Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Great plants, great looking bunch of friends you have, great that you were able to get together too, and great that you got another MotM nomination. Congrats and good luck!!
Thanks, MrS.

It was nice to see those guys. I did notice, however, that each year those steps get a little smaller and it becomes harder for us all to sit on them together.

Not sure what that's about. :laughtwo:
Hello growers and happy Father's Day to the dads!

I haven't said much lately about my exiled clone, the Strawberry Banana Grape. She's been exiled to the 5x5 tent with her spider mites.

Now she has company now. Another mite-infested plant from here.

I've been treating the SBG with SNS 209 in the soil and as a foliar spray. The Borg, however, have persisted.

But resistance is not futile. Yesterday I got this:

I sprayed both plants in the dark last night. This morning I see no movement on my leaves. It's almost as if they've been wiped out overnight.

I know that's a pipe dream. They're still there, but I'm hoping a lot fewer in number. I can use Doktor Doom again in 7 days and I can't wait!


Happy Fathers Day, GDB!

It's almost as if they've been wiped out overnight.
Wouldn't that be nice!
Doktor Doom doesn't mess around!

Even with the mites, those plants still look great!
Thanks, Carcass.

This doom spray seems to be pretty effective. I sure hope so.

Happy Father's Day to you as well!

How did that stake meat you cooked turn out? :Rasta:
How did that stake meat you cooked turn out?
Just lit the fire, but I have a feeling it's gonna be gooood!
It's a tri-tip, but I'll be havin' me a nice stake/slab (or 2) when it's done... ;)
Hello growers.

Here's a pic of the Fast babies and the toddler clones. The Fast babies are on day 25 and coming up. The 2 larger clones are of unknown age. (I didn't document when I took the cuttings and I honestly don't have a clue. I just know it was before their moms were flipped.) I'm not pleased with their color and upped their MC feed today to 5g per gallon. I had been feeding them @4g but now believe their mom's were taking in more than that when the cuttings were taken. The small clone needs to be up-potted and I'm not sure why I keep putting it off.

The Fast babies will get their next top-feed of GeoFlora veg two days from now, on Wednesday the 23rd.
FAST babies 6-21-21 D25.JPG

Subconscious concern about space?
That could be a part of it Shed. Can't say for sure because I have a really hard time communicating with my subconcious mind, especially with the constant clickety-clack of the old Benz Diesel ever present. :laughtwo:

No, seriously, I just don't have a plan yet for how to proceed. And dumb or dumber, I must always have a plan or things tend to go downhill fast!
Hello growers.

Here's an example of what can happen when I start "feeling myself" and thinking I'm smarter than I am.

Two of my Fast babies (Bubblegum #1 and Critical Poison) are showing yellowing leaves at the bottom and it appears to be on the way up the plant.

Bubblegum1 6-22-21 D26.jpg

C Poison
Critical Poison 6-22-21 D26.jpg

The other two show no signs of yellowing (yet).

I retraced my steps and determined that because my smart ass did not even bother to look at the Geoflora feed chart when I up-potted these from solo cups to 1 gallon pots I had underfed them.

Rather than look at the chart, I estimated how much they should get based on the vast wealth of knowledge I've accumulated by having grown ONE plant to maturity using GeoFlora. Heh?

So when I up-potted them I put 1/2 tablespoon at the bottom of the new hole and top-fed another half tsblsp when I watered them in. The feed chart, which I just decided to look at this morning, calls for twice that much in a 1 gallon pot.

All are getting top-feeds today, a day earlier than planned. And all will be given 2 and 1/2 tablespoons of Veg which is slightly more than the recommended amount.

You ever heard that old saying, "You couldn't pour piss out of a bucket if the directions were printed on the bottom."

Well that's how I feel about now. :Rasta:

Hello again growers.

This is turning into a most eventful day and not in a good way. :straightface:

After taking care of my yellowing Fast babies I ventured down to the 5x5 to check on the exiled ladies and was greeted by this:


That's a nearly clean break of a major branch on my Strawberry Banana Grape clone. She was a leaner but I didn't address it so this happened. It could have been avoided had I just leaned her against the wall of the tent!



My ham-handed attempt to tape then binder clip her back together only made matters worse, resulting in a total amputation. I took the branch and hung it in a drying box to be used for oil. So what you see still standing in the top pic is all that's left of her now.

On a positive note, while I was attending to her I didn't see a single spider mite! :Rasta:

You ever heard that old saying, "You couldn't pour piss out of a bucket if the directions were printed on the bottom."
I hadn't, but I am going to use that in the future! :thanks:

Oh yeah...good catch on the GF underfeed. Clickety clack indeed. :)
My ham-handed attempt to tape then binder clip her back together only made matters worse, resulting in a total amputation.
Oof! That was completely saveable with tape and a stake, but oil is a good spot for the buds on there.

Make sure you wash off the pyrethrins first. :high-five:
Hello again growers.

This is turning into a most eventful day and not in a good way. :straightface:

After taking care of my yellowing Fast babies I ventured down to the 5x5 to check on the exiled ladies and was greeted by this:


That's a nearly clean break of a major branch on my Strawberry Banana Grape clone. She was a leaner but I didn't address it so this happened. It could have been avoided had I just leaned her against the wall of the tent!



My ham-handed attempt to tape then binder clip her back together only made matters worse, resulting in a total amputation. I took the branch and hung it in a drying box to be used for oil. So what you see still standing in the top pic is all that's left of her now.

On a positive note, while I was attending to her I didn't see a single spider mite! :Rasta:

Sorry my friend.
I know its late but I had a similar failure.
Now I duct tape,zip tie or wire the base of any branch I have a concern about.
I hold the branch right to the stem so it can't bend at all.
Before flower is the best time to do it but any time before it breaks.
It looks like rubbish honestly.
But I haven't lost a branch since.
Have a look at the rest before it happens again.
Well, at least you've still got plenty of plant left!
shit happens....
Well, at least you've still got plenty of plant left!
shit happens....
Thanks Mr. C.

While I don't usually sleep very well anyway, I'm not gonna' lose any sleep over this mishap! :Rasta:
Hello growers.

Yet another quick tent pic of the Fast babies.
Fast Tent 6-23-21 D27.jpg

Yesterday evening I got that last C Banana clone (front) up-potted to a 2 gallon pot. I have ditched the idea of growing her in my first LOS and will just raise her on MegaCrop (more about that in a minute).

Now to just sit back and see what happens with the two yellowing Fast plants.

I ditched the LOS plan because of reading several posts on 420 that seemed to indicate that LOS works best in large pots. I consider a "large" pot to be 7 gallons or more and I'm not ready to go there. After about 3 years of growing under my belt, I'm beginning to develop personal preferences. And I prefer smallish plants and pots that can be lifted without fear of back damage. :Rasta:

So going forward I'll be trying some kind of pseudo-LOS along with organic nutrients.

Anyway, I've been cooking my single pot of LOS for about a month now and I don't see any thing "living" in there yet.
I thought I would see little microbes just crawling around in the soil. Am I misunderstanding the concept? Or do I just need to go in the yard and find a worm to throw in there to get the party started? :laughtwo:

Thanks for stopping by.

Congrats on the transplant and overcoming your crippling anxiety about getting that done! :thumb:

I ditched the LOS plan because of reading several posts on 420 that seemed to indicate that LOS works best in large pots. I consider a "large" pot to be 7 gallons or more and I'm not ready to go there.
I don't believe that you need large pots for LOS, you just need shorter grows if you go with smaller pots. The soil gets depleted of the nutrients that got cooked in as the plant grows, so if you wanted to do a short veg and flip, smaller than 7 gallons can work.
I thought I would see little microbes just crawling around in the soil. Am I misunderstanding the concept?
I think you are misunderstanding the word "microbe." Wikipedia defines it thusly: "A microorganism, or microbe, is a microscopic organism."

How good are your eyes these days? :nerd-with-glasses:
I retraced my steps and determined that because my smart ass did not even bother to look at the Geoflora feed chart when I up-potted these from solo cups to 1 gallon pots I had underfed them.
You can now add your name to the long list of GF users not following the manufacturers recommendations. You can find my name way up on the top of that list. :cheesygrinsmiley: Good thing is these plants rebound nicely from it.
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