Grand Daddy Purple S1 & Pre-1998 Bubba Kush S1

Our petrol, is $1.50 per litre, converted it's around $5 gallon
I need to become a tuna, one sold in Japan for $4mil other day..
:rofl::rofl: I know right... on the old mans side of family there's only been one university graduate and it wasn't any of his kids :rofl::rofl:
$80million Powerball jackpot on Thursday.. that's my only hope :rofl:
I'm going to pollinate this GDP S1 as a mother. The other S1 I picked doesn't look as good as this one and isn't showing signs of getting purple:

The GDP S1 x GDP f3 mother looks decent, but both mothers I picked are being grown under a CFL so they don't look as good as they should.
I'll be chopping that final Pre '98 Bubba Kush S1 soon, so I'll get those pics up.
Triple-node GDP experiment :)
The triple-node father is mostly to the end, but the triple-node mother has been in bloom for weeks now and barely has any hairs:

There's a few on it that are brown, but I don't think I'm going to get any viable seeds from this.
The GDP S1 x GDP f3 mother here seems to be the only one of the few I grew that looks normal, so I didn't have choices. It's starting to turn purple a little, so I might get lucky:

I still pollinated two more of the GDP S1 mother rejects, which look better than the GDP S1 mother in the background of this pic. I don't see any purple in the father yet but there's a lot of flowers.
I think it's mostly the weed with me, but it's life too! :D
This is the GDP S1 x GDP f3 mother. There's not a lot of purple to it, but it's the only female in those seeds to grow right:

I'm going to take a male from these seeds for a father. I took pollen from this father and pollinated two separate GDP S1 mother rejects. Here's the first one:

Here's the second:

Even if I get seeds, I'm revegging both of those to backcross to. And I'm going to reveg this GDP S1 mother reject because it's looks similar to the original plant:

Two more GDP S1 mother rejects:

The GDP S1 mother I picked to go in the area with the father looks like poop. There's not one bit of purple in it. :(
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