Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

:ciao: Hi GDB! I've been thinking about your ongoing mite problem....could they be hanging out in the grow bags? Seems like that would be a lovely spot for them to wait it out. I'm stoned on the lovely Purple Lemonade and there's a little bit of Elijah Craig mixed in (that's, But I wanted to throw that thought out there. :love:
The thought of you sitting about pondering my mite problems makes me feel all warm inside, even if Purple Lemonade may have caused it! :Rasta:

I think they hang out in my very old house. I've been thinking of hiring a professional bugger to have a look around. For now I'll just treat all of my plants for them from the beginning since their appearance seems guaranteed at some point during the grow.
Hello growers.

So my initial plan with the Fast kids was to try and grow them faster than fast by flipping them super early. Well it's day 61 for them and they haven't been flipped yet. So much for the fast experiment. :Rasta:

I will, however, be flipping them this week along with the clone trio. I won't say which day this week because that's too much like planning.

Fast 7-26-21 D61.jpg

One day soon I'll post a pic of my spider mite arsenal. I've got quite a collection built up and I'm ready for battle!

I won't say which day this week because that's too much like planning.
I like your style because that’s exactly how I work it. I contemplate then I execute. :smokin:
I would let them grow their fan leaves back before flip so they can focus on the flowering/stretch process rather than refoliation!
That's not enough fan leaves on 'em?
Hello growers.

All the ladies were sent to Flip City this morning.

I turned the lights out early on them last night at 6:30 and gave each plant a foliar spray with SNS 209. They stayed in the dark for 14 hours at which point the lights were turned on with a schedule to remain on from 8:30am to 8:30pm each day.

Hopefully these will stay fairly manageable. I don't envision the Fast kids getting very big and that is just as I want them. I'm uncertain what the clones might do, which is why I didn't want to wait any longer to flip them. They could do a crazy stretch thing.

FAST flip 7-27-21 D62.jpg

Hello growers!

It's been 4 days since I flipped the Fast kids and the Clone Trio (which I think I've identified). Seems like a good time to take a look at what's going on.

The Fast kids are being raised on @GeoFlora Nutrients and are due their next (and first) top feed of Bloom in 6 days.

The Bubblegums seem to be enjoying themselves the most. They look happy to be where they are.

The Bubblegum #1
Bubblegum #1 7-31-21 Flip4.jpg

The Bubblegum #2
Bubblegum #2 7-31-21 flip4.jpg

The Bruce Banner has some curling leaves that concern me and her overall look is not one of a happy plant. I'll need to watch her closely.
Bruce Banner 7-31-21 flip4.jpg

The Critical Poison seems content so far.
Critical Poison 7-31-21 flip4.jpg

The C Banana clone (I'm guessing that this is the banana because of the light green color) has some leaf discoloration among the top leaves. It could be light burn but I'm not sure about it. Light burn would seem odd as there are other plants closer to the light. If anyone has any ideas I'm open for suggestions.
CB Clone 7-31-21 flip4.jpg

I opened her up and bent parts of her down. (Some good rock lyrics!)
CB Clone bent 7-31-21 flip4.jpg

The Godfather OG clones are much greener than what I believe to be the C Banana. Both are a little taller than I'd like them to be and both will be supecropped at some point.

GOG #1
GOG clone #1 7-31-21 flip4.jpg

GOG #2
GOG Clone #2 7-31-21 flip4.jpg

I'll be back with another update in a few. I want to show off the reason why I plan to bring this grow to fruition without any bugs. I've got an arsenal and now I just need to consistently deploy it (and hope it works). :Rasta:

Great looking plants, GDB!-
That is some odd discoloration on the C Banana- It doesn't really look like light burn, but I'm not sure what it does look like...It resembles a phosphorous deficiency, but she's a bit young to be needing extra p...
Is it true? big feet, big errrmm legs?
big socks?
Looking good mate. Nice and healthy . Apart from the issue. I'm hopeless at diagnostics
Oh!! Your feet are foookin huge!!!
Is it true? big feet, big errrmm legs?
LOL! My feet are not big, relatively speaking. I'm 6 feet 4 inches tall I need something down there for balance! :Rasta:

Imagine being that height and wearing a size 9. You'd look like you were tip-toeing all the time!
Great looking plants, GDB!-
That is some odd discoloration on the C Banana- It doesn't really look like light burn, but I'm not sure what it does look like...It resembles a phosphorous deficiency, but she's a bit young to be needing extra p...

big socks?
I agree Mr. C, it doesn't really look like light burn. I going to up the Mega Crop from 5 to 5.5 and see if that helps.

Yeah, big socks. And if you listen to the Mrs. big odor (but she has an overly sensitive nose).
Hello growers.

Last night right before lights out all of the ladies got sprayed with Lemongrass bug spray. This stuff is mild (can even be used on human skin) and will be but one of the rotated foliar sprays in my spider mite prevention strategy. BTW, this stuff makes one's tent smell nice!
Lemongrass Spray.jpg

A full tent pics clearly shows that the C Banana clone (rear middle) is NOT the right color. I'll be upping her Mega Crop the next time I water her.

Fast 8-2-21 Flip7.jpg

If you're interested, I've posted a few new smoke reports beginning here.

Thanks for stopping by.

They're all looking great except for the lighter alleged C-Ban. Though I would be wary about getting to 5.5g/gallon this early in the grow. That pattern of burning could also be a K tox, and too much K can lock out N, making for paler leaves. Maybe rinse it out and reset it at 4.5g and see if looks happier a week later. I don't think it will hurt anything giving that a shot. That's just me spitballing possibilities though.

And those GOG's are growing like trees! Good thing you have a plan to deal with that. :thumb:
There's always one....I hope you get the C.Banana figured out- she looks fairly healthy, except for the color...
The other ladies look great....those 2 on the right look like they're getting their stretch in early... :oops:
Hello growers.

Last night right before lights out all of the ladies got sprayed with Lemongrass bug spray. This stuff is mild (can even be used on human skin) and will be but one of the rotated foliar sprays in my spider mite prevention strategy. BTW, this stuff makes one's tent smell nice!
Lemongrass Spray.jpg

A full tent pics clearly shows that the C Banana clone (rear middle) is NOT the right color. I'll be upping her Mega Crop the next time I water her.

Fast 8-2-21 Flip7.jpg

If you're interested, I've posted a few new smoke reports beginning here.

Thanks for stopping by.

The one plant looks like mine. The others look like Penthouse Pets!
They're all looking great except for the lighter alleged C-Ban. Though I would be wary about getting to 5.5g/gallon this early in the grow. That pattern of burning could also be a K tox, and too much K can lock out N, making for paler leaves. Maybe rinse it out and reset it at 4.5g and see if looks happier a week later. I don't think it will hurt anything giving that a shot. That's just me spitballing possibilities though.

And those GOG's are growing like trees! Good thing you have a plan to deal with that. :thumb:
Kicking the CB down to 4.5g MC is not a thought that even entered my mind. K toxicity. How? Why?

Still it's not out of the realm of possibilities. And as you say, resetting it would not likely hurt anything. Since I've come to realize that you have a pretty mean spitball, I will give it a try!

(Also, I have already disregarded your advice about waiting a few weeks to flip the Fast kids. If I ignore this latest bit of advice from you, that will put me in the position of having disregarded your advice twice within a single grow. I'm not anxious to go there. :Rasta:)

Thanks, Shedster.
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