Grand Daddy Purple S1 & Pre-1998 Bubba Kush S1

I might chop the seeded mothers tomorrow, but here's the four Grand Daddy Purple S1s I'm going to reveg. The first one is because it's dark purple (like the one I pollinated):

They all grew like this (very little side branching; same plant):

This one I forgot to take a pic of before I chopped it :cheesygrinsmiley: I'm keeping it because it looked a lot like the one I kept for a while and it has decent bulk:

Here's the first GDP S1 I pollinated:

Here's the second one:

Got me one seed (same plant):

By the way, that triple node GDP S1 mother turned dark purple as Hell! :thumb:
Some beautiful GDP bud

Mine are about 36 days old, sure hope I get a pheno like yers

I'll be pulling clones soon for making Fem seeds down the road
I hope some of these S1s start holding the purple color.
Most of these plants are my Chemdawg D BX3 grow, but you can see three of the four GDP S1 plants I'm revegging (green wire ties on both of the pollinated ones):

Growth is starting on all four, but it's gonna be a week or two before it's enough to clone; maybe longer. By then I'm going to take the buds on both pollinated GDP S1 plants apart to see if I got seeds. It's easy if I did. I'll just grow them and get me a male to use as a father. Then backcross to these clones and females from the GDP S1 and GDP S1 x GDP f3 mothers I just did (neither of them seemed to be purple, but they were dried up by the end so I couldn't see them well).
What I really want to do is grow seeds from that triple-node GDP S1 mother, which turned dark purple. I think I'd do better finding me a purple father like that. And pollinate all the backcross clones with that father.
I'm finding seeds in the GDP I've been smoking (the pollen must have drifted to the other plants when I dusted those two S1s), so I've been keeping the ones I find in the purple colored buds. I'll check the main cola tomorrow, because I think the GDP mother plant I wanted to use as a backcross is ready to take a clone from. Aiming for purple! :thumb:
I'm not sure how long it's going to be, but the next run of these is going to be a 24 plant grow. That dark purple GDP S1 from my last grow is going to be the backcross mother. There's going to be a second GDP S1 backcross mother, but that plant is taking a long time to reveg.
The GDP generations I've been breeding out have been losing the purple color and plant structure, so I'm going to put the seeds I just bred out with the GDP f3 x GDP S1 father and the three GDP mothers aside for my next grow after this. I already put the GDP seeds I bred out for 3 generations aside; I'll grow some of them in my next grow after this too.
I'm taking all of the seeds out of the purple GDP buds I'm smoking now and setting them aside. I'm going to plant 12 of those, and 12 of the GDP triple-node mother/triple-node father seeds I just did (that mother was really dark purple). I'll only be looking for a male to pollinate the two GDP S1 backcross mothers here (unless I see a really impressive female).
I also want to see with the triple node seeds if any of the offspring held that trait. :)
I'll try to get it going as quick as I can.
Pretty purples... Looks great over here Mister Chimp............
I'm trying to grow a Purple Dream which is a GDP cross. Still waiting for that bean to open, then I gotta figure out if it's a dude, but I'm looking forward to this strain. It'll be in my GG journal.
Hey Norcaliwood good to hear from you. I can't wait to get this next GDP run started.
I've got GG#4 seeds I was thinking of growing soon, but it'll probably be a few months. I like this Apollo 13 f2 plant I've been redoing a lot, so I think I'm going to run my last seeds of it first. And I'm trying to do a Chem D breeding project at the same time. Yeah, I'm pretty ambitious for a chimp. :)
Wow been a while here, but I'm close to having enough grow room to start the next round. I'll start germinating the seeds today. I've got clones taken from both purple S1 mothers I'm going to use and I've got enough seeds out of the purple buds I've smoked from accidental pollination (when I saw that both mothers I picked last time didn't turn purple, I decided to pollinate the plants I call mother rejects in another tent). Every purple bud I smoked that had seeds in it I collected the seeds from and I'll use those to get a father.
Here's a pic of a Grand Daddy Purple S1 I revegged (this isn't one of the mothers I revegged):

I'm working on getting my other camera fixed, so these pics aren't the best.
I love the blue light bud pics the best. It makes the frosty nugs look like hairy tarantulas.
I forgot about a third GDP S1 reveg I had in bloom. Here's a few pics of it:

I got clean up work to do before I can start the next round, but I hope to have it done by tomorrow. Sixteen seeds to try to get a good GDP male, and anywhere from 3-6 GDP S1 clones coming from two mothers (the plants from post 1341 at the top of this page; the 4th and 5th pic are of the second mother and the 6th and 7th pic are of the first mother).
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