Grand Daddy Purple S1 & Pre-1998 Bubba Kush S1

Ahhhh even this stupid Mother Fer can see the difference between them GDP's... GL
I'm going to look again tonight. I got a lot going on here, but I think that the plants in the pics before weren't all clones; the normal leafed ones might be reveg plants. For some reason, the clones are the weird ones. I'm going to put exactly what each one is. This plant is a clone and it's from the second-to-last GDP S1 grow I did. It's the plant that grew the double-head main cola (the freak). It was taken at the same time the clone in the pic above was taken:

These two plants are a cross between a GDP S1 mother and a GDP x GDP father from my 3rd breeding:

These are two GDP x GDP sister plants from my 3rd breeding:

A GDP S1 reveg from the very last grow I did:

My Pre '98 Bubba Kush S1 clone (I just repotted it):

Tomorrow will be 3 weeks under 12/12 for this GDP generation. I guess I shouldn't complain too much here; all the mother rejects look pretty frosty.
Three GDP S1 x GDP (less-haired) mother rejects:

Three GDP (less-haired) x GDP (less-haired) mother rejects:

I don't like that last plant, by the way (too leafy).
Of everything I've been doing here, this GDP S1 plant is the very closest to what I'm after. It looks the closest to the original plant I cloned. It didn't grow well (none of its cuttings did either), and bent over out of direct light in the pot it was in, which had 2 other reveg plants in with it, which was why I didn't notice it much until now:

I have a clone of this GDP S1 in with the father for a backcross, and another clone of it in my veg tent. I think I'll get what I was after now; I'm not so worried. I actually kept this GDP S1 reveg because I was worried I would lose the purple color as I kept going. It was dark green and I saw the potential for a darker purple from it. I've got a clone of it in veg too:

Here's the top; it didn't grow well as a reveg either:

And this is the seventh GDP x GDP (less-haired) mother reject. I don't like it; the buds are small even under a 600 watt HPS and it's too tall and lanky:

It's growing weird too; a lot of this stuff is. I'll try to get pics up tomorrow night of the parents but this chimp needs to crash.....
My third breeding of the GDP regular seeds I bought, this is from the mother I picked at the beginning with less hairs on the buds:

This is from the mother I picked at the beginning with more hairs on the buds:

This is a cross from the last breeding of this mess I did with one of my GDP S1s (I picked that S1 in the blind):

This is a clone from that first plant in my last post (post #1,049);I hope it pollinates because it's pretty young:

Here's two flower clusters from the father, a male from the less-haired GDP x GDP inbreeding I'm doing here:

Good to see your still here brother :rolleyes:I was just taking pics of my flowers and thinking an feeling proud of te amount of frost on er ;)Then I came here and seen the beauties you are growing wonderful work chimpstar :green_heart:
Have you smoked any of the various phenos you have yet

I'm kinda testing some GDP seeds I made as well, kinda curious about yers
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