Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

You may find the urge to wear different color socks or pink underwear.
I thought I had found all the surveillance cameras you hid at my shop. :straightface:
Thanks for the feedback, folks!

In my (recently formed) opinion @N420 & @HashGirl are two of the best judges on 420 in regards to when to take a plant down, so I will follow their sage advice! :Rasta:

And since the voyeur has put my business in the street, please know that I have these custom-fitted.
Hello growers.

I had planned to return this evening with an upbeat story about my pleasant day on my sunny backroom, spent taking down the 2 Smoothies from the Auto Show (day 98).

Alas, it is not to be.

My pleasant afternoon turned to doo-doo; my victory dance into a walk of shame; my sunny backroom into a spotlight on my failure.

Here you can see, I didn't have a huge task ahead of me to take down these plants:

Smoothie (little Smoothie)
Smootie Obit 2-18-22 D98.jpg

Smoothie I (big, little Smoothie)
Smoothie I Obit 2-18-22 D98.jpg

But things went South quickly once I got into the smaller plant:
Smoothie Bud Rot 2-18-22.jpg

Blood clot, bud rot!

And lots more to be found:
Smoothie bulk bud rot 2-18-22.jpg

She was a tiny plant to begin with, and now most of her is not smokable.

I thought the same thing might await in the larger Smoothie, but it was worse!
Smoothie I bud rot 2-18-22.jpg

That pic is just one of her buds, totally decimated except for the top 2 inches or so, which I had cut off already.

I won't go on with how this ended. I'll do that update tomorrow after the spit on my licked wounds has sufficiently dried. :laughtwo:

I'll show how much I was able to salvage. I probably could have kept more of her, but near the end I think I was seeing bud rot where none existed and tossing good buds into the rot heap. Funny how the mind works!

I will say that in hindsight (always 20/20) I should have seen the possibility of this and tried to do something. The way these plants grew, with fat buds all crammed together was a recipe for things to go south. A fan dedicated to just blowing air in their direction may have helped (or may not have). But I did nothing. :straightface:

Please, no sad face emojis.

I'm not sad. I moving on just like everyone else does when something goes wrong! :Rasta:

Thanks for looking in.

Are botrytis and bud rot one in the same or different afflictions?

I'm looking for an upside as to what I can do with the rotted(?) weed. I've read something that said if I bake it a 300 degrees for 15 minutes I can use it for topical balms. But that article was talking about weed with botrytis.
That’s to bad Gdb.
I’ve had bud rot a few different times as well as powdery milldew. What I’ve learned is the importance of keeping your humidity at a consistent level day and night, the big swings in humidity especially right after lights out can cause the biggest issues.

Are botrytis and bud rot one in the same
Yes it’s the same thing.
It totally sucks.…and yet you gave him a sad face emoji. :laughtwo:
Yeah, but he meant well. (And he may have some footage of me that I'm unaware of. I'm reviewing my security tapes now.)
Oof! Sorry to see all that rot in there. I guess it comes with fat buds in tight places, and I don't think that a fan would have been the difference personally. If you'd known they were going to grow like that you could have laid them flat to keep them from touching. Next time!
Sorry, man.
Wait what? Twice Four times in one day? I'm flabbergasted and just spilled my popcorn! Luckily GDB is not a neat freak (that I know of...still cleaning it up though). :sweep:
Are botrytis and bud rot one in the same or different afflictions?
I'm looking for an upside as to what I can do with the rotted(?) weed. I've read something that said if I bake it a 300 degrees for 15 minutes I can use it for topical balms. But that article was talking about weed with botrytis.
What N (that's N420) said. One and the same. In terms of topicals, I'd say yes, though you would have to decarb anyway, so add the 300º on the end of the 240º decarb. And make sure you label the bottle for external use only. No orifices please!
The problem of being a class clown is nobody ever takes you serious.

I thought he was joking. ;)
That's okay MrS. All is good, my main man. (And BTW, I'm not ashamed of the lavender spandex pants I wore to the shop 3 weeks ago.)
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