Grand Daddy Purple S1 & Pre-1998 Bubba Kush S1

My GDP girls, my seeds 1st run, are really starting to bud, very excited to see how they develop

It's a blast to see them develop from the choices you make, at least it is for me.
I'm going to take longer in the future to do each generation. I want to grow the mother plants to the end and take clones or reveg so I can see my mother plant choices at full maturity, then do a second grow of that same generation of seeds to get a father for pollination. The way I've been doing these breedings, it feels like I'm working in the blind. :(
It's a blast to see them develop from the choices you make, at least it is for me.
I'm going to take longer in the future to do each generation. I want to grow the mother plants to the end and take clones or reveg so I can see my mother plant choices at full maturity, then do a second grow of that same generation of seeds to get a father for pollination. The way I've been doing these breedings, it feels like I'm working in the blind. :(

I started growing, Kinda again, almost 1-1/2yrs ago.... Spent most of it strain Hunting. GDP popped up early on as a Go To Med for me

I have, lets see, 4 of my GDP Male created crossed strains running now.

It is a base of my grows and future grows for sure

Fun Fun Fun
This is one of the GDP S1 x GDP mother rejects I put in the 600 watt tent. It isn't growing right either;

I sometimes wonder if they grow like that because they're too close to the light or the main cola gets too hot from the light reflector.
Here's one of the three GDP S1 reveg plants from the last time I grew them. I put them all into the same 5 gallon pot:

It's pretty much ready for chop.
Here's those two GDP S1 x GDP plants I like the most, tops and lower nugs both pollinated with the GDP father I have now (this is my 3rd breeding of the original seeds I bought):

I might spend the next few years crossing my less-haired and more-haired GDP projects into those last two plants, then crossing the offspring of both with each other. :battingeyelashes:
The bad thing about growing these under a CFL is that I don't really get to see good full growth of the main flowers
GDP x GDP (less-haired mother; from my 3rd breeding):

GDP x GDP (more-haired mother; from my 3rd breeding):

A GDP S1 clone (from a plant that looked close to one that I kept for a few years but lost):

And a topped GDP x GDP S1 (I picked a mother GDP S1 to pollinate from my last grow without seeing what that mother looked like fully grown):

All of them plus the two nice GDP S1s in the other tent are pollinated, so at this point I'm going to let the father die off.
Things are moving along nicely Chimp! i really like the idea of growing out the next round of potential mothers until the end to see which one is truly what you want. It will be more time consuming, but you will be able to make better, more informed choices. I have also seen breeders mention running their males full term at least once to see what they can truly do. It would be hard dedicating an area to let males flower that long for sure, but you would get to see how well they stack, what sort of frost they put on, the aromas they put off and whether they will give you any intersex issues.
Here they are again I hope they both got pollinated:

This one's GDP S1 x GDP also, but it doesn't look right:

A GDP S1 reveg from the last grow of them I did. They always fade when I do them, even if I repot them with new soil:

There's 3 reveg plants in the pot with that plant in the last pic: I took them out today and put them in a closet for chop tomorrow (I'll take a pic or two). I chopped two clones today; one was from the freak with multiple heads. I looked at both and didn't see anything much different about either one; the double-headed trait didn't hold and it didn't bulk up any differently than the other. I just went ahead and did away with it. I've got to narrow all this down a bit I'm going in too many directions but I got good directions to go in now at least.
Here's a GDP clone that came from the last GDP S1 run I did. I picked it because the plant looked closest to the one I saved for a few years but lost. The clone went in late and was kind of spindly, but I didn't expect it to grow like the pic of Dr. Grinspoon the seedbanks use. There's trichs (don't know if they're glandular or not) on the stems and petioles:

I let the father dry up. Here's the upper branches:

GDP S1 x GDP plant I picked as a mother in the blind (doesn't look that great):

GDP x GDP (less-haired mother):

GDP x GDP (more-haired mother):

I'll take a father from the less haired line and pollinate one of the GDP S1 x GDP seeds from this (or its reveg if I didn't get seeds):

Then take a father from the more haired line and do the same with this other GDP x GDP S1:

I'll keep going after that one that looks like the one I lost too.
This deformed GDP S1 is getting $hit canned:

You can see how off the leaf coloring is in this pic of my Skunk #1 plant (the leaf is on the left lower side of the pic and it's yellowed):

Been awhile since I drove thru.. Good to see your still busy as hell around here cranking out some good looking buddage.... GL
I always hear tales of how hard it is from other people to get a real cut of the Granddaddy Purp. I was wondering...did you start from seeds from a breeder? Or clone from an acquaintance or something? Just curious. I've always liked GDP for a night time smoke. Any advice? Seems like you're definitely onto something with your inbreeding. I know they're still fresh but they do kinda look like what i've come to recognize as a good GDP. Hope you find what you're lookin for brother. Great work.
Do you recommend buying seeds from "Granddaddy Purp Seedbank?"
Fair enough. I only asked because i have seen these seeds for sale as of late but nothing under $200 for a 10 pack. Wich i guess ain't too bad. should be able to find at least one pretty decent mother out of a ten pack, then feminize some seeds, or also find a male and make some regs.
Thank you for allowing me to think out loud and kick some questions and ideas around in your journal. Much appreciated.

My experience - Phantom Cookies (all 3 seeds male), Bay 11 (1 plant; didn't think it was all that great), GDP (10 seeds, 4 males and 6 females, 3 or 4 female keepers and the beginning of this breeding project as well as a selfing), Purple Dream (free seeds, none of the plants stood out as a keeper), and Candyland (I'm going by memory which could be wrong, but I think I bought 3 seeds and got 2 males; I've been regenerating the plant I grew, but this time might be the last because even though it's pretty damn pot good it's not great pot).
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