Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Thanks Shed. This grow is a result of @420 and the folks who inhabit the site.

Great place to live, but I wouldn't want to just visit. :Rasta:
Holy crap that GDP is a beauty, nice shots!

How is the bacon not enough?
That's what I thought, had me at bacon. Mrs D would jump me for bacon and forget about the rest :laughtwo:
Hello grow folks.

It's finally time to bid adios to the Chocolate Kush and the Bleu Dream'atic.

Both are fading fast and both are getting munched on by spider mites. They're coming down tomorrow or Sunday. I just want to let them dry out a bit. (I watered them yesterday only because I wanted to get some more SNS mite treatment in the soil.)

It's kind of interesting the way they're both fading at seemingly the same rate and at the same time! I'm thinking there may be something else going on but I can't summon the energy (or interest) to care.

Today is their day 112 above the soil so there is no hesitance on my part to take them down! :Rasta:

CK is on the left.

Very nice! Will give you time to concentrate on your many other star students!
And the time to thoroughly clean and hopefully de-bug this tent!
Great job all the way until the spider mites showed up. Im sure it will be a fine smoke.
Make sure you keep preventive measures on all the other ladies as long as the intruders are present. :green_heart:
Thanks @Nev.

You bet I will. I be treating all of my future grow while they're still in veg when I can hit them with everything I've got! :Rasta:
Looking Good, GDB!
Doesn't look like the spider mites slowed them down too much-alotta pot on those girls- lotta leaves too, trim jail's gonna suck...(as usual :straightface: )
Good day growers.

I got an early start this morning to take down at least one of the autos.

Both of them look like trims from hell but I chose the Blue Dream'atic because it has the bigger buds.

With so many yellowed and crinkly leaves, this was going to be a job. I started at 8am and finished around 1pm (and that was with some help). It was 4.5 hours of torture followed by about 1/2 hour of washing. All I could think while I was doing it was, "This better be some good bud." :Rasta:

I hand-trimmed 610 oz. of solid stuff leaving me with a substantial amount of airy buds that still held some goodies.


No longer able to continue hand-trimming, I got out my "help" - the lazy man's trimmer.

The airy stuff was tossed in there and produced another 98g of small budlets. This didn't get washed so it will be used for edibles.



So I got in the neighborhood of 700g wet, including stalks.

Chances are that the other auto, the Chocolate Kush, will not get hand-trimmed at all but will be sacrificed to the lazy-man method. I'd need at least 3 days to get to the mental state where I want to go through that again, and I don't have 3 days to wait.

Here's the good stuff all washed up and ready for drying (after I cut off the big stalks). I left one of the nice buds untouched. I'm going to just hang it up to dry and then trim it. I've never tried a dry-trim before and want to see how it goes.

Half the day is gone. I should have gotten up earlier, perhaps at the crack of dawn.

crack of dawn.jpg

Those buds are fantastic GDB! Nice harvest, what do you think it'll dry to? 11oz's I think.
Thanks, StoneOtter!

If I'm lucky I'll get about half of that,
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