Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

The fast bunch looks good, and the new babies are coming right along!
I tried to get a clone to go, but no roots after 30 days, so I chucked it yesterday...they can't all be gems...
The fast bunch looks good, and the new babies are coming right along!
I tried to get a clone to go, but no roots after 30 days, so I chucked it yesterday...they can't all be gems...
Thanks, Mr.C.

When I first started growing I swore I'd never be a chucker. Now I can chuck now with no issues! :Rasta:
There's only 2 reasons I chuck anything-
reason#1- it's a male..
reason#2 - it's dead (or at least mostly dead) :)
I'm an idiot, @BooWho2!

I apologize, again! I don't know why I want you and @Virgin Ground to be the same person. Over time, I've read both of your journals often and with keen interest, but that's no excuse.

If I make this mistake again I will commit to a period of abstinence for at least 3 days. :ganjamon:
Hello grow gang.

Some strange goings on in this grow. I'll get to that shortly.

First, the Freebie + 1 babies on day 7. Same position as the last photo: (L to R) Original Glue, THC Bomb, Fast Banana & Alien Rock Candy.
Freebie +1 babies 9-14-21 Day7.JPG

The roots in the TCH Bomb are filling her solo cup.
THC Bomb root day7.jpg

And the roots of the Fast Banana are not far behind.
Fast Banana roots day 7.jpg

In the other two babies roots are visible at the bottoms of the cups but none are visible on the sides yet.

The Fast bunch is on flip day 50 (center and left of tent)
Fast tent 9-14-21 Flip50.jpg

The CB clones remains mostly green but...
CB clone 9-14-21.jpg

...the strange part is the GOG clones are now doing the same thing the CB was doing a short while ago. Their middle leaves are yellowing.

GOGs 9-14-21.jpg
Why now? And why the middle leaves? I have no idea. If anyone does please share.

I've already supplemented these plants with calmag + and already upped their MC to 6g (the prescription that seemed to work for the CB) so the yellowing now comes as a real surprise. I'll give them a dose of Recharge on their next feed. It's the only thing that the CB received that these have yet to get.

That's it from this neighborhood.

As always, thanks for stopping by.

Why now? And why the middle leaves? I have no idea. If anyone does please share.
Hey GDB, mine often look like that in LOS. Mid flower kicks their asses. I wouldn't expect any issues if it was mine. Some would say pot size too small. What size you got? What are you feeding again? MC oh yeah, no experience with that here. Some folks love "the fade" I'm neutral, not really understanding exactly what's going on. It does happen almost all the time here. Those buds are going to be tasty as it gets!
Most people kill off Nitrogen way too soon in my opinion(and Experience), some of those old weird stigmas still bleed through at times. I feed my girls up to Week 7(Day 49) of Nitrogen and still Fade once I stop feeding at day 56ish(which is just bloom/micro/ and Sugar). The plant will exhaust what is left in the Soil and sometimes consume it's own leaves to feed the Buds. I had this happen to a Hungry Master K late in Bloom(GET Ugly...I'll still Luv U). That being said, WE aren't in this for some Faded Fans... always down with the Sugar Shake. :peace:
Some folks love "the fade"

The plant will exhaust what is left in the Soil and sometimes consume it's own leaves to feed the Buds.
Thanks, friends.

This doesn't look like the traditional fade to me. It looks like some sort of deficiency. I'm used to traditional fade occurring near the bottom of the plant though I guess it could start further up.
Did they do this overnight, or has it been creeping in for a few days?
Since it's not the lower leaves that are yellowing, it doesn't seem like a Nitrogen thing...
pH problem maybe...although, if it's a pH problem, it seems like all the mc girls would be doing it to a certain extent..

I'm no help...but either way, they all look great, yellow discolored leaves and all...
Did they do this overnight, or has it been creeping in for a few days?
Since it's not the lower leaves that are yellowing, it doesn't seem like a Nitrogen thing...
pH problem maybe...although, if it's a pH problem, it seems like all the mc girls would be doing it to a certain extent..

I'm no help...but either way, they all look great, yellow discolored leaves and all...
It's been oozing in, Carcass.

With the GOGs suffering the same affliction as the CB clone, that does put all the MC girls in the mix. The fast girls are all on Geoflora.

I'm going to clean my @PerfectPipes, use them, and give this some more thought. That will likely get me back to where I am now. :)
Miss me? Feeling's mutual, whatever that may be :).

Why now? And why the middle leaves? I have no idea. If anyone does please share.
I have to agree with what Carcass mentioned, about the pH. Have you done a slurry test yet?
Miss me? Feeling's mutual, whatever that may be :).

I have to agree with what Carcass mentioned, about the pH. Have you done a slurry test yet?
"Miss" you? That barely conveys what I've been feeling. :ganjamon:

Where ya' been? As you can imagine, your silence has made me quite jittery, despite the fact that I finally got rid of my assistant, Joan. (She took a position with Elder's campaign in Cali.)

Okay, @Carcass, @InTheShed and now you have recommended that I do a slurry test and I haven't budged. Let me say why.

One of the reasons I moved away from DWC was the constant need to PH everything all the time. I had come to believe from my readings on 420 that growing in soil would eliminate that requirement. Happy me has been growing that way every since -- in FFOF, Happy Frog or ProMix without testing PH.

Now this issue has cropped up and it coincides with my switch from FFOF to some cheap organic soil I've been buying from Lowes.

I don't believe in coincidences.

But I recently read from @InTheShed that you should never store your PH pen dry or in plain/distilled water.

Well, all of my pens have been stored dry for years and I'm not even sure they still work. Plus, I'm not inclined to buy another one, not just because of this single grow. And even if I could get a pen to work and learned that my PH is screwed up, I'm uncertain as to how to correct it with what I have on hand.

I'm thinking the true lazy man's solution to this problem is to return to FFOF for subsequent grows.

The 2 Godfather OG clones in question probably don't have much longer to go. Last night I gave them a dose of Recharge and I'll see how they respond to that. I'm even considering giving them a little bit of raw nitrogen.
GOGs 9-16-21.jpg

I appreciate the input from you guys, but I believe you're operating with much larger CPUs than I have. The Benz Diesel struggles to keep up and will always lean towards the simplest of long-term solutions.:straightface:
Let me respond tonight. It will take me most of the day to clear my emotions, knowing you missed me that much

Nevermind, I'm over it. Over time MC will increase the pH in soil, and some soils will take longer to react. I have used FFOF for three runs, just removing old roots and topping up again with a 25/75 mix of perlite FFOF.

It's a better quality soil than most, so yes it's possible this new mix is less efficient at buffering your nutes.

You don't have to go back to testing all the time, but when you have an issue there should be no reason why you wouldnt want to check.

I've been busy, missing time around here. Glad to see you're doing well. I hope your family is too.
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