Grand Daddy Purple S1 & Pre-1998 Bubba Kush S1

I'm going to pollinate this GDP S1 as a mother. The other S1 I picked doesn't look as good as this one and isn't showing signs of getting purple:

The GDP S1 x GDP f3 mother looks decent, but both mothers I picked are being grown under a CFL so they don't look as good as they should.
I'll be chopping that final Pre '98 Bubba Kush S1 soon, so I'll get those pics up.
Gorgeous plants and pictures.. your camera must be amazing.
Most of these S1s off the original plant are like that. I think I may go back to the first round of GDP seeds I bred out sometime this year. These 818 Headband x GDP plants I'm growing now have the same GDP father as those seeds, and I've liked all the offspring so far.
Both GDP mothers this round are dried up big time. I've watered the past week and it doesn't help. The seeds look mature so that's probably why. The mother rejects only have about 7-10 days to chop, so they're ready. I'll get to it soon, but the pics won't be pretty. I just want me a good father out of this mess. :thumb:
I looked at both GDP S1 plants I pollinated and the seed pods don't look mature, so I might be letting them go a little longer; they look slightly weak for a reveg right now, so I better not go too long. Here's the first:

Here's the second:

Those are my backcross plants to the father I just mentioned. I really didn't have a choice as far as the GDP S1 x GDP f3 mother this round; I looked and only saw one other one. Here it is and it's a runt:

The rest of these are GDP S1s. I've got two runts there too:

The closest looking S1 to the one I cloned so far. I'm going to reveg it just to grow:

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