Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Whatever you're doing that is one fine set of autoflowering plants! :drool:

Which is not to take anything away from the beautifully blurry photos...they look great too. :)

Do you look in the tent and notice any difference between the GeoFlora plant and the rest? It looks blurry great to me!
Gelato tonight. A friend made a surprise drop off of what looks like more than an oz. In 1971 I asked him what to look for when buying my first nickel bag. He was a year ahead in school.
I think that was the same year I started getting high (or 1970 maybe), but I can't remember who bought the weed or from whom! Must have been the weed. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks, Shed!

My pics might be a little blurry, but when was the last time you had your eyes checked? :laughtwo:

The GeoFlora seems to be holding it's own compared to the MC. That will be the subject of future updates. As of now, I like it!

I've just started a new thread for my upcoming sponsored grow. During that grow I will try to determine for sure whether I've bought my last bag of MC. :Rasta:

Edit: link to new grow is in my signature
Whatever you're doing that is one fine set of autoflowering plants! :drool:

Which is not to take anything away from the beautifully blurry photos...they look great too. :)

Do you look in the tent and notice any difference between the GeoFlora plant and the rest? It looks blurry great to me!

I think that was the same year I started getting high (or 1970 maybe), but I can't remember who bought the weed or from whom! Must have been the weed. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Those were years for pot! Everyone I knew, saw, met was smoking the weed. Right around the time the drinking age went to 18. How did we survive?
Those were years for pot! Everyone I knew, saw, met was smoking the weed. Right around the time the drinking age went to 18. How did we survive?
By smoking weed! :Rasta:
Hello grow pals.

I've got a few auto pics today.

I'll bet most of us, even us older citizens, take for granted the ability to take digital photos. Many on this site probably have never known another way or have only a vague idea of what it entailed!

Well, it wasn't always so. We used to have to buy stuff called "film." And once used, that film had to be taken or mailed somewhere to be developed into hard-copy photos. But digital, well that just referred to fingers and toes.

Then in the 70's according to the Oxford English Dictionary:

From the late 1970s, digital computers and electronics, which had previously been the preserve of businesses and research institutions, started to become sufficiently inexpensive and compact to be suitable for use in the home. Subsequently, many types of information gained a digital equivalent: a laser disc could store a film as ‘digital video’ and ‘digital sound’, a ‘digital recording’ could be purchased on a CD, and filmless cameras could be used to produce ‘digital photographs’. The word also came to be applied to different types of media: digital radio and digital television are increasingly important methods of broadcasting.

So that's today's history lesson for all the youngsters!

Blue Lights and Northern Lights x Pakistani Chitral Kush (day 66)

The fuzzy-wuzzies are moving along. The BL developed a CalMag deficiency the other day. It seemed to happen overnight! I opened the tent one morning and saw a bunch of brown, sick looking leaves. But I know better than that. It didn't happen over night, I just missed the early indications. Mea Culpa, but unfortunately nothing new. I'm really trying to get better at spotting problems earlier. :Rasta:

I've been giving her CalMag over her past two feeds and I think its working.

BL on the left:

The Chocolate Kush and Blue Dream'atic are on day 74 and both are starting to do that self-defoliation thing that plants do when they're nearing maturity. Both had lots of spent, yellowed leaves underneath. I could blow on them and they would fall off. A good sign!



I'm anxiously awaiting for all of these autos to finish so I can use the tent for my upcoming sponsored grow.

I've come to ignore the breeders' estimates for the length of time it takes to grow a given plant. Their outlook always seems to be rosy, but I ain't growing roses.:laughtwo:

I'm "guessing" that all 4 of these plants will be done within 30 days if not sooner. Please let me know if you agree.

Thanks for stopping by.

Hello again growers.

I'm back again. Looks like I'm locked in to the two-update a day mode since both tents get fed on the same days.

Just bud pics from the photo tent today, or more accurately I guess, pistil pics. :Rasta:

I could have posted a single pic to represent the whole tent, because to this untrained eye all of these look alike. :laughtwo:

Critical Kush

Strawberry Banana Grape

Grand Daddy Purple


Double Black
dbl black.JPG

Lemon Haze (the lone @GeoFlora Nutrients plants among the Mega Crop crew)

That was quick, right?

("Quickie" is the nickname my golf buddies gave me years ago because I don't stand over the ball for long before I swing at it. Unfortunately, the name stuck. Now every time there's a women in the group those clowns can't get enough of calling me Quickie, and the women think it's hilarious.) :Rasta:

Thanks for stopping by.

They are all similar, but they all look great!
So that's today's history lesson for all the youngsters!
My first digital camera was a 1 megapixel thing that weighed about a pound and went through batteries like there was no tomorrow!
Looking GOOOOD over here GDB. I thank you for being a "quickie" on the golf course. Drives me nuts to watch all the time some people take to strike a ball! ;)
Thanks, Boo.

I once played with a guy who scoped out putts like a tour pro. He'd look at them from every angle, while closing one eye and getting on one knee. And then he'd miss putts by 4-5 feet!

I played with him twice, one time too many. :laughtwo:
They are all similar, but they all look great!

My first digital camera was a 1 megapixel thing that weighed about a pound and went through batteries like there was no tomorrow!
Thanks, Carcass.

One whole megapixel! :laughtwo:
Hey Quickie! I hope those Autos are done quickly so we can get a quick overview of your new seeds in the sponsored grow :cheesygrinsmiley:

Nice bud shots! Cheese has some really long pistils on her, that’s the one that stands out to me!
Hey Quickie! I hope those Autos are done quickly so we can get a quick overview of your new seeds in the sponsored grow :cheesygrinsmiley:

Nice bud shots! Cheese has some really long pistils on her, that’s the one that stands out to me!
Thanks, @N420.

I think if you saw them in person, however, your vote would go to the GDP. She's the beast right now! :Rasta:
My first digital camera was a 1 megapixel thing that weighed about a pound and went through batteries like there was no tomorrow!
Oh yes, that brick that used a floppy disc, remember those!?

Beauty bud shots gracing the page tonight, Quickie!
Shit! Me and my big mouth. :lot-o-toke:
Hello growers!

Just an update on my first cloning project. Note: not a "quick" update, just an update. :laughtwo:

My Grand Daddy Purple clones seem to be surviving. I've just been watering them lightly with water Ph'd at 6.5.

I'm not sure what to do with them next. Right now I'm just waiting for the roots to fill the solo cups. Once that happens I'll be scratching my head wondering what to do next.

I took these cuttings at about day 80 of the mother's life when mom was being fed 4g of Mega Crop.

When do I start feeding them nutrients and how much?


Lastly, a personnel issue.

As you may know, I have been less that pleased with the performance/output of the GDB R&D unit. Those 4 guys are well-funded but don't seem to produce any breakthrough gadgets to which I can attach my initials. I'm starting to wonder where all the money is going.

So I was checking out their workspace the other night and found a picture on one of their desks. Apparently, the guys had recently gotten together for a social outing.

I did not like what I saw:

men in fur.jpg

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