Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Can't wait to see the Godfather OG in flower. I got some of those seeds for the next run
Welcome, Timhomegrow!

Here's is their momma right before she was chopped.
GOG end 8-3-21 flip78.JPG
:ciao: Hi GDB. I’m curious about that CB. I had an ultra lemon Haze that was that color and was supposed to be, but it was still kinda freaky. What size pot is she in and How often is she wanting to be fed? Have you tried adding some Fulvic acid to the mix? I’ve read that it helps the roots uptake nutrient better and have also been using it in my tent grows. I believe there is Humic and Fulvic acid in the GEO Flora nutrients, and RQS has a good article on both. I bought the “generic” Fulvic acid from the groovy little garden shop in Charlottesville. Just a thought. :love:
:ciao: Hi GDB. I’m curious about that CB. I had an ultra lemon Haze that was that color and was supposed to be, but it was still kinda freaky. What size pot is she in and How often is she wanting to be fed? Have you tried adding some Fulvic acid to the mix? I’ve read that it helps the roots uptake nutrient better and have also been using it in my tent grows. I believe there is Humic and Fulvic acid in the GEO Flora nutrients, and RQS has a good article on both. I bought the “generic” Fulvic acid from the groovy little garden shop in Charlottesville. Just a thought. :love:
Hey, Boo. :ciao:

She's in a 5 gallon pot and drinks about 3L every two days.

I haven't tried Fulvic acid but I'll surely consider it. Thanks for the new reading assignment. :Rasta:
Hello growers.

I can't get out of mine own way.


Stumbling, Bumbling Humbly Along.

I won't go into the gory details of how it happened, but on Wednesday night I left the grow light on for waaaay past the 12-hour mark.

It's funny how the mind works, but when I woke up Thursday morning the first thought to pop into my head was, "You didn't turn the light off last night." Unfortunately I was right.

So the plants spent roughly 19 hours under the light while on the 26th day of their 12/12 cycle.

Not really knowing what to do about some dumb crap like this (I couldn't find a chapter in the Grow Bible relating to getting your head out of your ass), I decided to keep them in the dark for 19 hours.

Between then and now I didn't peek into the tent, wanting the darkness in there to match my mood.

When I looked at them this evening I was startled by one major change. The bud sites on all of the plants had turned the same pale green as my problem child Chiquita Banana. They looked way different from 2 days ago. In addition, the Godfather OG clones had stretched up to the point where a few branches were touching the @NextLight mega. Oh no!

I don't know what to expect from these plants now. They might either hermie or sue me.

I will keep them going, however, "For the Anecdote!"

Bubblegums 8-21-21 Flip 26.jpg

Bruce Banner (top) and Critical Poison
Banner and C Poison 8-21-21 Flip26.jpg

Chiquita Banana. She is still light green but the middle leaves where her problems first showed continue to hang on. And otherwise she looks something like a weed plant. :Rasta:
C Banana Clone 8-21-21.jpg

Cropped Godfather OGs
GOGs 8-21-21 cropped.jpg

Tent Pic
Fast tent 8-21 21 Flip 26.jpg

That's todays input. Thanks for looking in.

With a bit of luck it'll be no harm done but I guess you've just got to wait now to see.
I'm still new to indoor, but Its my understanding that it takes a few incidences of light contamination before there is anything to worry about.
Hello growers.

I can't get out of mine own way.


Stumbling, Bumbling Humbly Along.

I won't go into the gory details of how it happened, but on Wednesday night I left the grow light on for waaaay past the 12-hour mark.

It's funny how the mind works, but when I woke up Thursday morning the first thought to pop into my head was, "You didn't turn the light off last night." Unfortunately I was right.

So the plants spent roughly 19 hours under the light while on the 26th day of their 12/12 cycle.

Not really knowing what to do about some dumb crap like this (I couldn't find a chapter in the Grow Bible relating to getting your head out of your ass), I decided to keep them in the dark for 19 hours.

Between then and now I didn't peek into the tent, wanting the darkness in there to match my mood.

When I looked at them this evening I was startled by one major change. The bud sites on all of the plants had turned the same pale green as my problem child Chiquita Banana. They looked way different from 2 days ago. In addition, the Godfather OG clones had stretched up to the point where a few branches were touching the @NextLight mega. Oh no!

I don't know what to expect from these plants now. They might either hermie or sue me.

I will keep them going, however, "For the Anecdote!"

Bubblegums 8-21-21 Flip 26.jpg

Bruce Banner (top) and Critical Poison
Banner and C Poison 8-21-21 Flip26.jpg

Chiquita Banana. She is still light green but the middle leaves where her problems first showed continue to hang on. And otherwise she looks something like a weed plant. :Rasta:
C Banana Clone 8-21-21.jpg

Cropped Godfather OGs
GOGs 8-21-21 cropped.jpg

Tent Pic
Fast tent 8-21 21 Flip 26.jpg

That's todays input. Thanks for looking in.

Dang GDB, I hope getting back on schedule sits well with them! Btw, I've been wearing one of those big LL bean style hats. Makes it more difficult to get my head in there ;) . Happens to the best of us brother. Fingers crossed!
Thanks for the words of support folks!

This too shall pass gas. :Rasta:
That CB is looking better- she's not that color anymore!
So...are you going to stick with the 19/19 schedule? :)
That CB is looking better- she's not that color anymore!
So...are you going to stick with the 19/19 schedule? :)

For the Anecdote? :laughtwo:
What’s up GDB!

I see you’ve made a hard switch to all photos.. what happened to the die hard auto grower we all knew and loved?!
He died hard. :laughtwo:
Hello growers.

Of course it's too early to tell what will happen due to my grow light fiasco. But just in case things work out, I'm still thinking of how I can help the CB clone.

@Virgin Ground suggested fulvic acid and that sounded like a good idea. But then I recalled that I had yet to dose these plants with any Real Growers Recharge. It is something I typically use at least once during every grow and it contains 3% of fulvic acid (as well as 5% of humic acid).

So the CB clone got 2 Liters of Recharge. To complete the Recharge dose this grow, the GOGs also go 1L each and the Fast kids got .5L each.

Nothing new to see here:
Fast tent 8-23-21 Flip28.jpg

Thanks for looking in.

You’re welcome ;)
I haven't forgotten that it was you who nudged me into photoland!

Thanks, I guess. (Though I never had spider mites on my autos.) :Rasta:
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