Grand Daddy Purple S1 & Pre-1998 Bubba Kush S1

Note - Started today, ten regular GDP f3 seeds (less-haired x less-haired), seven regular GDP f3 seeds (more-haired x less-haired), three GDP S1 x GDP f3 seeds (whorled), and six GDP S1 x GDP f3 seeds, for a total of 26 seeds.
I'm going to note also that even though I'm designating these as f3, what it really means is that those are the results of my 3rd breeding of the original seeds (which were probably f1 already, and that in itself would make my number wrong). They're not filial generations unless they're breedings of true parents (stable) from what I've read. But pretty much everything I do here is aimed at that; making true parents.
I'm also curious as to whether or not all the S1s are going to have a dominant female chromosome or not. And whether or not any of the whorled offspring are whorled also.

P.S.: Hey Rocky! Wanna see me pull a rabbit outta my hat? See? Nothin' up my sleeve! PRESTO!!!!! ;)
If one turns out to be a male I can cross it with its polyploid sister (this is a pic of the one plant I revegged):

Children television is horrible. I can't remember what I was watching with my niece over xmas break, I think it was either Nick or Nick for teens but anyways not at all appropriate in my mind for an 11 year old. HELL NO. That shit got turned
I remember as a kid looking forward to Saturday morning for the good cartoons. Like Hong Kong phooey, Spiderman. The cartoons nowdays are just strange. But Rick and Morty are kinda funny if you're baked. Lol
I havent watched rick and morty. I do like adult cartoons especially crude ones. Kids cartoons are pretty bad though!

Children television is horrible. I can't remember what I was watching with my niece over xmas break, I think it was either Nick or Nick for teens but anyways not at all appropriate in my mind for an 11 year old. HELL NO. That shit got turned
Yeah the newer nick shows and the ones on disney channel are pretty awful. IDK what tv producers and writers are thinking now a days!
I love Archer. So politically incorrect. I am just an anti-PC person I guess. I find humor in crude situations LOL. Plus I find that the more "society" pushes for something to a no-no, I have an urge to embrace it if its not PC. I think we have a major sensitivity issue in society in general. I know there will be someone offended by me typing this, but I don't care.
Exactly. I had a discussion with my daughter in law. She is a bleeding heart liberal who gets offended over everything. I asked her "What actually happens when you get 'offended'?" Tried to explain to her that she had a choice on how she chooses to react to something she doesn't like. That absolutely nothing happens by choosing to become offended or choosing to ignore it. She is one of these modern 'feminists' that somehow can find offense in a male opening a door for her. "what, he doesn't think I can open the door on my own?"

Fuck sit outside until it closes and then open it for yourself but shut up about bitching about it.
Exactly. I had a discussion with my daughter in law. She is a bleeding heart liberal who gets offended over everything. I asked her "What actually happens when you get 'offended'?" Tried to explain to her that she had a choice on how she chooses to react to something she doesn't like. That absolutely nothing happens by choosing to become offended or choosing to ignore it. She is one of these modern 'feminists' that somehow can find offense in a male opening a door for her. "what, he doesn't think I can open the door on my own?"

Fuck sit outside until it closes and then open it for yourself but shut up about bitching about it.
Oh she sounds terrible! :laughtwo: I am not sure what getting offended by everything accomplishes other than making yourself miserable. All these social justice warriors drive me nuts. Whatever happened to minding ones own business and going on with your life?
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