Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello growers.

This is an update on the last remaining plant in the Auto Show on Day 105.

The weird Purple had a surprise for me this evening. She had snapped a branch!

This one:
Alaskan Purple 2-25-22 Day 105.jpg

She snapped here but did not completely separate:
AP snap spot Day 105.jpg

In my current state of mind (foggy) I thought it best not to try a serious mend. As a temporary measure I just propped her back up with a stick.
AP temp fix 2-25-22.jpg
Then I fed her a little plain water and cut off a little bud to scope.

Turns out the "temporary fix" might be all that is needed.
Alaskan Purple trich 2-25-22 day 105.jpg

AP trich 2-25-22 Day 105.jpg

A Purple trich 1-25-22 Day 105.jpg

Her days are numbered and I could not be happier!

Thanks for looking in.

Looks like temporary should do the trick...that girl is ready anytime! (imo)
Must be a heavy bud on there, unless someone sat on it or something..... ;)
Must be a heavy bud on there, unless someone sat on it or something..... ;)
See below.
Might be able to use that as a harvest timing trigger in the future! Unless it was sat on of course...
See below.
And exactly where were you sitting when you noticed the broken Limb?
See below.
Sorry GDB that there picking on ya
They're a good-natured bunch of cut-ups, Hippie! I just chuckle along.

Plus, the fact is I haven't sat on a plant in over a year! :laugh:
She's a very squat plant GDB, her trichomes are looking tasty!
Thanks, Stunger. I'll see how tasty as soon as I can!
You mean, she snapped her heaving branch as she stacked herself with shimmering bud!?
Ha! Into plant porn are you? :laughtwo:
Going to be some weight on that tree !
Whatever I get will make for a pleasant outcome. I really thought this one was a goner when she first started with her "weirdness." :Rasta:
See below.

See below.

See below.

There a good-natured bunch of cut-ups, Hippie! I just chuckle along.

Plus, the fact is I haven't sat on a plant in over a year! :laugh:

Thanks, Stunger. I'll see how tasty as soon as I can!

Ha! Into plant porn are you? :laughtwo:

Whatever I get will make for a pleasant outcome. I really thought this one was a goner when she first started with her "weirdness." :Rasta:
What's that :rofl: ?
Hello growers.

It's the last day for the Auto Show on Day 109.

The weird Purple is done and will be taken to the chop shop!

She is amber-laden:
wPurp 3-1-22 Day 109.jpg

weird Purple 3-1-22 Day 109.jpg

w Purple 3-1-22 Day 109.jpg

I'll post a full plant (obit) pic before I take her down.

There will be one more post on this thread to display the take down and that will be it for this thread.

Thanks for looking in.

Hello growers.

The deed is done. The weird Purple went peacefully this morning, with only some jazz music in the background.

She was smelly and sticky, always good signs. No sign of rot, an even better sign. And no sign of bugs, the best sign!

Here is her obit pic:
weird Purple END 3-2-22 Day 110.JPG

A few bud pics:
w Purple END bud II.JPG

W Purple END bud.JPG

A chopped pic:
W Purple END chopped.jpg

And a scale pic:
weird Purple END on scale.jpg

I should get at least 3+ ounces dry from this one, far exceeding the weight of the seed used to grow her! :Rasta:

My 2x2 tent is idle now since I tossed the ARC clone, so I think I'll use it to hang-dry this plant. The fridge currently has so many jars in it that it's in my best interest not to add any more!

I took a few testers from her and they're on a radiator, in foil, drying out. I'll let you know what she hits like in a few days.

Thanks for hanging in there with me for 110 days. That length was not anticipated when I started this grow, but with autos you just never know.

I'm with them! ^^^

Ha! I'm with you Dust.

Everyone is saying another week to 10 days, so I'm going to let the go 11 more days! :laughtwo: I late. I'd say maybe 6.5 days. Which was like 12.5 days ago I think. Not stoned and can't do proper math while sober.

Congrats on your harvest amigo! Fruitful blessings indeed.

I'm going to be setting up a dry space for the future. No more fridge drying if I can help it. I want to do whole plant or branch hang dried.
Congrats on the rot and bug-free harvest, GDB!
Great haul from a not-so-big plant!
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