Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

whaddya suggest for a decent first auto gdb ? haven't done one forever.
asking cause i know you have experience.

my clone run is a disaster and i need a quick recovery grow in and done before the hot part of summer.
i'm running hempy which is similar to a coco grow if it makes a difference.
Oh boy, a chance to suggest a strain! I love it.

That's an easy one for me...

From the place where I got mine:

Purple Lemonade Auto is a 70% indica hybrid bred from a cross of the very best Californian Purple and Citrus genetic material with the addition of ruderalis ' auto-flowering traits. Good yields both indoors and outdoors and with high THC production too.

The height of Purple Lemonade is between 70 - 110 cm. When grown in soil it responds well to nutrients but nevertheless performs better than expected with little or no added feed. Vigorous in growth, Purple Lemonade responds well to LST (low stress training) with its inter-nodal spacing ideal for encouraging the buds to grow upwards thereby increasing yields.

Once flowering has begun it will take 8 - 9 weeks to finish and be ready for harvest. Plants which have enjoyed added nutrients will be better for a two week flush. Buds are a delightful purple shade flecked with orange pistils. The smaller leaves surrounding the buds are dark green and liberally coated with resin-producing trichomes. Yields are in the region of 400 - 500 gr/m2.

Indoors some form of odor control would be a good idea as the powerful citrus smell pervades the grow-room as well as the dried buds. Its taste is also of citrus with a rather sweet finish. THC production is up to 22% with low CBD. The effect is nicely uplifting with the sativa genetics shining through at first before it evolves into a more physically relaxing high which never degenerates into couch-lock. It makes for a great day-time smoke/vape as well as being nicely relaxing for the evening.

It was easy to grow, really pretty and very tasty and get-highishy. :Rasta:


Happy growing!
Congratulations mate. Awesome looking plant. Your hard work paid off.
305g wet! I don't even get that if I include the pot she grew in.
Thanks Squiggle.

I was happy with that pay-off from such a squat plant! :Rasta:
Hello growers.

Only The Clonely
The Strawberry Banana Grape clone that I kept has been in the soil since early March. I just up-potted her from solo cup to a 3 gallon pot last week. But that move caused her to be too close to the light and the top leaves started curling. The lights are at the proper height for my new babies with whom the SBG shares a 2x2 tent, so the light stays where it is.

I moved the clone to my auto tent. Doing that took if from an 18/6 light cycle to 19/5. I'm hoping she'll think she's gone from early summer to mid-summer. Do you gurus have any thoughts on this?

She'll be in the auto tent until the autos are done, hopefully not more than a few weeks. Once they're done, I'll be moving my 4 new babies into the auto tent (which will then be termed the 4x4 tent since it won't have any autos in it :Rasta:).

I'll put the clone back into the 2x2 and flip it. That's my plan, anyway. :laughtwo:



With respect to the 2 remaining autos, they're both moving along like snails into a strong headwind. They're both on day 107 and both continue on 5.5g of Mega Crop.

The Chocolate Kush is still round and finally starting to put weight on.

The Blue Dream'atic has some really nice-sized buds and seems determined to outlast the CK.


Those autos are designed to test your patience! On the plus side, they're amazing to admire while you wait... :nomo:

I moved the clone to my auto tent. Doing that took if from an 18/6 light cycle to 19/5. I'm hoping she'll think she's gone from early summer to mid-summer. Do you gurus have any thoughts on this?
While we wait for the gurus to chime in, I can tell you that my veg plants get varying amounts of light (nothing less than 19/5 these days), and lights-out time can vary by up to 3 hours. They don't seem bothered by any of it.

Not too many places get that much light anyway, and nowhere are the days getting longer in summer. ;)
Not too many places get that much light anyway, and nowhere are the days getting longer in summer. ;)
Ha! That old Mercedes Benz diesel engine keeps clickety-clacking along! :laughtwo:
Congrats on the NLxPK Harvest- a lot of weed on that little lady!
any thoughts on this?
My first autos started at 18/6, about a month in I switched to 19/5 and the plants didn't even notice, so
no need to worry about that...
The Chocolate Kush looks great, and the Blue Dream'atic is one that I've seen a lot of praise for so much I'd like to try that one myself.
Thanks @Stunger. I'd like to try that BD as well, exactly that one! So get done already would 'ya!!! (Sorry, that last sentence was directed to the plant.) :Rasta:
It's like you hit them with a magic wand GDB! Auto's Gigantica !
Thanks StoneOtter! And thankfully, they smell nothing like sweaty jock-straps! :Rasta:
Hello growers.

Well I've been screwed again. Both of my remaining autos have spider mites.

Where in the hell do these things keep coming from? Could they be in the soil?

What really gets me is that I never see signs of them until they're a LOT of them. That's something I need to work on. I guess I sorta' assume that there will be no bugs so I don't really look for them with the loupe. Then by the time they're in flower and near the end, I start checking the trichs and discover the creepy crawlers. By that time, my treatment options are limited due to the presence of flowers.

So far the critters don't appear to have done a lot of damage, but they are sure trying to change that!

For the past 2 days, I've been watering each plant with 1 liter of plain water + Sierra Natural Science 209 Pest Control (@ 8ml per gallon).

I'm just trying to slow those suckers down just a bit. I plant to harvest both plants during this week.

And so it goes...

I've been screwed again. Both of my remaining autos have spider mites.
:eek: Oh GDB.....I’m so sorry to hear that. It completely forking sucks! :eye-roll: I’m glad you are so close to harvest with them that you don’t have to fight them for weeks and weeks. I believe I bookmarked something from @Van Stank regarding his fight with spider mites...I think that was the same bug. I will look and see and then post for you. Keep your chin up - you are almost there!
Could they be in the soil?
What kind of soil are you using? I believe several people have been cooking their soil (FFOF-type I believe) to re-use and also from time of purchase. @Justin Goody did it as well.

EDIT: It was aphids that @Van Stank battled, not spider mites.
At least they didn't show up 6 weeks ago (or maybe they did?)
I've never had spider mites, but you can count on the fact that I wouldn't even see them until I had a full fledged infestation...hell, I don't see aphids until there's a hundred of them, and they're huge compared to spider mites...
But aphids don't seem to come indoors like spider mites, at least not yet.
:eek: Oh GDB.....I’m so sorry to hear that. It completely forking sucks! :eye-roll: I’m glad you are so close to harvest with them that you don’t have to fight them for weeks and weeks. I believe I bookmarked something from @Van Stank regarding his fight with spider mites...I think that was the same bug. I will look and see and then post for you. Keep your chin up - you are almost there!

What kind of soil are you using? I believe several people have been cooking their soil (FFOF-type I believe) to re-use and also from time of purchase. @Justin Goody did it as well.

EDIT: It was aphids that @Van Stank battled, not spider mites.
I did cook the FFOF before I used it. @Emilya advised me to, but not sure if spider mites would hitch a ride.
Likely they were already there or came in from a pet or on your clothing. It literally only takes one.
I've been hitting them sprays of Monterey Garden Insect Spray and it contains Spinosad. I hope it helped a bit too!
Also I f you have a dehumidifier, turn it up to 11. Dry the bastards out ;)
I believe several people have been cooking their soil (FFOF-type I believe)
Thanks Boo!
I did cook the FFOF before I used it. @Emilya advised me to, but not sure if spider mites would hitch a ride.
Likely they were already there or came in from a pet or on your clothing. It literally only takes one.
Thanks Justin. I was aware of the her recommendation and you doing it. What does it smell like when you cook it? Is it something I could sneak and get accomplished while the Mrs. is out for the day without her being able to tell when she got home?
(I'm asking for a friend! :Rasta:)
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