just like with my prior GDP more-haired, less-haired breeding project) made me want to go in another direction again, which is taking two GDP S1s I like and pollinating them to a backcrossed GDP S1 male offspring (pollen from that last GDP f3 x GDP S1 father put onto a GDP S1). This round of seeds were mostly male (I thought there were only going to be four), which helps a lot. I picked a better father and just now got them going under 12/12 :thumb: In the back is my GDP father, front left is a clone from a dark purple GDP S1 mother, and front right is another clone from a second pick for a GDP S1 mother (it looked a lot like the one I kept for a few years):

I've got a good feeling about this GDP father turning purple:

First GDP S1 mother:

Second GDP S1 mother:

Good thing I planted those two free Grand Daddy Purple fem seeds I got from my last order; I think I may only get two or three females from this mess..... :straightface:
Who's giving away GDP fems? Shit, an order from there would be worth it as expensive as those genes are. If you're looking to cheat, you can diminish P and S to promote reddening/purpling of petioles and stems, though I get the feeling you're in search of genuine purple genetics.
I purchased seeds from TSSC this past year, and they were one of the freebies I got. I know they're not original GDP seeds (I don't think that the real source does fem seeds), so I don't know what to expect. I never contacted the seedbank to see who the breeder was, either.

They do now offer fem seeds of most of their offerings. I have heard the new GDP seeds are not as good as the first few releases though.
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