Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello again growers.

I have more bad news to report and I'm beginning to feel like a broken record. :straightface:

My Arc Clone (the one that hasn't been mentioned much lately) has been through hell.

When I discovered the mites a short while ago, I jumped in with my weapons. At the point when it seemed I had the mites greatly diminished and somewhat contained, along came powdery mildew to take its turn ravaging the poor girl. So now I battling that with citric acid while also continuing to spray for the mites.

The poor plant looks like crap. Her once promising little buds seem to have frozen in place. They're either no longer developing or are developing extremely slowly. Ugly leaves abound and a few of the branches have even turned from green to brown. In summary, she is a sick puppy.

ARC clone 2-20-22.jpg

When I first started growing I had real problems with getting rid of any plant that was still trying to live.

Not so much now.

I'll sleep on it, but I think this might be the last pic you see of the Arc Clone. Her next stop will likely be the salve bin. It's the brown branches that are persuading me to give it up. They lead me to believe that a large section of this plant is either dead or dying.

Thanks for looking in.

Buds look good from here!
Thanks. They'll make for some good pain balm. It seems the more THC I can use, the better the balm performs!
Do you decarb the balm? I didn't and didn't find it to help.
Yes. I've only made it twice and decarbed both times.

The first time I just used leaves and junk leftover from plants. It was okay. My wife has a bum knee and she said he helped with the pain a little.

The second time I used buds that I just didn't care for (nice potency but not a good taste) and my wife said that one actually helped a lot! :Rasta:
Yes. I've only made it twice and decarbed both times.

The first time I just used leaves and junk leftover from plants. It was okay. My wife has a bum knee and she said he helped with the pain a little.

The second time I used buds that I just didn't care for (nice potency but not a good taste) and my wife said that one actually helped a lot! :Rasta:
Doh! I should have decarbed it! I've been taking the oil I made orally instead of topically since I thought it didn't float my boat. I decarbed it and it's a good one! Bet it's a good pain oil now too. I'll let you know!
Bury another bean in the clones honor?

It's like you were reading my mind, NTH! I was thinking of sneaking in another auto plant in the 2x2 tent, because I'm a sucker for frustration! :straightface:

But I've got a better idea now. I can use the 2x2 to start the babies for my next grow, The Bubblegum Machine Grow! I'm very excited about growing the Bgums and this will give me a good head start. The 5x5 where I will grow them will be cleared out long before the new seedlings get too large for the 2x2. (Soon there will be only a single auto remaining in the 5x5 Auto Show Grow, and it should be done within 3 weeks or so.)

I've stumbled and bumbled my way to a new "plan!" :laughtwo:

And speaking of the Auto Show Grow on Day 100, The little Alaskan Purple will be coming down either this evening or tomorrow.
Alaskan Purple 2-21-22 Day 100.JPG

And that will leave the weird Purple in the tent all alone and feeling blue (or any color other than purple). :straightface:
weird Purple 2-21-22 Day 100.JPG

As the used car salesman said, "When one door closes another one opens. Other than that there's nothing wrong with this car."

Thanks for looking in.

Hello growers.

I got to the Alaskan Purple today on Day 101 of the Auto Grow.

Of course, she was an easy takedown, just another reason to puff on something and listen to some music!

She was really sticky. And after messing with her for a while I realized that she was the plant most responsible for the dank smell in the basement! She had some fat, squat buds on her:
Alaskan Purple End 2-21-22 Day 101.JPG

And weighed more than the previous Black Cream & Smoothies combined! Beat them by 11 grams. :laughtwo:
APurp End 2-21-22 Day 101 238g.JPG

I've broken her down to bud-size and put her in a paper bag. I'll let her sit in there for at least 24 hours and then she gets jarred and into the fridge for slow drying.

I'm sensing the smell of Bubblegum in the near future! :ganjamon:

Thanks for looking in.

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