Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Sorry to hear about that, GDB...did it get moldy on the plant, or during processing?
A few years back, I lost 4oz to mold- I guess it was a little wet in the jar, and I didn't burp it often enough.
It's a fine line between too much moisture, and just enough to promote curing, (but not enough to support mold)
Those little in-the-jar hygrometers really help, I haven't had anything mold since I started using them.
I didn't notice it until it was jarred but I bet it had been there before then.

I've never lost any to mold before so this is new to me.

Can I still use this moldy weed for a topical balm?
Hello growers.

My Chiquita Banana clone is starting to look like a normal weed plant. I guess all this time she had been craving more MC! :Rasta:

CB clone 9-5-21.jpg


I made some pain balm last week and the Mrs. really loves it. So more must be made!
Yes! Decarb at 240ºF for 80-90 minutes and then infuse as usual.
@Grand Daddy Black You could decarb at 230F for 25 min at the low range but 80-90min at 240F will help ensure that any mold/spores are killed. That might not be the same reasoning that @InTheShed was going off of but I have to agree with the method.

Looking forward to seeing your next grow, hard to read those post about the loss.
Ooooohh!!! I'm intrigued. What is your method, if you don't mind me asking?
I don't mind at all, @Squiggle!

I used a recipe from fellow member @bluter. It appears here.

My wife has been having pain in her knees. She tried some and said it eased the pain shortly after she applied it.
Thanks for that.. it involves cooking, so I'm buggered.. last time I tried cooking, i broke the microwave.. I didnt realise you had to take the beans out of the tin first.
I will give my mother the recipe instead..
Nice to hear that it works for your missus though..
Thanks again
Thanks for that.. it involves cooking, so I'm buggered.. last time I tried cooking, i broke the microwave.. I didnt realise you had to take the beans out of the tin first.
I will give my mother the recipe instead..
Nice to hear that it works for your missus though..
Thanks again
If what this recipe calls for seems like cooking to you then, yes, you'd better stay in your lane. :laugh:
Hello growers.

The starting lineup is set for the next grow in the Stack. I had planned to do a grow with all freebies that came along with past seed purchases. I ended up using 3 freebies and added an Original Glue, which has the distinction of being the most expensive seed I've ever purchased.

Here are pics and vendors' descriptions:

THC Bomb
These cannabis seeds are an original signature strain and have created rave reviews around the world. Finished rock-hard buds make this variety ideal for commercial growers and connoisseurs alike. Like Big Bud, the harvest will be staggering - coupled with the power and strength of white strains. The plant grows with extreme vigor and strength while staying fairly short and finishing very fast for such a massive yielder. Outdoors THC Bomb can produce well over 1kg per plant. When ready to harvest the plant will absolutely be covered in frosty white trichomes. THC Bomb was created to be something special delivering on every level: yield, strength, taste and speed!

Type: Indica/Sativa Mix
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor/Outdoor
Plant Height: Short (65-90cm)
Indoor Flowering: 7-9 Weeks
Harvest Outdoor: Sep-Oct
Yield: Very High (550-650g/m²)
Effect: Strong, all round buzz

THC Bomb 9-7-21 Day1.JPG

Alien Rock Candy
A cross between Sour Dubble and Tahoe Alien, has been boosted by the addition
of the elite clone Nicole, resulting in a potent, indica-dominant strain.
This is a robust, hungry plant and one which will require a longer vegetative
growth period to compensate for its lack of stretch during its flowering phase.

Its finishing height will then be medium to tall. Plants grown indoors will
take anywhere between 49 - 63 days to complete the flowering cycle with yields
as high as 1 gr/watt, providing, for example, up to 400 gr. under a 400 watt
grow light. Plants grown outdoors in the northern hemisphere should be ready
towards the end of September with production up to 800 gr/plant.

Bright green buds are compact and have a thick coating of trichomes that have
a faint amber hue, a trait inherited from its parents. Flavors are fruity
and citrus with notes of damp earth. Levels of THC are high to very high at
20 - 24% with the amount of resin, allied to its other qualities making
this a great strain from which to make extractions.

Alien Rock Candy's effect is something of a 'creeper' but is nevertheless
long-lasting. It a profound sense of relaxation with feelings of euphoria
and makes a great night-cap to ensure a good night's sleep.

Alien Rock Candy 9-7-21 Day1.JPG

Fast Banana
Genetics: Banana hybrid from California
Indoor 50 - 55 days to maturity
Outdoor harvest: September
Indica 60% Sativa 40%
THC: 18-21%
CBD: 2%
Flavour: sweet banana with fruity berry.
Fast Banana 9-7-21 Day1.JPG

Original Glue
Everyone’s favorite award-winning strain developed by GG Strains (Lone Watty &
Joesy Whales). A potent hybrid strain, Original Glue (FKA GG4) from GG Strains Seeds
is a gorgeous plant that can hail some of the highest THC percentages recorded.
This has won this strain multiple cannabis cups. In 2014 it took home the prize from
Michigan, along with the prizes Los Angeles, California and the Jamaican High Times
World Cup. This sought after strain will have consumers looking far and wide for its
distinct aromas and tastes, not forgetting the medical benefits that this strain also

Genetics: Gorilla Glue #4 x Gorilla Glue #4
Breeders: Joesy Whales, Lone Watty founders of GG Strains
Type: Indica Dominant / 63% Indica 37% Sativa
Form: Clone Only from Awarding Winning Cultivar
Flowering Time: 58 - 63 days
Vegetation: Relatively Fast
Yield: High Yield / 3-3.5lbs of dry weight, per thousand watt (Indoor)
Structure: If Top 1x 6-8 Branches, Topped 2x 10 Branches, Great stacking structure.
Aroma: Earthy, Pine, Diesel Gas, Cocoa Butter Very potent!
Taste: Sweet, Piney, Terpy, Cocoa Butter, Chemmy, Diesel taste – STRONG!
Effects: Glued, Creative, Talkative, Appetite Inducing,
THC: 27-30%
Medical User Benefits: Anxiety, PTSD, MS, Sleep/Insomnia, Pain relief, Appetite Stimulant
Multiple High Times Cup Winner

Original Glue 9-7-21 Day1.JPG

I have seen several discussions on the forum about when to start counting the days (age) of a plant. Some like to begin counting once the second set of leaves appear (like I used to do). Others begin counting after a specified period of time above the soil.

Well, you can call me Mr. Arbitrary because now my day 1 is whenever I say it is!

And I'm calling this as day 1 for these 4 plants (despite the clear differences in age). I like to keep things simple. And as I report on the progress of these plants it's so much simpler to refer to them all as the same age, even if they are not.

As I mentioned the other day, I will be growing these using @Prescription Blend nutrients. I've already started them out on 2ml (per gallon) of Core A and Core B.

I'll also be running a Chiquita Banana clone using @GeoFlora Nutrients. I plan to flip the clone very quickly. I'm not concerned about size, I just want to taste it.

I hope you'll hang around and watch these babies grow up.

Hello again growers.

Let's have a quick peek into the Fast tent this morning just for the fun of it.

Fast tent 9-7-21 Flip43.JPG

All of the Fast girls are stacking now. But I really wanted you to see that green thing that's front right! Yes, I said "green." The Chiquita Banana clone is green! :Rasta:

What you got going, Stinker?
Thanks for asking. I just finished a mixed bag of freebies, it was my first indoor photo grow. Now, I just started another with a Mars light that I recently won.

Your gardens always look great. Following the new grow.
Thanks for asking. I just finished a mixed bag of freebies, it was my first indoor photo grow. Now, I just started another with a Mars light that I recently won.

Your gardens always look great. Following the new grow.
I just checked out your journal, you lucky dog! I'll be following along. :Rasta:
I just checked out your journal, you lucky dog! I'll be following along. :Rasta:
Glad to have you along. your input and advice would be most welcome.
Its always a good feeling to win something. I get overzealous with contests. :snowboating:
Hello growers.

The ladies in the Fast tent slowed down their drinking lately so I stopped watering them for a while. Today they were finally feeling light and most were starting to sag a bit. They would get watered today for the first time in 4 days.

I say most were sagging a bit because the Critical Poison was sagging a lot! She and only she seemed to have suffered from the lack of water and she was a sad looking puppy.

In this pic she's front left. She'll come back!
Fast tent 9-8-21 Flip44.jpg

Today everyone got watered to run off. The Fast ladies got about 2L of plain water and the CB clone got about a gallon of MC6 + 4ml of Terpinator.

In the other tent, despite the recent doses of Calmag, the Godfather OG clones continue to fade (both of them now rather than just one of them). I'm thinking what worked for the CB clone may work for them as well. Maybe they just need more MC. So today, I upped the dosage from 5.5 to 5.7 and their next watering they'll get 6g.

It seems that these clones are a little more nutrient-hungry than their moms were. (Or, I could have just under-fed their mommas. I have a habit of maxing out the MC at 5.5 and that might not always be the right place to stop increasing it.)
GOG clones 9-8-21.JPG

Thanks for looking in.

Hello again growers.

I grow weary of how slowly my seedlings get started. It seems that compared to almost everyone else I follow on this site, my seedlings get off to the most pathetic, unenthusiastic starts. They stay small for quite a while and develop very slowly. I've let it go for the most part because I know that a slow start for a photo is no big deal (unlike most autos). But it's really starting to eat at me now and I'd like to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

After much thought and much reading about what others do, I've narrowed my mistakes down to 3 main ones.

I underwater my seedlings. I'm so wary about giving them too much water I end up giving them too little.

I leave them under 24/0 for too long. I usually run the seedling under a 24/0 light cycle for at least 10 days before changing them to 18/6. I'm thinking that the extended lack of a dark period is stunting their growth due to no night-time stretch.

All my grow lights now have dimmers and I keep them too dim over my seedlings. With this group, the light had been running at 25% until this morning when I upped it to 50%. (They're under a @ViparSpectra XS1500 - 150 watts in a 2x2 tent.) Dimmers are not for the dim. :Rasta:

So I am going to try to correct these mistakes. I will cross my fingers, hoping I don't have to come back and report about a bunch of drowned, light-burned seedlings!

This is how they look today on day "2".
Freebie + 1 Grow 9-8-21 Day2.JPG

That sad looking plant on the right is a Chiquita Banana clone. I believe (and hope) that she looks a lot worse off than she actually is.

Thanks for peeking in.

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