Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

I had to get rid of the one with the twisted stem and now I have started another one that seems to be doing better I’m going to post some pictures in my grow journal later. I also started a gorilla glue auto that is dying and it’s only a week old and I planted three northern light autos and only two survived of those and I just planted 4 gelato autos yesterday but they have not come to the surface yet and one never sprouted of the beans that I was trying to germinate.
Are you still starting your autos in the house and then moving them out later or are you starting them in the greenhouse?
That's what I seem to be doing constantly with the GF- trying to get then to "green back up"
I haven't quite figured it out yet though..
The Fast ladies are looking good- I can see some of the yellows aren't as yellow as they were before, so what you're doing is really working!
Thanks, Mr. C.

The only thing I did was to give them a little more than recommended and even earlier than the "early" feed I had planned. I'm also giving them a bit more water than I usually do at this stage. This is my first time using 1 gallon pots and I think I might have under-watered a bit the first few times I watered them.

Looking forward!
Many folks really seem to be using it more often than every two weeks to maintain the color in the leaves, and you're using more than the standard as well. I wonder if someone should ask them about that in their Q&A thread... :hmmmm:

I'd ask but I bailed on it a few weeks ago when I couldn't quite catch up with the plant in flower. The question really should come from someone having success with it, but having to use more and/or more often.
Are you still starting your autos in the house and then moving them out later or are you starting them in the greenhouse?
I’m soaking them and germinating them in the paper towels in the house and then once they pop I take them outside to the greenhouse and put them in their pots
I’m soaking them and germinating them in the paper towels in the house and then once they pop I take them outside to the greenhouse and put them in their pots
I commented on your thread about that fact after @InTheShed stated that outside might be too much for an auto in the beginning. This is especially true, I think, with the heat you're experiencing in your neck of the woods.
I commented on your thread about that fact after @InTheShed stated that outside might be too much for an auto in the beginning. This is especially true, I think, with the heat you're experiencing in your neck of the woods.
Ok, sorry. I’m gonna have to stop coming on here responding when I’m stoned because I can’t keep up with who said what lol!
Hey Grand Daddy Black!

Got room for 1 more?? Maybe a bean bag in the corner? I started reading you the other nite and got 25 pages in here, next thing I know I’m down the rabbit hole in your other journal and scratching my head! Anyways I will catch up but wanted to drop a marker down.
You're more than welcome here, @013!

What kind of beans you got in that bag? I might want a few. :laughtwo:
Many folks really seem to be using it more often than every two weeks to maintain the color in the leaves, and you're using more than the standard as well. I wonder if someone should ask them about that in their Q&A thread... :hmmmm:

I'd ask but I bailed on it a few weeks ago when I couldn't quite catch up with the plant in flower. The question really should come from someone having success with it, but having to use more and/or more often.
I too would pose the question, Shed, but for the fact that I now know I under-fed them at the beginning. So any catching up I have to do I cannot honestly attribute to GF.
Hey growers.

There was a little attitude in the Fast tent this morning with most of the plants looking thirsty and not happy about it. I laughed at them and told them too much drama! :Rasta:

All the ladies got watered, the clones and the Fast babies.

A few hours later, the drama subsided:
Fast 6-29-21 D33.jpg

Disclaimer: The notes below are mostly a guide for me. :Rasta:

The Fast babies on day 33 got about 500ml of water and a liquid myco inoculant at about a 70/30 ratio. I'm going to start prepping the soil for their final 3 gallon pots now, ensuring that I get some GF in there and keep it moist for a few weeks prior to its use. I'm going to add some worm castings, liquid mycos, and a very small amount of blood meal to the soil. I'll also put a layer of cow poop in the bottom of the pots (shamelessly copying @Emilya). Fourteen days for prepping the soil means they'll be up-potted on day 48. I'd like to flip them at day 60 but that gives them only 12 days in their new pots so I may have the rethink that.

I'll time their up-pot to when they're ready for a top-feed. I'll top-feed them immediately after the up-pot and hope that whatever's in the soil will keep them humming along until the topical nutes kick in.

I've got a plan! :laughtwo:

The clones got about 1.3L of MegaCrop @5g and liquid myco also at about at 70/30 ratio. They'll be going into 5 gallon pots sooner than I anticipated due to space constraints that will soon develop. I'm not even sure how I'll accomplish the up-pot to 5 gals because I don't think the 3 of them will fit in the 2x2 tent with the 4 fast plants.

I have no plan! :straightface:

Thanks for stopping by.

Definitely a plan. I could tell because you talked about grams and liquids and ratios and days, not to mention the drama, blood, and shit!
My plans typically end just like a wisp of smoke, probably because they're usually formulated under a fog of smoke!
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