Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

"green" challenge

Looks like you turned the Chiquita Banana around!
Hello again growers.

I grow weary of how slowly my seedlings get started. It seems that compared to almost everyone else I follow on this site, my seedlings get off to the most pathetic, unenthusiastic starts. They stay small for quite a while and develop very slowly. I've let it go for the most part because I know that a slow start for a photo is no big deal (unlike most autos). But it's really starting to eat at me now and I'd like to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

After much thought and much reading about what others do, I've narrowed my mistakes down to 3 main ones.

I underwater my seedlings. I'm so wary about giving them too much water I end up giving them too little.

I leave them under 24/0 for too long. I usually run the seedling under a 24/0 light cycle for at least 10 days before changing them to 18/6. I'm thinking that the extended lack of a dark period is stunting their growth due to no night-time stretch.

All my grow lights now have dimmers and I keep them too dim over my seedlings. With this group, the light had been running at 25% until this morning when I upped it to 50%. (They're under a @ViparSpectra XS1500 - 150 watts in a 2x2 tent.) Dimmers are not for the dim. :Rasta:

So I am going to try to correct these mistakes. I will cross my fingers, hoping I don't have to come back and report about a bunch of drowned, light-burned seedlings!

This is how they look today on day "2".
Freebie + 1 Grow 9-8-21 Day2.JPG

That sad looking plant on the right is a Chiquita Banana clone. I believe (and hope) that she looks a lot worse off than she actually is.

Thanks for peeking in.

I thought I had the slowest seedlings going! :p It may be perception? Your seedlings never stand out as slow to me.
Thanks, Carcass.

I gave her 2ml of Sensi Calmag Plus (4-0-0) this morning. (Guess I should have included that info. in the post. My bad.)
They look great! :)

But I wouldn’t use Cal/Mag which includes N during the flowering. I guess your base nutes providing more than enough Nitrogen for the flowering plant. Speaking from own experience, any excess Nitrogen slows down the flowering notably.
Thanks for all the feedback, grow people! I can't begin to tell you how wonderful I find it to talk to folks from all over the world about growing weed! :Rasta:

Looks like you turned the Chiquita Banana around!
She looks better for sure. Some of the color is related to genetics. I gave a buddy a cut of her mom too and his is the same shade as mine currently is. And he is growing his outside.

Their mom was a darker green which I guess means that clones are not "exactly" like their moms.
I thought I had the slowest seedlings going!
Might be perception! :laugh:
But I wouldn’t use Cal/Mag which includes N during the flowering. I guess your base nutes providing more than enough Nitrogen for the flowering plant. Speaking from own experience, any excess Nitrogen slows down the flowering notably.
Thanks, Verbalist. Hopefully I'll get away with it this time because I don't believe she was getting enough N from the base nutes.
Thanks for all the feedback, grow people! I can't begin to tell you how wonderful I find it to talk to folks from all over the world about growing weed! :Rasta:
It is a great thing, really wonderful to be able to connect and share and learn from everyone!
Hello again growers.

I grow weary of how slowly my seedlings get started. It seems that compared to almost everyone else I follow on this site, my seedlings get off to the most pathetic, unenthusiastic starts. They stay small for quite a while and develop very slowly. I've let it go for the most part because I know that a slow start for a photo is no big deal (unlike most autos). But it's really starting to eat at me now and I'd like to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

After much thought and much reading about what others do, I've narrowed my mistakes down to 3 main ones.

I underwater my seedlings. I'm so wary about giving them too much water I end up giving them too little.

I leave them under 24/0 for too long. I usually run the seedling under a 24/0 light cycle for at least 10 days before changing them to 18/6. I'm thinking that the extended lack of a dark period is stunting their growth due to no night-time stretch.

All my grow lights now have dimmers and I keep them too dim over my seedlings. With this group, the light had been running at 25% until this morning when I upped it to 50%. (They're under a @ViparSpectra XS1500 - 150 watts in a 2x2 tent.) Dimmers are not for the dim. :Rasta:

So I am going to try to correct these mistakes. I will cross my fingers, hoping I don't have to come back and report about a bunch of drowned, light-burned seedlings!

This is how they look today on day "2".
Freebie + 1 Grow 9-8-21 Day2.JPG

That sad looking plant on the right is a Chiquita Banana clone. I believe (and hope) that she looks a lot worse off than she actually is.

Thanks for peeking in.

They look normal to me. When I started growing again it was outside on W. Maui. Hot and dry. I tried to baby the germed seeds with shade and whatever I thought they liked or needed. These pampered seedlings were week, the ones that thrived were kept moist in the direct sun all day long. I try to apply that to indoor and LED lights. I don't know the particulars of the lights yet, but I never started at less than 60% power. In the initial containers, I keep wet/moist. Later I make them look for water. This is what I do, not what I recommend. Without some sort of symbiotic understanding, its better to be more dry and less wet.
Your grows always look healthy to me.
They look normal to me. When I started growing again it was outside on W. Maui. Hot and dry. I tried to baby the germed seeds with shade and whatever I thought they liked or needed. These pampered seedlings were week, the ones that thrived were kept moist in the direct sun all day long. I try to apply that to indoor and LED lights. I don't know the particulars of the lights yet, but I never started at less than 60% power. In the initial containers, I keep wet/moist. Later I make them look for water. This is what I do, not what I recommend. Without some sort of symbiotic understanding, its better to be more dry and less wet.
Your grows always look healthy to me.
This is odd coming from you.

In fact its your latest Barney's seeds that pushed me over the limit. Looking at the way they were growing those big leaves and roots so quickly is what led me to decide I've got to do better! :Rasta:

Thanks for chiming in!
This is odd coming from you.

In fact its your latest Barney's seeds that pushed me over the limit. Looking at the way they were growing those big leaves and roots so quickly is what led me to decide I've got to do better! :Rasta:

Thanks for chiming in!
Your grows always look healthy. Photo starts/seedlings unless extremely stunted will start to grow well. I think most seedlings that I see don't have the vigor they could have. I believe some growers are overcautious at the beginning. Food, light and water is what they need at the start. I try and give them as much as the can handle as early as I can.
I have seedlings in Solo Cups that haven't been "watered" in 12 Days from dropping the seeds. I merely keep the top of the soil Moist(mister) for surface level humidity/evaporation and let the seedling search for moisture. Humidity right now is horrible so it's drying my surface out fairly quick. I will finally give them a real watering tonight. Seedlings are delicate until you get to that 2 week mark in my experience, then you should be pushing out a node every other day(roughly). I took a nice break from growing(Since April) but it's always nice to be BACK in the Saddle.

@Grand Daddy Black... Had to stop by and say What's Up to ya... Always enjoy your posts and I'm sure you will dial in your issues. One of the biggest reasons I took a break is taking things for granted from just doing it for so long. Self Reflection is important and healthy to get a new perspective and outlook(on life) and get back EXCITED for doing this. I was getting that BORED <yawn> feeling towards the end and not keeping filters clean and heat issues because I'm(or was) lazy. Anyway, All Good... We do what we do and your plants will be fine, I've had some ugly ducklings turn into SWANS and be some of my favorite Smoke/Vape. All the Best... BUDS! :popcorn:

I have seedlings in Solo Cups that haven't been "watered" in 12 Days from dropping the seeds. I merely keep the top of the soil Moist(mister) for surface level humidity/evaporation and let the seedling search for moisture. Humidity right now is horrible so it's drying my surface out fairly quick. I will finally give them a real watering tonight. Seedlings are delicate until you get to that 2 week mark in my experience, then you should be pushing out a node every other day(roughly). I took a nice break from growing(Since April) but it's always nice to be BACK in the Saddle.

@Grand Daddy Black... Had to stop by and say What's Up to ya... Always enjoy your posts and I'm sure you will dial in your issues. One of the biggest reasons I took a break is taking things for granted from just doing it for so long. Self Reflection is important and healthy to get a new perspective and outlook(on life) and get back EXCITED for doing this. I was getting that BORED <yawn> feeling towards the end and not keeping filters clean and heat issues because I'm(or was) lazy. Anyway, All Good... We do what we do and your plants will be fine, I've had some ugly ducklings turn into SWANS and be some of my favorite Smoke/Vape. All the Best... BUDS! :popcorn:

Thanks for that @JohnnieJC3.

Thing is, being on 420 drives me. I can't help but to try to achieve the same results as some of my fav growers.:Rasta:
Thanks for that @JohnnieJC3.

Thing is, being on 420 drives me. I can't help but to try to achieve the same results as some of my fav growers.:Rasta:
It's like a race none of us are running! I'm the same way. We're here to learn the best way to get things done! From each other! Now if I could only remember all the innuendos I've read and seen!

:ciao: Hi GDB. Your tents are full of gorgeous, and congrats on greening up that Chiquita! Regarding your “freebie” grow, you should check out @copperrein s outdoor grow - she has a stunning Alien Rock Candy (among other stunners).
Thanks, VG!

I will check out @copperrein's thread for sure. :Rasta:
Goodluck on the new run man, sorry if i missed it, but how long you thinking of vegging? do you have an ideal time like 55-60 days?
Thanks @LizardMate.

I'm thinking on this grow I will have an empty flower tent at my disposal. That being the case, I'll be able to flip the babies when I deem it the best time to do so, whether it's day 50 or day 70. I'll let the plants guide me. I am going for shorter plants so anything that looks like it might be getting too tall for my liking will get flipped. I'd like to stagger them as well. Don't want any lengthy trim-jail sentence from too many plants getting done at the same time.

Thanks for looking in.:Rasta:
Hello growers.

It's flip day 47 for the Fast ones and they're plugging along.

The Critical Poison that didn't care for being deprived of water has bounced back from her funk, and the CB clone remains greenish. :Rasta:

This morning I took a pic of the top bud on each plant (apologies for the caffeine-induced out-of-focusness).

Critical Poison
Fast Critical Poison 9-11-21 Flip47.jpg

Fast Bubblegum#1 9-11-21 Flip47.JPG

Fast Bubblegum#2 9-11-21 Flip47.JPG

Bruce Banner
Fast B Banner 9-11-21 Flip47.JPG

CB clone
CB clone 9-11-21.JPG

The GOG clones are still yellowing in the top half of the plants. This morning they were given their first dose of MC at 6g. The lights went out before I could get a pic. Taking pics with the flash makes the yellowing leaves look like "yellow" leaves, so I'll post of pic of them at another time.

That's all for the Fast bunch. I'll be back shortly with an update on the new babies.

Thanks for looking in.

Hello again growers.

Here's a quick update on the babies (aka, Freebie +1 Grow).

They are now on an 18/6 light schedule and getting watered to run-off. The @ViparSpectra TS1500 has been turned up to 50%. Not much about their appearance has changed, but I feel better. :Rasta:

Left to right: Original Glue, THC Bomb, Fast Banana & Alien Rock Candy
Freebies + 1 grow 9-11-21 Day5.JPG

The CB clone continues to look sad. I'm not seeing any roots in her solo cup so her fate is uncertain at this point.
CB clone 9-11-21.JPG

That's it for me today.

My heart goes out to all those who lost loved ones 20 years ago.

As always, thanks for looking in.

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