Grand Daddy Purple S1 & Pre-1998 Bubba Kush S1


Gonna do a cleanup of the grow area today now that I have the time, then I'll start germinating GDP seeds for the next round. The clones I took for mothers aren't taking yet, but I think they will. And I should have open room in my other tents for the mother rejects in 4-6 weeks (another thing I have to think about when I start grows).
Damn she's a beaut! I wish my GDP germed, but sadly a no show. Those are such beautiful genetics.
I've got a seed that was a freebie I was thinking of tossing in with this next grow, but I'm not sure whose GDP it is. I doubt they were giving away the original Ken's regular seeds.
Here's the second GDP S1 I have in bloom under this 400 watt HPS (the 3rd one is under my 600 watt HPS):

It's not showing any purple yet:

I'll take a few more clones from both GDP mother plants I have in veg soon (I've got three of the darker S1 and one of the lighter S1 now, but they still aren't growing). Then I'll get the seeds going, take another mother plant to keep of both, and put them into bloom.
This is a reveg of the primary GDP S1 mother I'm going to be using; it's just started in bloom:

The secondary GDP reveg mother is only about a foot tall and really skimpy. I'm gonna repot it tomorrow. I've got clones from both, but they're not growing yet. I think I'll start the seeds tomorrow anyway.
Everything I've tried to breed out here in the past lost the purple color. I'm going to keep going with those GDP seeds I bred out after this, but for now I'm going to do a backcross to those two colorful GDP S1s. The clones from both are starting to grow, and I started sixteen seeds last night. Fifteen of them are from purple buds that were accidentally pollinated when I attempted (and failed) to hand pollinate a few GDP S1 mother rejects. Those rejects are the reveg plants I'm using for mothers this time. And one is the single seed I got from that triple node GDP S1 mother (there were three, but the first one was white and I smashed the second one thinking it was a piece of weed it was so small). That seed I salvaged is small too, and unlikely to live.
I'll get some pics up soon. :thumb:
Hopefully backcrossing to colorful moms will help lock in the colorful trait. If you could find a colorful male you will have an even easier time keeping the color. I know it is hard to do in such small limited spaces, but if you could run all of your males once before choosing, I think you would have an easier time locking in traits in the long run. But that would also require you keeping male clones around too. From all I have read from breeders they like to let their males run full term at least once so that they can see what qualities they possess and can potentially pass on. I have seen it mentioned that some males will herm later in flower and if used will pass that trait on. Aside for looking for man ladies it would be sweet to see if any get purple for you as they flower longer too. But again with such limited room and such a high plant count I can see why it is not something you have done.
Here's a reveg from the primary mother I'll be using for a backcross, starting to turn purple:

This GDP S1 I revegged looks like the results of the first more-haired less-haired breeding project I did 3 generations of:

Here's a few buds from the colorful GDP S1 reveg again:

Your bud pics are second to none! IDK if your flash is dimmed or your grow lights are blue in color, but it really highlights your trics like WHOA!
Yeah, neither one came up. Bummer. How often do you get to breed two separate three node parent plants together? Hope I get more of them someday. But of the remaining 14 GDP seedlings, none of these are weird:

Here's a pic of the main GDP S1 mother again:

I know I jump the gun once in a while over things, but I thought I saw a male flower on my primary GDP S1 mother last night. That would make the second mother the first mother if it is (I'll check closer tonight). I've got two other GDP S1 rejects I kept, but I chopped this one yesterday before I noticed and can't reveg it:

The other GDP S1 reject I kept isn't showing any purple at all.
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