Grand Daddy Purple S1 & Pre-1998 Bubba Kush S1

These are the other seven GDP S1 plants I have. When I saw that none of them were whorled I put the project on the back burner, but I fed them the other day and repotted them. They should start perking up again soon:


About a month from now (or less) I'll start the next generation of breeding on all of this.
I got me a cutting from that GDP S1 reveg closest to the one I kept cloning for a long time:


These are the other GDP S1 reveg plants that I want to get a clone from. Whether or not I clean the up, repot them, and put them back into flower later depends on how they look as soon as the clones take:


Here's my two Pre '98 Bubba Kush S1 seedlings:


As soon as I get clones from all five GDP S1s if I have the room I'll start the seeds for my GDP f4 grow.
Hey, my friend............. Acouple little things you 'might' want to look into.... This guy Billy Budd'''' he's been playing with that toxic ass shit I was talking about to produce a man-made trifoliate... Here's a fast read he has called something bout the Pink Kush?????????

During my research of polyploid cannabis. I have come up with what I believe to be the initial source of this super weed. It was said, but not confirmed, that UBC Professor David Suzuki, doing genetic research (1977), created a polyploid plant (tetraploid) by treating it with colchicine based upon the work of Menzel/Brown and Warmke. This plant was originally a hybrid of Thai (sativa) x Purple Afghani (indica) and was then treated with Colchicine (Autumn Locus bulb). There are certainly other clones that were created by other breeders, especially in Hawaii, but the initial commercial tetraploid was developed in B.C. by the Canadian Government and UBC for Cancer patients. I would estimate that the THC content of polyploids to be well over 30% and maybe up to 40% if grown correctly. Fully grown mother tetraploid plants have been known to sell for $10,000. Clones have been known to sell for $1,000 in the past compared to the standard $5-7 range for diploid clones. Tetraploids are extremely difficult to clone (10-20%) unless special care is taken. The end product is far superior to anything commercially available and even compared to excellent connoisseur diploid product due to the doubling of THC. See my Secrets of the Pink Kush book for updated information on this and more topics.

The resulting F1 hybrid seeds were then grown out and used for cancer patients at UBC. Allegedly somebody stole one of the clones that the Canadian Government and David Suzuki, supposedly, had created. It became famous and was then re-created by treating other plants and sold out east as Diesel and as OG Kush on the west coast and as ChemDawg in Colorado. These were all colchicine treated plants based upon their work and the popularity of UBC Chemo. Please note that, according to Sam the Skunkman AKA David Watson, David Suzuki denies that he created this plant. Please note that David Suzuki has always been a government employee and as such his veracity cannot be completely trusted in this world of ours. He would deny it simply because he would lose his job. I do not face that fear.

I know this chemical is some nasty shit.... Hell they made 500-pound punkins?? And 100-pound tomatoes????????????? How says they can grow 30+ % thc crops?????? I know I don't live in Canada.... Or I'd try one.......... But I do know the BEST WEED we ever smoked was a freak......... And having three chromosomes,,,, makes harder to clone???????????? Iffin that makes sense.......... Cool reading...

Keepem Green
Interesting stuff :thumb:
I contacted a lab in California a few years ago about colchicine (I told them I was trying to redo the old marigold experiments; even described the homemade clean room I was going to make, and the protective measures I was going to use), but was told they weren't allowed to sell it to the public. I understand why too. You're not even supposed to smoke the weed grown from one of the seeds of a treated plant it's so dangerous of a substance.
I've got some rearranging to do, but when it's done, all seven of these GDP S1s (mostly around the outer border) will have more room:


They're a little wilted from needing water, but they're doing okay.
Soon I'll be starting my GDP f3 grow to get my f4 seeds; maybe in a week or so. Looking forward to it too. :)
Well, it's gonna be a little later on the start for my GDP f4 seed grow. I bought me a 250 watt Eye-hortilux MH bulb about a month ago and it's doing so good I don't have the room to start any seeds until I clear my bloom tents some. I wanted to put the new seedlings in the middle of my grow tent but those GDP S1s above got bushier and there's no room:


They're wilting every other day from being too big for the pots, so I need to transplant them. I'll think of something.
Here's one of the Pre '98 Bubba Kush S1 plants (the other one is behind it and looks the same but smaller):


If I take those clones out and run them under my t5 setup it'll help, but not much.
Just a drive-by.. Hope Holiday went well.. I was lookin at U-Tube and seen this and made me think about that freak you had.. Intresting vid,,,

Keepem Green
Some of them mutants became our biggest names in cannabis............ And he did say RARE,,, which is true. I've seen 4-5 on here that were poly,,,, whatever.... Never claimed to be able to spell shit but... Yea, that's why I was saying try to save that... Was the smoke any good?????? Better than others??? But even if the SAME quality,,, were the buds bigger than others??? Like denser?

But you've had 2 huh??? I've had acouple doubles before,,, but never a poliyyliod???? What ever??? I think the first Chem Dog were popyloid? I don't know for sure... I've never had polyploid cannabis.

Intreting place to look called Billie Budds up in Canada... Claims to be doing alot of work with them and put them in seed form... With some crazy claims to the quailty... Man I'f I had shit over the 30% that could hurt someone... IF they could get the joint lite......

Keepem Green
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