Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello grow bunch.

The Auto Show on day 95 continues her meandering ways and I continue to twiddle. :)

Smoothie I
Both this one and her cousin, the Smoothie, have some of the hardest, fattest buds to ever come out of one of my tents. There is absolutely no give in those buds. I couldn't give them a good squeeze if I tried!
Smoothie I 2-15-22 D95.jpg

Alaskan Purple
Her buds are getting so heavy her branches are beginning to sag outward. I can just let them go because they don't have far to sag! :Rasta:
Alaskan Purple 2-15-22 D95.jpg

weird Purple
She's still drinking like crazy and getting firmer by the day. She shows no sign of letting up anytime soon. (That is , except for the yellowing leaves.) I think my longest-running auto ever went about 110 days or so. This one is going to bust that record.
weird Purple 2-15-22 D95.jpg

And here's a Tent Pic for scale.
Auto Show 2-15-95 D95.jpg

Thanks for looking in. You've been very patient!

Looking tasty! Bet their are some nice aromas going on there too!

You'd win that bet, NTH!

The smell in the basement is thick and un-mistakeable. I can't figure out which plants are responsible. :Rasta:
Looking good GDB! That smoothie especially. Nice.
What are you all smoking today? Sour Bubba in the stable this a.m.
Thanks Donkey.

Sour Bubba sounds cool. I've never tried it. What's it like?

I'm starting the day with Strawberry Banana Grape. I like fruit in the morning! :ganjamon:
Looking good GDB! That smoothie especially. Nice.
What are you all smoking today? Sour Bubba in the stable this a.m.
Looking good GDB! That smoothie especially. Nice.
What are you all smoking today? Sour Bubba in the stable this a.m.
Fresh AK

Starting my day of with a “Bang Bang”!

Sour Bubba sounds cool. I've never tried it. What's it like?

It’s like a velvet pillow. Smooth, creamy taste. Decent potency. It’s my first Sour Bubba stash and I think she’s a keeper.

I'm starting the day with Strawberry Banana Grape. I like fruit in the morning!

God that sounds so healthy! And with your hard smoothie in there too - I feel like you’re about to start expounding the virtues of CrossFit?!

Boom! Yeah, nice. On to the Chemdog’91 here.
Hello growers.

I'd be the first to admit that patience is not one of my strong suits. About 5 days ago I said I was going to let the 2 Smoothies in the Auto Show on Day 98 go for another 10-11 days. And since that time I've been scoping their buds, plotting for a way to justify backing out of that pledge! :Rasta:

Yesterday, I took a few pics of the little Smoothies trichs:
Lil Smoothe trick 2-17-22 D97.jpg

Little Smoothie trich 2-17-22 D97.jpg

And this morning I took some pics of the big, little Smoothies trichs:
Big little Smoothie trich 2-18-22 D98.jpg

Big little Smoothie trich A 2-18-22 D98.jpg

Big little Smoothie trich b 2-18-22 D98.jpg

I've got nothing to do today. It's 42F outside but 35mph winds are making it feel like 33F.

It would be such a joy to sit on my sunny backroom and dismantle these two plants!

If I can get just one person to agree with me that waiting 5-6 more days is not going to make a huge difference in how these plants turn out, I will chop them today!

If I can't get concurrence then I'll just make some gummies.

But I can't do that while sitting on my sunny backroom. :straightface:

Personally, I see enough amber that I wouldn't hesitate in chopping them down. :battingeyelashes:
It never hurts to try different times to harvest. You may prefer the type of high with an earlier down, or may not notice anything at all. You may find the urge to wear different color socks or pink underwear. We are not here to judge what you do after smoking, just enjoy being yourself and do what you want to do.
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