Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

since the plant was effectively flushed during the storm whether it needed to be fed immediately.
Can any of you outdoor growers chime in?
Good morning,GDB!
I'm in Cali. ,(where it never rains) so my outdoor plants have only been rained on once, a few years ago...
But it makes sense to feed them right away, after the storm effectively gave them a flush....
I'd feed it- it's big enough that overwatering isn't going to be a problem, but a lack of food could/will be...
my outdoor plants have only been rained on once, a few years ago...
Wow, Mr.C.

That kind of dryness is so foreign to me! :Rasta:
That kind of dryness is so foreign to me!
Yeah, it pretty much sucks- now, instead of rainstorms, we have firestorms...I had friends in Greenville, that little town that burnt to the ground a week or so ago...
Yeah, it pretty much sucks- now, instead of rainstorms, we have firestorms...I had friends in Greenville, that little town that burnt to the ground a week or so ago...
We just started summer at the end of July, we’ve had spring showers since March that finally ended in July! Wished that could have spread out more and share like we do on 420 Magazine. I watched the Greenville fire as it destroyed the town on the news , Devastating .
Yeah, it pretty much sucks- now, instead of rainstorms, we have firestorms...I had friends in Greenville, that little town that burnt to the ground a week or so ago...
That's not good. I hope they can recover.
Hello again, growers.

Sheesh, I forgot the primary reason I wanted to post the update on Rick's clone. I have a question for outdoor growers.

We had a major storm the other day with tons of rain. I was talking to Rick about it yesterday and we both wondered, since the plant was effectively flushed during the storm whether it needed to be fed immediately.

I don't recall seeing any references on 420 to post-storm maintenance of outdoor plants so I don't know the answer.

Can any of you outdoor growers chime in?
Good question! Outdoors is different in my eyes, deceiving maybe. Let's say that's a 30 gallon pot. It would have to rain torrentially for who knows how long to put 3 x the size pot in water through it. That's 90 gallons for a flush. I wouldn't think anywhere near most ferts were gone if it was me using geoflora. What is the feed? I could be wrong but I'm sticking with that.

I did have one in a cloth pot, 25 or 30 gal a few years ago and had heavy weather and never an issue of nute loss. I was feeding GH Veg and Bloom. Yours looks nice after going through that!
Good question! Outdoors is different in my eyes, deceiving maybe. Let's say that's a 30 gallon pot. It would have to rain torrentially for who knows how long to put 3 x the size pot in water through it. That's 90 gallons for a flush. I wouldn't think anywhere near most ferts were gone if it was me using geoflora. What is the feed? I could be wrong but I'm sticking with that.

I did have one in a cloth pot, 25 or 30 gal a few years ago and had heavy weather and never an issue of nute loss. I was feeding GH Veg and Bloom. Yours looks nice after going through that!
Thanks Stone!

This plant is eating MegaCrop and is just in a 10 gallon pot.

These were big giant, heavy raindrops (heavier even than regular water) and lots of them for about 2 hours! :laughtwo:
Thanks Stone!

This plant is eating MegaCrop and is just in a 10 gallon pot.

These were big giant, heavy raindrops (heavier even than regular water) and lots of them for about 2 hours! :laughtwo:
I never fed MC but that stuff reacts quick doesn't it? You'll know fast if she fades. How long until next feed?
I never fed MC but that stuff reacts quick doesn't it? You'll know fast if she fades. How long until next feed?
I don't know how long until the next feed!

That plant is at Rick's place -- he's the day-to-day guy. It's been super hot here lately and he recently told me that he had changed his feedings to include plain water feeds between his megacrop feeds "because it's hot."

He seems to have a good feel for when to feed. He's very observant of how the plants react.

I've let him no about the responses I've received to the question. I'll leave it to him from there!
Hello growers.

I had the plants out for watering today so I thought I'd post some pics.

The Fast kids are showing pre-flower, I think (I'm still learning). They are on day 17 post-flip and got their first top-feed of GeoFlora bloom 5 days ago.

The group has pleased me in one way already. They have remained short. No wrestling matches with these!
Here are pics. The Bubblegum#2 has some yellowing, but other than that they seem content. They all got 1L of plain water this evening.

Bubblegum #1
Bubblegum1 8-12-21 Flip17.jpg

Bubblegum #2
Bubblegum2 8-12-21 Flip17.jpg

Critical Poison

Critical Poisin 8-12-21 Flip17.jpg

Bruce Banner
Bruce Banner 8-12-21 Flip17.jpg

The clones are progressing, though quite differently.

The Godfather OGs keep going up. One of them has shown some yellowing that looks like underfeeding. I fed them tonight and bumped up their MegaCrop from 5g to 5.5g.

They're reflections of each other, like twins!

Godfather OG Clones
GOG clones 8-12-21 like twins.jpg

Chiquita Banana Clone

The problem child. She's still a very light green and showing no signs of improvement.

I fed her this evening and bumped her MegaCrop back up to 5g with no additional calmag. I'll be taking her up to 5.5g when I water her next.
CB Clone 8-12-21 still yellow.jpg

That's a wrap for today.

Thanks for looking in.

They look great, GDB!
Even the yellow one seems to be doing very well, except for that damn color....
no more "y" word... :)
Plants are looking lovely GDB. :love: I am about 3 hours west of you and we’ve had some pretty terrific storms over the last week or so. We’ve got lots of rain coming Saturday through Wednesday of next week and I’ve been wondering the same thing about nutes. It’s been so damned hot here that all of the outside girls are taking 2.5 gallons per day - with nutes. I wonder if I should be alternating straight water every other day….:hmmmm:
Plants are looking lovely GDB. :love: I am about 3 hours west of you and we’ve had some pretty terrific storms over the last week or so. We’ve got lots of rain coming Saturday through Wednesday of next week and I’ve been wondering the same thing about nutes. It’s been so damned hot here that all of the outside girls are taking 2.5 gallons per day - with nutes. I wonder if I should be alternating straight water every other day….:hmmmm:
Thanks, Boo!

I would try it and see. My buddies plants have shown no disagreement with the alternating feeds. And he's happy because he's not flying through his MegaCrop!

Just to think, I'm only 3 hours away from the beautiful GSC you've got going.

Do you have a guest room? :laughtwo:
Hello growers.

Last night I had a pleasant dream
In which I opened the Fast tent and all was green
But this morning when I went to have a peep
The CB clone said "Go back to sleep."​

I still don't see any change to the color of the Chiquita Banana clone. I'm thinking of flushing her again and starting anew with the MC at 5.5. I really don't know what else to do. :straightface:
Fast Tent 8-15-21 Flip 20.jpg

I’m wondering if this Chiquita banana is taking after the og kush parent? The og kush I just grew was much lighter than the rest and I thought something was wrong, until I saw breeder pics and talking about it’s lime green coloring. Sorry, I can’t remember, have you grown one of these out already?
I’m wondering if this Chiquita banana is taking after the og kush parent? The og kush I just grew was much lighter than the rest and I thought something was wrong, until I saw breeder pics and talking about it’s lime green coloring. Sorry, I can’t remember, have you grown one of these out already?
Yes, I grew one before. (The current one is a clone.)

Her momma looked like this on post-flip day 60.
MC-CB 7-16-21 D64+60.jpg

Strange stuff. :straightface:
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