Grand Daddy Purple S1 & Pre-1998 Bubba Kush S1

Makes ya wonder what the culled sprouts Ken used to start GDP looked like. Your seeing alot of weird recessive traits for the same plant. Makes ya wonder what GDP's sisters and brothers looked like. And a popolyd thrown in the mix..Your not breeding anything cept with GDPxGDP ? There's a cool little read called Breeders Bible by Greg Green that is pretty cool. You might see some of it on the net? Cool starter book. Yet still gets involved. GL Kepem Green
Interesting project bro! If I ever get my shit together with my grow room I'd like to try breeding .
It's pretty cool doing it inside; you can do a lot more generations in a shorter amount of time.

Makes ya wonder what the culled sprouts Ken used to start GDP looked like. Your seeing alot of weird recessive traits for the same plant. Makes ya wonder what GDP's sisters and brothers looked like. And a popolyd thrown in the mix..Your not breeding anything cept with GDPxGDP ? There's a cool little read called Breeders Bible by Greg Green that is pretty cool. You might see some of it on the net? Cool starter book. Yet still gets involved. GL Kepem Green
I've got both of his books :thumb:
I've gotten more than one polyploid plant from selfing that particular GDP plant; and quite a few triple-node plants too. I've only noticed one triple-node plant in the normal breedings I've done here, which were all GDP x GDP (from those ten regular seeds I first bought).
I pollinated a single 818 Headband clone with that same GDP father I started this all with, and some of the offspring from that look promising. I might grow a few of those seeds again soon.
A few more GDP S1 pics:


This GDP S1 is turning color a little (got a hair on it too):


If I were to take a clone from this GDP S1 oddball and regenerate this plant, I think it would look like the plant I selfed because there aren't as many hairs on it:


Nice and frosty too.
To do a recap on what's happening with one part of this project - I tried to self one of these GDP S1s the last time I grew them because it had triple-nodes. The CS didn't work; no male flowers formed. As a last ditch effort, I put it in with this GDP breeding project I had going on. When I went through the weed before I threw it out I found 3 seeds, one which doesn't look good. I'm going to germinate them all when I get round 4 started here, which I've been putting off because I don't have room (without starting up the 2 grow units I have that get really cold this time of year). I will get it going in a few days, though.
Here are all eight of the GDP S1s I'm growing this time, first the four that have a healthy chromosome:


The four weird GDP S1s (that last one keeps looking better as it goes along):

Hey PC, love the work you are doing on this brother! Is this all you have going on in your garden or do you grow other strains as well. Just curious as I think I have only seen GDP plants in your garden.

I remember the triple node you spoke of and was hoping you would have had better luck with that reversal, but hope the few beans you got from it will give you what you want. Looking good brother!
Oh yeah I got a bunch of other stuff goin' on :)
I just got done with my 3rd breeding of Chem D v1.1 (Reservoir Seeds), I keep 4 or 5 plants regenerating, plus I do new stuff all the time (I run 6 separate grow areas including a locker, but 2 of them are shut down due to cold temps right now).

Gotcha, I figured you had to be working on a few other strains elsewhere. Do you run journals on any of them?
If you click on to the link beneath PotChimp's Odds and Ends below, you'll be where I keep track of my other stuff.
Before they get forgotten about, here's both of my Pre '98 Bubba Kush S1s (right and left top; there's a Sensi Seeds Super Skunk reveg in the middle, a Skunk #1 plant bottom left, a Hippie Killer reveg bottom center, and an Apollo 13 f2 clone bottom right):

I've never liked the weed from any plant I've grown that looks like this (GDP S1):


But here's that one oddball GDP S1 I'm going to reveg because of the trichome coverage:


I think I may have a way to start my next GDP breeding grow sooner, but I need to get a 4" flex duct to run in order to do it.
I can't wait to see what a clone of it looks like :)
Of the five GDP S1s from my last grow I'm trying to regenerate (most colorful, frostiest, fewest hairs, closest looking to the plant I selfed, and a polyploid), I managed to get two clones to live, the one with the fewest hairs and the polyploid:


You can see the reveg plants in the background of the pics. I can go ahead and cull the two reveg plants that have clones; both of them are too clustered to grow out. That polyploid clone is branching like crazy, which doesn't surprise me since the mother had two heads and started growing three before I harvested it (Norcaliwood called it the freak). I just now took clones again from the most colorful plant and closest to the plant I selfed since the first ones didn't take. The frostiest one has such short branches that I have to wait to clone it (I just might repot the whole plant).
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