Grand Daddy Purple S1 & Pre-1998 Bubba Kush S1

Well, this one's been a long time coming. No room for new plants because of good growth, and had to shut myself down to 4 grow areas. But I started the next stage to this GDP project today. Not the start I wanted.
I pollinated both of those nice looking purple plants from my last grow (GDP S1 x GDP f3) and only got 4 seeds from each. One seed from the second plant looks white too.
I set myself up for 24 plants, so if I get all 8 of these to germinate the next 8 are going to be my S1s (those seeds I kept getting triple node and double headed plants from). I germinated a palm full of them (15-20?) because some of them don't open up. If I get more than 8 to germinate I'll figure something out.
I'll have 8 open spaces left then, so I think I'll do 4 of those less haired and 4 of the more haired phenotypes later. They seem stable to me, and alike. That way if I don't get a male from the 7 or 8 GDP S1 crosses, I'll be covered here.
I'll get the rest of these seeds germinating before the day's over. :thumb:
Sounds like you have a decent plan to move forward with. i wonder why you got so few seeds out of that last round of pollination.

Those two nice purple phenotypes (offspring of GDP S1s I pollinated with my second to last GDP breeding) weren't in the same area as the GDP male I pollinated them with. I took a small branch off that male and rubbed it on the tops of both. I guess there wasn't enough pollen on the male branch I took.
As far as the less and more haired phenotypes (the offspring of the GDPs I've been breeding together for a few years now), they were in with the male and have a decent amount of seeds. Those last plants just didn't have the GDP look to them. I also had a somewhat beaded GDP female phenotype in with them which has seeds. I may germinate a few of them too.
Those two nice purple phenotypes (offspring of GDP S1s I pollinated with my second to last GDP breeding) weren't in the same area as the GDP male I pollinated them with. I took a small branch off that male and rubbed it on the tops of both. I guess there wasn't enough pollen on the male branch I took.
As far as the less and more haired phenotypes (the offspring of the GDPs I've been breeding together for a few years now), they were in with the male and have a decent amount of seeds. Those last plants just didn't have the GDP look to them. I also had a somewhat beaded GDP female phenotype in with them which has seeds. I may germinate a few of them too.
Ok that makes more sense. For some reason I thought they were part of the main pollination, which is why I was confused. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
Two of the GDP S1 x f3s each opened so far and two of each are left. I used a small palm full of GDP S1 seeds because I've had trouble with them in the past, but ten of those have a tail so far. I might just go with what I have here (if there's enough seedlings at the end), and breed the more and less haired GDPs together separately.
I'll be putting all of these seedlings into soilless mix tomorrow, and then they'll be going under a 250 watt MH.
I decided to go with a 250 watt blue spectrum CFL for these so I can try to reveg a couple of plants. So far I have 14 GDP S1 seedlings plus 7 GDP S1 x f3 seedlings from two of those nice purple plants I grew the last time. They all have a healthy tail, so I expect them to be okay. I've got 4 or 5 more GDP S1 seeds and one or two look like they might open. That'll leave me 2 or 3 pots left to fill for a 24 plant grow. I think I'm going to plant a few seeds from that somewhat beaded GDP phenotype I also grew the last time.
I'll post pics as soon as something comes up. I expect at least a few weird plants; hopefully triple node ones. And I hope to get an exact twin of the GDP plant that I kept for years.
Most of them are up, and most of them are S1s. Man I hope one of the seven GDP S1 crosses look like those mothers from the last time:

This GDP S1 seedling's got a hairy stem:

Only three or four pots are vacant at this point, and I expect at least two maybe three to come up in a day or two. I'll plant GDP seeds I got as a freebie if none of them come up.
Grand Daddy Purple breeding project:

I got four open spaces so as soon as I get a chance I'll put other GDP seeds in. There's only one other seedling I see that has an off chromosome. This one is variegated and has a leaf like Ducksfoot:

The triploid GDP seedling in that last pic:

Pre '98 Bubba Kush S1:

Off to the rodeo I see.... Looks like a nice selection started..... GL
I need to take some clones from other stuff so I have room under my MH light for this GDP grow, but here they are at about 2-1/2 weeks from seed:

Whorled phyllotaxy is what they call this if I remember right, and it seems to be keeping that rotating 3 node growth:

There's a few runts in the bunch that have weird leaf growth, but nothing else. There's only 20 out of the original 24 that made it, but it's too late to add to this grow I think.
Woody tells me I can see some GDP up in here. I have one or two beans in reserve, but I fear low yields or long finishers. That aside, how's the smoke?
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