Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Whew! Finally got caught up GDB! Things are chugging along over here. :high-five:

That is so funny. :laughtwo: I’m in the process of drying/curing the DDA, Dosidos auto, and Pink Lemonade auto. Just this morning Mr. Boo was commenting on how stinky the PL is, then he says, “You must have grown about 4 or 5 ounces by now, haven‘t you?” :straightface: It’s better that he doesn’t know….:p
That is hilarious! :rofl:
“You must have grown about 4 or 5 ounces by now, haven‘t you?”
I gave Mrs.C. the dollar amount of what I've grown in the last 2 years,(if I sold it, which I don't) and, for the first time in 44 years, she was didn't last long, but it was a nice,quiet 10 seconds....
Hello growers.

I'm liking what I'm seeing with the new babies today on day 7. While they haven't grown that much yet, the roots are really starting to spread out. I can see them on all sides of every cup and they're going deep. I love seeing that!

These are the roots on the Critical Poison, way down in the cup and out to the sides.

Like I said, they haven't grown much yet but they are pushing out new leaves. I turned up the @ViparSpectra XS1500 to 50%. The babies are sitting at around 13K on the lux meter. I still have the light running 24 hours but I plan to change it to 18/6 very soon. (This is the first time I've tried 24 hours at the beginning. I did it out of curiosity. No other reason.)

Here's a group shot, along with the clones ugly ducklings.
Fast babies 6-2-21 D7.JPG

Looking good! Is that new growth I see about an inch down on the cast-off?
You mean this?
Sheds growth 6-2-21.JPG

Well what's it doing way down there?

We used to call a tired house party a "pa." I'd switch that up a bit and call this "owth."
That's impressive- honestly, I thought that one was a goner...
Hello growers and happy Friday!

A quick update on the Fast babies today.

It's day 8 for the little ones and they're all making new leaves while, for the most part, still hugging the soil. The lone exception, the Critical Poison, has stretched up a bit.

What has me pumped about them is their root growth. Compared to the growth I usually see, these have explosive growth! When I did the original soil prep for their solos, I moistened the soil with a water-in mycorrhizae inoculant. I'm guessing that must be what accounts for much of the improvement. But nor can I totally discount the role of the @ViparSpectra 1500. It's seems to be an amazing light and is certainly a cut above the one I have used before for my seedlings.

Bubblegum #1
Fast Bubblegum 6-4-21 D8.JPG

Bubblegum #2
Fast Bubblegum II 6-4-21 D8.JPG

Bruce Banner
Fast Bruce Banner 6-4-21 D8.JPG

Critical Poison
Fast Critical Poison 6-4-21 D8.JPG

I certainly won't complain about the soil huggers as long as they keep pushing out new leaves! :Rasta:

Thanks for looking in.

Hello grow crew.

Thought I would toss in a quick update on the Strawberry Banana Grape clone.

I think I might have the spider mites on the run! The new leaves at the top are coming in unbent. So I guess that's a positive unless it just means that the bugs are still present but haven't crawled up there yet.

They've had about 4 straight feedings with @Sierra Natural Science 209, along with periodic sprays of Monterey garden insect spray. I'm not going to let up, either!

She looks a little happier and continues pushing out buds!
SBG clone 6-5-21.jpg

Reach over there and give her a shake if there are bugs they will come out to see what the hell's up LOL Nice update GDB :morenutes:
LOL. I won't shake her Smoke, but I am giving serious thought to blasting her underside with the water hose again!
Hello growers.

So it's been above 90 degrees here for the last few days and 90s are predicted for the next three days. The weather guy on the news this morning said that we "might be" having our first heat wave of the summer. Well, that's damn astute. And he gets paid to say stuff like that! :laughtwo:

On day 11, the FAST babies are losing their affinity for the soil and beginning to come up. I think the tsp. of GeoFlora veg that they were top-fed on May 28th is starting to take hold.

Left to right, Bubblegum #1, Bubblegum #2, Bruce Banner & Critical Poison.
FAST Babies II 6-22-21 D11.jpg

I see no issues with these toddlers. Their colors are nice and their root development is impressive.

Now that I've got the girls in my 4x4 tent sort of on auto-pilot, I can devote more time to getting these in order, which means -- I don't know, I guess I'll look at them more often!:Rasta:

I've made a slight change to how I will grow them. Rather than just organic soil and Geoflora, I'm going to use 1/2 organic soil mixed with 1/2 Mother Earth's Coco/Peat Performance mix (and GeoFlora).

Thanks for stopping by.

Your Tods are looking sweet!
It's that hot here too lately too. My outdoor girl is panting out there.
Thanks, Stone.

If a plant can take that kind of heat outside then why do us tent growers fret so much when the temps get high in our tents?
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