Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

lights in boxes scattered around my house
That sounds eerily like Mrs. GDB!
Another quarter inch down might have been all they needed.
I think so too. Probably the result of a lifetime of hearing "Too deep. Too deep."

(And don't tell me to keep it clean, Shed. This is my journal!)
No doubt it's a little tricky, especially if you're just dropping them in. I push the tweezers into the area where the seed is going. This loosens the soil so when I insert the tweezers with the seed it doesn't take a lot of force. Of course the seed is already positioned in the tweezers when it makes the plunge. Then I force open the tweezers with a bit of finger pressure so as not to pull the seed out with them.
Hello again.

A very short episode of:

Only The Clonely
The Strawberry Banana Grape clone is on flip day 12 and starting to push out goodies.

Her leaves are still curved. Yesterday I fed her with water only until run-off, about 3 liters. The next time I feed her I'll lower the MC from 5 to 4.5g per gallon.

sbg clone 5-20-21 f11.jpg

sbg clone II 5-20-21 f11.JPG

How high is the light above the canopy? Do you have a lux meter?
Sorry for the delay in responding Mr. S.

To fully answer this question last night would have required me to walk down to the basement so....

Yes I have a lux meter and it says about 32K for Clonely. The light is hanging 22 inches above the top of her.
The sun is shining.
The sky is clear.
And I'm about to have a beer.
Yes I have a lux meter and it says about 32K for Clonely. The light is hanging 22 inches above the top of her.
Can you crank up the intensity? Here's what I think might be happening. Plants burn off N from the light intensity. To me the lux seems a little low, and should be around 55-60K. It's possible it's not burning off enough and causing a toxicity of N.
Can you crank up the intensity? Here's what I think might be happening. Plants burn off N from the light intensity. To me the lux seems a little low, and should be around 55-60K. It's possible it's not burning off enough and causing a toxicity of N.
Thanks, Mr.S. I will certainly give that a try! :thanks:
Hello growers.

So all those seeds that I buried have emerged from the dirt and I have never seen such a motley crew! I got helmet heads, membrane heads, pin heads and just a bunch of hammer heads in general. :Rasta:

I'm not sure why this happened. The only change from my usual process was to bury them in Fox Farms Happy Frog rather than the usual FF Ocean Forest.

Maybe I didn't bury them deep enough. Maybe they were turned the wrong way. Maybe too much water. Maybe not enough. Maybe...maybe...maybe.

Anyway the 5 that look halfway viable don't seem that interested in growing, so there's that too.

I show you them. The others which are not going to make it, I won't even bother taking pics of.

Critical Poison
Critical Poison 5-23-21.JPG

Bubblegum 5-23-21.JPG

Bubblegum II
Bubblegum II 5-23-21.JPG

Bruce Banner
Bruce Banner 5-23-21.JPG

Big Devil (iffy)
Big Devil 5-23-21.JPG

Not exactly a stellar starting five, but I'll see if I can coach 'em up!

Still no movement on the clones (unless you count a branch falling off of one as movement). :laughtwo:
CB cuttings 5-23-21.jpg

GOG cuttings 5-23-21.jpg

Lastly, we have...

Only The Clonely

Yesterday (or the day before), I took the advice of @MrSauga and turned up the light. The plant is now at 60K on the lux meter. Still the leaves are curled.

Well, it turns out that I was right about one of the reasons the leaves were pointing down, and all it took was a younger pair of eyes to confirm it. My wayward son made one of his rare visits yesterday and when I told him about the issue he was immediately able to inspect it and show me some spider mites. I had been hoping not, but I knew that every plant of mine that had been infested by mites exhibited those same curling leaves. It's like the plant is pointing down to the source of some discomfort and it's telling you to go find the source and do something about it.

Damn it!

So last night she got blasted with SNS Spider Mite Control right before lights out.

But desperate situations require desperate measures. So this morning I took her to the backyard laid her down and blasted the undersides of her leaves with the water hose. I beat her up good but I'm certain I must of knocked a bunch of mites off the plant.

Now to see how/if she recovers.
Beat up Clonely 5-23-21.JPG

That's it for today. Not exactly an upbeat update, I know. But hopefully it will make someone feel better about their grow! :laughtwo:

The little sproutling keepers actually look pretty good, except for the BigDevil- that one
looks just like my Iced Grapefruit did right at first- it was pretty funky for ten days or so,but it's ok now,
so don't write that one off just yet...
And the beat-up clone will thank you later....but, she's a little pissed right now, since you ruined her quiet Sunday morning...effing spider mites!

Hey- I'm storing my GeoFlora nutes in a couple of GDB Cloners®: :)
GF nutes.jpg
That was good your son spotted the problem. I always used to be able to spot the bugs but with ageing eyesight I don't see them standing out like I used to, so now I rely on taking pics and blowing them up on the screen to check for invaders!

If it's any help, this is a post by @Skottelgoed Spons who gave his successful approach to getting rid of spider mites here. It's probably suited as more of an outdoor treatment, but as you mentioned you took your plant outside for a hose off...
The little sproutling keepers actually look pretty good, except for the BigDevil- that one
looks just like my Iced Grapefruit did right at first- it was pretty funky for ten days or so,but it's ok now,
so don't write that one off just yet...
And the beat-up clone will thank you later....but, she's a little pissed right now, since you ruined her quiet Sunday morning...effing spider mites!

Hey- I'm storing my GeoFlora nutes in a couple of GDB Cloners®: :)
GF nutes.jpg
Thanks. I have high hopes for them Carcass! Always do.

I think Clonely will be okay. She may ask me to do it again.

Regarding your GF containers, those things are to GDBCloners like a VW is to a Porsche. :rofl:
Oof! Sorry about the mites, and and the Big Devil (the rest look like they'll do just fine). The GDB Cloners/GF Containers look really damp, though. Is that how they like it in there?
Thanks, Shed. The mites are a recurring issue here. I need to figure out why.

Edit: I just sprayed the cloners. They won't look that way this evening.

"GDB Cloners/GF Containers?"

Oof to you too! :Rasta:
That was good your son spotted the problem. I always used to be able to spot the bugs but with ageing eyesight I don't see them standing out like I used to, so now I rely on taking pics and blowing them up on the screen to check for invaders!

If it's any help, this is a post by @Skottelgoed Spons who gave his successful approach to getting rid of spider mites here. It's probably suited as more of an outdoor treatment, but as you mentioned you took your plant outside for a hose off...
Thanks for the link, @Stunger. That's definitely something I'll be trying!

My son pointed to a leaf and said, "There are some." I said where?

I had to use my loupe to see them!

Getting old ain't for punks. :laughtwo:
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