Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Let me respond tonight. It will take me most of the day to clear my emotions, knowing you missed me that much

Nevermind, I'm over it. Over time MC will increase the pH in soil, and some soils will take longer to react. I have used FFOF for three runs, just removing old roots and topping up again with a 25/75 mix of perlite FFOF.

It's a better quality soil than most, so yes it's possible this new mix is less efficient at buffering your nutes.

You don't have to go back to testing all the time, but when you have an issue there should be no reason why you wouldnt want to check.

I've been busy, missing time around here. Glad to see you're doing well. I hope your family is too.
You don't have to go back to testing all the time, but when you have an issue there should be no reason why you wouldnt want to check.
Nothing could be more true.

I'm trying to be too lazy (and for me that's easy). So the next time I have this kind of issue, I'll do a slurry test - but not this time.

Really good to hear from you again @MrSauga! :ciao:
Hello growers.

Yesterday, one of my friends told me about a hydro store in the area of which I was unaware.

So today I was on a mission, not only to get to that store to look around but also to get some new Fox Farms Ocean Forest (for obvious reasons if you've been following along).

But in my never-ending quest for the easiest (lazy man's) grow method, I also ended up getting this:

It's basically ready-made LOS. The sales guy at the shop did a good sales pitch, telling me that he had several customers who claimed they raised plants from start to finish with nothing but water. Then, he expressed doubts about those claims but said it should get me quite far along in a grow with water only.

I did a few searches on my phone and found several claims of 8 weeks growth with nothing but water and I started to slobber. (I have grown in concentrated super soil before from start to finish with only water. But the concentrated form is a tad more expensive and you still need another soil to mix it with.)

I like the ease of Geoflora nutrients so I'm thinking I can start with this Lush for about 5-6 weeks and then start top-dressing with GF Bloom. Easy-peasy!

I am not ashamed of my blatant attempts to reduce the amount of labor and thought required to grow nice weed, so I'll be trying this out with at least one of my new babies. :ganjamon:

Hello growers.

Yesterday, one of my friends told me about a hydro store in the area of which I was unaware.

So today I was on a mission, not only to get to that store to look around but also to get some new Fox Farms Ocean Forest (for obvious reasons if you've been following along).

But in my never-ending quest for the easiest (lazy man's) grow method, I also ended up getting this:

It's basically ready-made LOS. The sales guy at the shop did a good sales pitch, telling me that he had several customers who claimed they raised plants from start to finish with nothing but water. Then, he expressed doubts about those claims but said it should get me quite far along in a grow with water only.

I did a few searches on my phone and found several claims of 8 weeks growth with nothing but water and I started to slobber. (I have grown in concentrated super soil before from start to finish with only water. But the concentrated form is a tad more expensive and you still need another soil to mix it with.)

I like the ease of Geoflora nutrients so I'm thinking I can start with this Lush for about 5-6 weeks and then start top-dressing with GF Bloom. Easy-peasy!

I am not ashamed of my blatant attempts to reduce the amount of labor and thought required to grow nice weed, so I'll be trying this out with at least one of my new babies. :ganjamon:

Sounds like a plan GDB! That's a new one to me from roots.
I do admire your dedication to growing great weed in the easiest and laziest way possible. :laugh:

My hero.

Autopots are going back on my radar after the house move.
Thanks, Vet. But I need to do a better job of navigating that thin line between laziness and neglect! :Rasta:
Hello grow gang.

Time for a full update.

First up, the babies on day 10.
(Front THC Bomb. Behind her Original Glue. Behind her (and right) Alien Rock Candy. And rear, Fast Banana. To the far right is a Chiquita Banana clone that won't produce any roots but refuses to die.
Freebies +1 9-17-21 Day10.JPG

I dropped the Alien Rock Candy a few days ago. Since I'm 6'4'', she had a ways to go before she hit the floor.

Of course most of her soil came out but luckily the small root ball stayed in and remained mostly intact. So I filled her with fresh soil and told her to act like nothing happened. She ignored that request and took off on a little growth spurt! Bless her. :Rasta:

Next up the Godfather OG clones.

They are not looking any worse. Thank goodness, because they were going down hard.

The yellowing seems to have at least stagnated for the moment so now it's just a wait and see if she turns around situation. I think the dose of Recharge a few days ago may have helped her a bit.
GOGs 9-17-21.JPG

Finally, the Fast tent inhabitants. It's flip day 53 for the fast bunch.

Fast Bubblegum#1 9-17-21 Flip53.JPG

Fast Bubblegum#2 9-17-21 Flip53.JPG

Critical Poison
Fast Critical Poison 9-17-21 Flip53.JPG

Bruce Banner
Fast Bruce Banner 9-17-21 Flip53.JPG

CB clone. She's turned from an eyesore to a fairly robust plant that likes to push out flowers!
CB Clone 9-17-21_.JPG

Fast tent pic
Fast tent 9-17-21 Flip53.JPG

Those Fast girls have to be getting near the end, but I have no idea how near. I'll just keep feeding them as long as they keep drinking. From week to week now, they're taking less and less water.

That's all I've got.

As always, thanks for stopping by and please sign the visitors log before you leave!

Sounds like a plan GDB! That's a new one to me from roots.
New to me too, Stone.

It's so nice to be able to actually go inside and browse the hydro stores again instead of having to order what you want from outside the door!
New to me too, Stone.

It's so nice to be able to actually go inside and browse the hydro stores again instead of having to order what you want from outside the door!
It is! I strap on a mask and go everywhere since I'm vacc'd. The hydro store is the best! Then the butcher and fish monger! And the cigar store that I don't sit in for one yet, but do go in and pick one up and say hi to the folks sitting indoors puffing.
Hello folks.

I've got a little mini-update on the babies.

The THC Bomb and Fast Banana were ready to be up-potted and so they were!

The Bomb went into a 2 gallon pot and will finish in a five.
The Banana went into a 1 gallon and will finish in a three.

Both were watered in with the recommended 1st week veg dosage of @Prescription Blend nutrients.

The prep:
Freebies + 1 up-pot 9-17-21.jpg

There goes the neighborhood:
Freebies +1 up-pot 9-17-21_.jpg

Mini thanks if you read my mini-update.

Nice work, GDB...
You get a lot of stuff done for a lazy guy!
Why 2 different size pots?(now and later)
Nice work, GDB...
You get a lot of stuff done for a lazy guy!
Why 2 different size pots?(now and later)
Thanks, @Carcass, but now I'm exhausted! :Rasta:

Regarding the pots, my current experience growing Fast strains has shown me that they will remain somewhat small (short) with very thin trunks. All of my current Fast ones are in 3 gallon pots and none has shown any indication that a bigger pot is needed or would make a speck of difference in the growth of the plant.

On the other hand, from what I've read about the THC Bomb, it can potentially be a big, hearty plant with heavy yields. That's the sort of description that leads me to think a 5 gallon pot (or larger) is in order.

The Alien Rock Candy and Original Glue will also be finished in 5 gallon pots.

I did the "in between" up-pots to buy myself some time. I need for all of these to be able to fit into the 2x2 tent for a while longer. I can't fit 3 five gallon pots, a 3 gallon pot and my floor fan in the 2x2, but 3 two gallons and a single 1 gallon will fit (with the fan).

BTW, here they are this morning seeming okay with the new FFOF (!) soil.
Freebie + 1 Grow Day11.jpg

Have a great weekend, Distant Relative!
I did the "in between" up-pots to buy myself some time.
Way to make the best use of a somewhat small space, GDB!
BTW, here they are this morning seeming okay with the new FFOF (!) soil.
They look happy as can be in their new temporary homes!
My next grows will be in FFOF, I may have questions for you a little later on...
Have a great weekend, Distant Relative!
You too, my east coast Brother !- I hope things stay quiet today in your little town... :oops:
Way to make the best use of a somewhat small space, GDB!

They look happy as can be in their new temporary homes!
My next grows will be in FFOF, I may have questions for you a little later on...

You too, my east coast Brother !- I hope things stay quiet today in your little town... :oops:
Thanks, Mr C.

It's mind-boggling that anyone would want to hold a rally in support of the Jan. 6th events.

Sadly, that's where we are. :(
Hello growers.

Color me confused!

The GOG clones are going through some sort of transition. The yellowing leaves in the top half of the plants are now starting to turn from yellow to a shade of purple! The leaves still seem viable to me, so the yellowing was not a natural fade of dying foliage it was/is something else.

I've also noticed that some of the top-most leaves are canoeing. I think this might be related to heat. Heat is always an issue during the summer in my upstairs 4x4 tent. I'm running the Spider Farmer SF4000 (for the first time for a complete grow) and while the light is as bright as Edison, it also puts out more heat than the light I had been using.

Still, maybe I'm gonna' have a couple of those plants that finish really pretty, with large non-green fan leaves remaining at the end. I've only experienced this once before when I grew a Black Cream auto!

Here's a pic of what I'm seeing:
GOG purple leaves 9-19-21.JPG

The whole plants. If all of those healthy yellow leaves change to purple she might end up pretty (unusual for one of plants).
GOGs 9-19-21.JPG

Whatever is going on, it doesn't seem to be having an adverse effect on bud development.
GOG bud 9-19-21.JPG

I remain hopeful.

Thanks for stopping by.

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