Grand Daddy Purple S1 & Pre-1998 Bubba Kush S1

I tried to explain to her....nothing happens other than how you choose to respond. You bank account isn't affected. Your health isn't affected. Your job isn't affected by someone saying something you don't like. Your kids health isn't affected. The only thing affected is how you chose to feel about that comment.

She tried to ask me "well what if someone said something about your son". My response to her was "I don't give a shit. If its someone who is meaningless in my life, I could care less what they said or thought about anyone or anything. Why would I give another person the power to influence how I feel if I don't give a rats ass about them" Offense is a choice, plain and simple. You chose to react in the manner the person is wanting you to react and feel. What ever happened to that saying my parents would quote to me all the time as a kid...."Sticks and stones".

We have choices in our life and I choose to be happy and ignore negative shit. I am far happier and better off for that choice.
Go to "420 Forums" and when you see the list pop up, go down to "your threads" and it will bring you to all the threads you started. If you go down to "watched threads" that will take you to your subscribed threads.
Some tips for ya

Use chrome, go to the website, then forums

Here are a couple PHONE Pics to help ya navigate a bit and the PC info at the Bottom

1st pic, the 3 bars at Top, Teddy referred to them as HAMBURGER
Click it

Menu Bar slides over for the Forums and stuffs
YOUR THREADS is ones YOU started
WATCHED THREADS is your old list of subscribed threads

If you scroll down to the Bottom you have MEDIA
YOUR MEDIA is where yo go to UPLOAD pics
Click the add media, then MEMBER GALLERIES, then upload pics. It will default to your galleries

On a PC

Top row, 2nd from the Left
420 FORUMS... hover over it
WATCHED THREADS are your old subbed threads

For Pics
Far right is GALLERY
Hover over it click YOUR MEDIA
Right side black box ADD MEDIA
then click MEMBERS GALLERY at the top of the popup screen
Add yer pics

Hope this helps some my friend
It'll take a minute to get use to it. I use watched threads for my subscriptions GL there Mister Chimp
Keepem Green
We have choices in our life and I choose to be happy and ignore negative shit. I am far happier and better off for that choice.

True that ^^^^ .... had to tell my wife something similar when she started loading up her jacket pockets with raw potatoes when taking the dog for a walk.

I'm like; WTF are you gonna do with those potatoes?

Next car that doesn't stop at a stop sign and tried to run me over... blah blah blah... I said; "Think about it.. people drive around with hand guns, don't let assholes into your life, you'll be a lot happier."

She'd hit the car then kick some ass after... talked her down from the potato.

My ex was a bleeding heart liberal feminist.. and a royal pain in the ass. We get a long soooo much better now (now that she lives 200 miles away from me).

Everything was a battle with my ex.

My wife and I ... I have a hard time remembering even having an argument.

Re-subbing up for the flower pics... you'll have em soon enough PC! G/L
The hangups are mostly from old pics, which haven't been getting resized properly. It's still a little hit and miss. On my end, it's been fine.
Welcome back! :passitleft:

My screen does a kind of a double take when I do anything I jump away a little just in case; it's kind of funny. I downloaded another browser but haven't tried it yet. The screens aren't the same with this one. Maybe if I try to find my profile page I can pull up the old Pong game from the 70's and try to top my old high score from back then.
Damn it's Asteroids; I was never any good at that $hit.
I've got 27 of these GDP seedlings that came up; I must have miscounted how many I germinated at the beginning (I'll make notes on how many of each one later), so I planted 2 Flying Dutchman Skunk #1 fem seeds and 1 Sensi Seeds Northern Lights fem seed to make it an even 30 seedlings. Not a one of them has anything weird that I notice; no polyploids or triple node plants.
Most of the GDP S1 clones I took from a prior grow are going, and I'll be chopping all 8 of the GDP S1s I grew this time in a few days. The oddball plants didn't do anything but grow stunted; the yields on them are going to be pathetic.
All of this seems to be losing the frost as it goes along.
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