Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello growers.

So after getting rid of all the rotted weed (hopefully) I ended up with 157g wet of usable bud from both Smoothies combined. And I'm pretty sure that total will be reduced when I give what remains another thorough inspection. I'll likely be tossing out some more of these buds.

Smoothies End 2-18-22 157g wet.JPG

The darker buds are from the vey top of the plant and they're all fine (quite pretty, in fact). The lighter colored ones are from further down the bud structure (and closer to the bulk of the rot). Some of those might be iffy. On my second inspection, if they're too close to call I'm taking them out.

If nothing else, this has been a learning experience and not a very painful one, at that. After all, these were very small plants anyway; so there is no sense of a huge loss. And, I now know what bud rot looks like "up close and personal." I had only seen it before in pics, so now I know for sure what it really looks like. (And it's not pretty.)

With this take combined with the 70g wet I got from my Black Cream, I'll have close to 1/2 ounce dried weed.

Whose your Daddy? :laughtwo:

Thanks to all of you who weighed in at the end.

Yesterday's laugh-fest made the entire episode easier to swallow! :Rasta:

Please, no sad face emojis.

I'm not sad. I moving on just like everyone else does when something goes wrong! :Rasta:

Thanks for looking in.

Yeah nah, not me. When grow things go wrong for me first I swear, then I wreck things, then I cry, then I log in here and hope you guys will say the things I need to hear to put me back together.

How exactly do you learn this calmly moving on skill you speak of?
Are botrytis and bud rot one in the same or different afflictions?

I'm looking for an upside as to what I can do with the rotted(?) weed. I've read something that said if I bake it a 300 degrees for 15 minutes I can use it for topical balms. But that article was talking about weed with botrytis.
Botrytis. Even sounds fucked up aye?

Upside is at least it’s only your plant that has it. It’s all fun and games until your Mr Grand Daddy Black Jnr has to be cut off coz you caught botrytis. No topical balm can fix that.
Hello growers.

So after getting rid of all the rotted weed (hopefully) I ended up with 157g wet of usable bud from both Smoothies combined. And I'm pretty sure that total will be reduced when I give what remains another thorough inspection. I'll likely be tossing out some more of these buds.

Smoothies End 2-18-22 157g wet.JPG

The darker buds are from the vey top of the plant and they're all fine (quite pretty, in fact). The lighter colored ones are from further down the bud structure (and closer to the bulk of the rot). Some of those might be iffy. On my second inspection, if they're too close to call I'm taking them out.

If nothing else, this has been a learning experience and not a very painful one, at that. After all, these were very small plants anyway; so there is no sense of a huge loss. And, I now know what bud rot looks like "up close and personal." I had only seen it before in pics, so now I know for sure what it really looks like. (And it's not pretty.)

With this take combined with the 70g wet I got from my Black Cream, I'll have close to 1/2 ounce dried weed.

Whose your Daddy? :laughtwo:

Thanks to all of you who weighed in at the end.

Yesterday's laugh-fest made the entire episode easier to swallow! :Rasta:

Alls well that ends well :)
Yeah nah, not me. When grow things go wrong for me first I swear, then I wreck things, then I cry, then I log in here and hope you guys will say the things I need to hear to put me back together.

How exactly do you learn this calmly moving on skill you speak of?
We all done that before. Trust me and if they say they haven't they lie
How exactly do you learn this calmly moving on skill you speak of?
I've been around for a few years, @Trala, and I learned early on in the life that experiencing failure means you are trying!

As basketball great Michael Jordan once said, "Failure is acceptable but not trying is a whole different ballpark."
I've been around for a few years, @Trala, and I learned early on in the life that experiencing failure means you are trying!

As basketball great Michael Jordan once said, "Failure is acceptable but not trying is a whole different ballpark."

“There is no comparison between that which is lost by not succeeding and that which is lost by not trying.”​

― Francis Bacon

“There is no comparison between that which is lost by not succeeding and that which is lost by not trying.”​

― Francis Bacon
Amen to that, Stinker!
Well, that's a bummer! I sure didn't see that one coming...
but at least you got a fair bit of weed out of it. :straightface:

Have you found any rot on the other 2 autos?
I think I'd be afraid to look...
Well, that's a bummer! I sure didn't see that one coming...
but at least you got a fair bit of weed out of it. :straightface:

Have you found any rot on the other 2 autos?
I think I'd be afraid to look...
Hey, Mr. C!

As it turns out, I didn't get a fair bit of weed. My second inspection of what I had kept led me to toss aside most of that too! I just wasn't certain about so many of the buds and figured why chance it.

In the end, I only kept the pretty "almost purple" tops of the buds, maybe 60 grams wet.

The rest of the rotted and dubious buds are in the oven now, first being baked at 350 degrees for 15 minutes and then decarbed for 20 more minutes at 250 degrees. I'm going to use it for topical balm.

The other two are not candidates for rot, or at least I don't think they are.

Hmm. I'd better go have a look! :Rasta:
The other two are not candidates for rot, or at least I don't think they are.
Good point- totally different structure on those 2, no place for any rot to hide...
Hello folks.

The Auto Show on day 99 is down to two remaining plants.

They were fed yesterday, and when I went to check on them today both pots -- the weird Purple & the Alaskan Purple -- were still pretty heavy. That's not so unusual for the AP, her drinking has been slowing over the past couple of weeks. But it's very unusual for the weird Purple because she's been drinking a lot (nearly twice as much as the others) for several weeks. Her buds have really tried to bulk up and get firm over the last ten days or so. So she is heading to the finish!

Because of the fate of the 2 Smoothies (lots of bud rot) now I'm thinking, take down the Alaskan!

I will not be that hasty. Instead I chopped a piece of her off to scope this evening.

Alaskan Purple trich 2-19-22 D99.jpg

I will let her pot dry out and then act hastily! :Rasta:

As always, thanks for visiting.

Sounds priceless Shed!

Well check this out!

My wife and I were guests in a suite at Camden Yards at the game when Eddie Murray hit his 500th home run.

One of the perks offered to us was to call the play-by-play for a single inning during the game. We were set up in a booth with mics and they video-taped the whole thing, cutting between us and the game. In that inning, Eddie Murray hit his 500th over the right field wall!

Being a huge Murray fan, I went completely nuts, shouting into the mic, jumping up and down. There was confetti prepped to rain down on the crowd! It was the BIGGEST blast I've ever had!:yahoo:

I've still got the video tape, but no working machine to play it on.

There was an open bar in the suite and the game had been rain-delayed for a few hours. So by the time we got to call our inning (the 7th) both of us were feeling no pain. Well, really we were more like toasted. :laughtwo:

When I got to see the tape, at the point when I went nuts Mrs. GDB was lightly swaying back and forth and looking at me like...well, like a drunk person would look! :Rasta:
That's a mind blowing experience ! Wow!
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