Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Thanks Boo!

Thanks Justin. I was aware of the her recommendation and you doing it. What does it smell like when you cook it? Is it something I could sneak and get accomplished while the Mrs. is out for the day without her being able to tell when she got home?
(I'm asking for a friend! :Rasta:)
Absolutely not. It smells like old forest and not like food at all ;) I did it while the GF was away for the weekend.
It’s been a number of years but I always used “Einstein‘s neem oil“. Came in a 4oz bottle. It was the best organic cure I was aware of. A bit pricey but well worth it.
The problem with the spider mites is it takes a few weeks to rid them because of their life cycle.
You can kill the live ones but you have to wait for their eggs to hatch before you can eliminate them after they hatch. It’s time consuming and messy. You need to spray every couple nights for a couple weeks.I had them a few times as they would hitch a ride into the grow room with me from outdoors. You need to take preventive action on any other plants you have because they will take over and consume everything. :(
Hello growers.

Well I've been screwed again. Both of my remaining autos have spider mites.

Where in the hell do these things keep coming from? Could they be in the soil?

What really gets me is that I never see signs of them until they're a LOT of them. That's something I need to work on. I guess I sorta' assume that there will be no bugs so I don't really look for them with the loupe. Then by the time they're in flower and near the end, I start checking the trichs and discover the creepy crawlers. By that time, my treatment options are limited due to the presence of flowers.

So far the critters don't appear to have done a lot of damage, but they are sure trying to change that!

For the past 2 days, I've been watering each plant with 1 liter of plain water + Sierra Natural Science 209 Pest Control (@ 8ml per gallon).

I'm just trying to slow those suckers down just a bit. I plant to harvest both plants during this week.

And so it goes...

I hope you have as much luck with the Sierra Natch as I did!
You need to take preventive action on any other plants you have because they will take over and consume everything.
At this point @Nev, I ready to get butt naked and take a shower before I water a plant.

But...that would not go over very well. :straightface:
I hope you have as much luck with the Sierra Natch as I did!
I won't have much time to judge this time @StoneOtter. I'm taking them down soon. I just hope it slows them down a bit since they seem to be getting fatter every day I look at them!
Absolutely not. It smells like old forest and not like food at all
You haven't smelled my wife's cooking! :laughtwo:
It smells woody to me, very organic smelly. Nice to me not so to her.
Thanks, Stone. I won't even be raising this subject with Mrs. GDB. Automatic veto.

BTW, the response to Justin was just a joke that I couldn't pass up. Mrs. GDB is a fine cook!
Thanks, Stone. I won't even be raising this subject with Mrs. GDB. Automatic veto.
Mrs.C. whines about the smell when I decarb weed in the oven, I don't think I'd be allowed to cook a big pan o dirt in there... If she didn't like gummies so much, I'd probably have to decarb the weed outside on the barbecue ;)
You should just put that in your signature:

BTW, my response to you was just a joke that I couldn't pass up.

No. I want to be taken seriously. :laughtwo:
Mrs.C. whines about the smell when I decarb weed in the oven, I don't think I'd be allowed to cook a big pan o dirt in there... If she didn't like gummies so much, I'd probably have to decarb the weed outside on the barbecue ;)
When you put your plants outside what do you do for the bugs? Although I'm growing inside I'm starting to feel like I might need to consider outside-oriented precautions.
When you put your plants outside what do you do for the bugs?
If I get caterpillars, I spray with Safer® caterpillar killer, and for aphids (which I didn't get last time)
I mix up a weak nicotine spray with the nicotine I've got for my vape juice.
Caterpillars aren't as much of a problem if the plants aren't out there at night (when horny moths are flying around) so I schlep the plants into the patio room at dusk.
Butterflies will also lay eggs on the plants, so bringing them in at night doesn't necessarily mean no caterpillars, but the butterfly caterpillars that I had on my last outdoor grow only ate leaves, they didn't chow down on the buds like the moth caterpillars do.
And I haven't had to deal with spidermites yet, I hope I don't ever have to... :oops:
Thanks, @Carcass and @BigD13.

I may be over-reacting. I sure haven't seen any butterflies or caterpillars around the house! :Rasta:

When these plants are done I'm going to set off a bug bomb in this room and give the tent a thorough clean/disinfect. Then I'm gonna' spray bug spray all over the tent, inside and out. And then maybe I'll let a bunch of rove beetles loose in the house, bites and juice be damned! (Might have to clear that last one with the Mrs. Never mind)

But anyway, that should do it.
Thanks, @Carcass and @BigD13.

I may be over-reacting. I sure haven't seen any butterflies or caterpillars around the house! :Rasta:

When these plants are done I'm going to set off a bug bomb in this room and give the tent a thorough clean/disinfect. Then I'm gonna' spray bug spray all over the tent, inside and out. And then maybe I'll let a bunch of rove beetles loose in the house, bites and juice be damned! (Might have to clear that last one with the Mrs. Never mind)

But anyway, that should do it.
If you really are going to use a fogger, I’d use a flea fogger. They have IGRs and whatever insects the fogger doesn’t kill won’t be able to reach sexual maturity. Mites usually need several rounds to knock them out and that takes care of a good chunk of it. Preventative can do the rest once they are obliterated.
I had spider mites two grows ago, what a PITA! They ended up catching a ride into my house from a basil plant bought at the market. Here I am fighting a war because of a $2.99 basil plant. I had really good luck with General Hydroponics AzaMax. Expensive stuff, $60 for 16 oz, but you can use a blunt tip syringe to measure the stuff because you use so little of it per mix. As it's been echoed, key is to treat consistently over the course of a few weeks to end their life cycle. My understanding with AzaMax is it basically coats the leaves so the mites can't eat them and eventually starve. By treating them consistently, the new eggs that hatch still do not have food and the cycle ends.

I've been watching a lot of Growers Network video's on YouTube and I've seen a few of the professional growers use Green Cleaner as part of their Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Amazon has an 8oz for $28. They treat their veg rooms consistently with it and sort of make the assumption they're clean when the shift to the flower room so should make it through that period, obviously with continued surveillance and protocols in place.

After I finished that grow I used a professional disinfectant spray on my whole tent, removed all my fans and cleaned them, etc. I was contemplating putting a few pest strips (the chemical ones) or one of those bombs you set up, but it's in my basement and don't really feel like increasing my carcinogenic exposure.

Good luck, you'll get rid of them!!
Hello again! I just posted but got stuck on bug prevention and forgot I wanted to post another update!

I got down to the photo tent tonight for their feeding and I am excited. One of them is nearly ready!

I'm almost certain the Grand Daddy Purple won't get fed more than 3 more times. (How's that for conviction. :laughtwo: ) She's about done. Plenty of amber trichs on this one. And she smells and she's starting to drink less.


All the others are happy to hang around for a while longer. They just love the @NextLight mega!


I think the Double Black will be the next to finish. I'm excited about her too! She's a beast but it's hard to see it in a pic. Her buds are stacked from deep within and she smells too. (She's left front and the GDP is next to her.)

I had spider mites two grows ago, what a PITA! They ended up catching a ride into my house from a basil plant bought at the market. Here I am fighting a war because of a $2.99 basil plant. I had really good luck with General Hydroponics AzaMax. Expensive stuff, $60 for 16 oz, but you can use a blunt tip syringe to measure the stuff because you use so little of it per mix. As it's been echoed, key is to treat consistently over the course of a few weeks to end their life cycle. My understanding with AzaMax is it basically coats the leaves so the mites can't eat them and eventually starve. By treating them consistently, the new eggs that hatch still do not have food and the cycle ends.

I've been watching a lot of Growers Network video's on YouTube and I've seen a few of the professional growers use Green Cleaner as part of their Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Amazon has an 8oz for $28. They treat their veg rooms consistently with it and sort of make the assumption they're clean when the shift to the flower room so should make it through that period, obviously with continued surveillance and protocols in place.

After I finished that grow I used a professional disinfectant spray on my whole tent, removed all my fans and cleaned them, etc. I was contemplating putting a few pest strips (the chemical ones) or one of those bombs you set up, but it's in my basement and don't really feel like increasing my carcinogenic exposure.

Good luck, you'll get rid of them!!
Thanks Jerry. I'm going to follow up on this. I really appreciate it! :Rasta:
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