Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Evening all, with GF are people feeding by weight or volume? I had posted on another thread a few months ago but I noted basically in my 10 gallon pot they recommend 8 oz or 1cup but weighing out 1 cup is actually ~5oz.

I had commented I know a lot of directions are designed for simplification and ease of use but the bag says for amending mix 8oz. per cubic foot or for small application use 1oz. per 1 gallon and then for top dressing 8oz. per cubic foot every two weeks. So based on the bag, 10 gallons soil= 1.33681 cubic feet, so 8oz x 1.33681 = 10.69448 oz. This makes sense since they say 1oz per 1 gallon and 10 gallons would be 10oz so call it close enough. Meanwhile their online feed calculator says 10 gallon pot size should receive 8oz and by feeding the app. rate in cups they reference I would be feeding my plant 5oz.

I saw the below post from Jul 6, 2020 from GeoFlora Nutrients

"Our Dosage is by volume, with a conversion factor of .35 lbs / 8 oz (1 cup) . We are working to clarify this. So, for a 4lb Bag, you would be looking at around 12 cups."

The only take away that makes sense from that would be they are casually using oz to refer to a volume measurement of a Fluid Ounce for a non fluid product. Clearly they are confirming 1 cup is the same as .35 lbs which also equals 5.6 actual weight ounces which is give or take what I found to be accurate.


Evening all, with GF are people feeding by weight or volume? I had posted on another thread a few months ago but I noted basically in my 10 gallon pot they recommend 8 oz or 1cup but weighing out 1 cup is actually ~5oz.

I had commented I know a lot of directions are designed for simplification and ease of use but the bag says for amending mix 8oz. per cubic foot or for small application use 1oz. per 1 gallon and then for top dressing 8oz. per cubic foot every two weeks. So based on the bag, 10 gallons soil= 1.33681 cubic feet, so 8oz x 1.33681 = 10.69448 oz. This makes sense since they say 1oz per 1 gallon and 10 gallons would be 10oz so call it close enough. Meanwhile their online feed calculator says 10 gallon pot size should receive 8oz and by feeding the app. rate in cups they reference I would be feeding my plant 5oz.

I saw the below post from Jul 6, 2020 from GeoFlora Nutrients

"Our Dosage is by volume, with a conversion factor of .35 lbs / 8 oz (1 cup) . We are working to clarify this. So, for a 4lb Bag, you would be looking at around 12 cups."

The only take away that makes sense from that would be they are casually using oz to refer to a volume measurement of a Fluid Ounce for a non fluid product. Clearly they are confirming 1 cup is the same as .35 lbs which also equals 5.6 actual weight ounces which is give or take what I found to be accurate.


Damn, Jerry. I wish you had posted this earlier!

I just got thumped by a THC capsule followed by a healthy bong hit. Clarity is not an option for me at the moment. :Rasta:

I've had to re-read your post 3 times just to convince myself that I'm too zonked tonight to understand it. :laughtwo:

After each read I keep concluding that at 5.5 ozs (by weight) my plant has been getting twice the amount that is recommended. That can't be right, can it?

I need some cookies. Hope they're some in the house!
That's fantastic, these types of conversations can wait until the morning! I guess my biggest concern and has been from the start, but I really had only heard of one other person using it at the time is consistency of their feeding information. Again, my GF plant is in a 10 gallon pot which makes relatively easy.

So if I go off their online feed chart I should give an "Application Rate" of 8oz or an "App. Rate in Cups" of 1 cup. My first gripe is one measured cup on my scale weighs 5 oz. So their conversion looks as if they're are using the old liquid conversion my mom has on her fridge for baking which is 8 FLUID oz. = 1 FLUID cup. Based on GF's comment back in July they know their density, "conversion factor of .35 lbs / 8oz (1 cup)". But to me that statement is inherently flawed because they have it equal 8oz (1cup), to me 8 oz. is not 1 cup. So .35 lbs to me means (0.35 lbs x 16 oz.) = 5.6 oz. or said another way 1 cup = .35 lbs = 5.6 oz. And I found my one cup weighed 5 ounces exactly so close enough.

My second issue is on the bag it says top dressing 8oz. per cubic foot every two weeks. So based on the bag, 10 gallons soil= 1.33681 cubic feet, so 8oz x 1.33681 = 10.69448 oz.

So here I am with the option of feeding it 1 cup by volume which is 5.6 oz, or I can feed it by weight on my scale of 10.69 oz. which is basically 1.9 cups.

Having used a variety of lineups I've almost always found liquid is in ML and dry is in weight. I've never claimed to be the smartest person, so I don't purport someone might bring to light a fatal error in something I've noted, which I hope is the case. More curious if most people are weighing the GF or using volume measures because it does make a material difference in the amount being delivered to the plant. Today is the first day of week 6 of flower for my plants and so far my MC in a 5 gallon pot seems to be outpacing the GF plan in a 10 gallon. I've said before, but I'm most curious about quality, but will also note quantity of each.

Hope you had some cookies in the house!
I saw your WOW reaction to that feeding chart, I was wondering if you had been feeding differently. Thanks for speaking up, cause I feel like most people would go on the light side of that chart.
Before I ever saw that chart, I read another place that it should be 1 oz per G of soil, so I measured out 5 oz. which is a bit more than half cup too.
I was worried about overfeeding, so this helps me feel a bit more calm about the ratio.
Thanks GDB!
I have a theory. In a los grow the plant eats at will. It won't over do anything. When feeding chemical nutes the feed gets choked down seemingly uncontrollably, burning or starving or in between. The Geoflora doesn't seem to allow the choking down of nutes. I guess my question is, does a plant eat in the LOS way with @GeoFlora Nutrients and won't over do things regardless of how much is dressed or mixed (to an extent)?
I have a theory. In a los grow the plant eats at will. It won't over do anything. When feeding chemical nutes the feed gets choked down seemingly uncontrollably, burning or starving or in between. The Geoflora doesn't seem to allow the choking down of nutes. I guess my question is, does a plant eat in the LOS way with @GeoFlora Nutrients and won't over do things regardless of how much is dressed or mixed (to an extent)?
That certainly seems to be a possibility, especially since my apparently over-fed plant is sorta' thriving.

Maybe @GeoFlora Nutrients can sort this out? Hellllllo!
Hello again growers.

I just wanted to post a few tent pics and try something new!

First, the auto tent (rear plants day 67, front plants day 59)


And for something new, the photo tent in my very first (and pretty bad) 420 movie post!

Nice video of the tent. Subscribed!!!! :thumb:
Nice video of the tent. Subscribed!!!! :thumb:
Welcome @Squiggle!

Pleased to have you here. I've spent most of the morning catching up in your journal but I'm only a third of the way to the end. It's so interesting that I can bring myself to skip any pages in order to get to current sooner. (And I don't want to miss any laughs, of which there've been quite a few. :laughtwo: )
Hello growers.

A short update this evening.

First the auto tent.

Chocolate Kush and Blue Dream'atic are on day 78 and taking their time. At least the BD has finally started to bulk up a bit, bud wise. They're both still getting 5.3g of Mega Crop.

The 2 NL strains, Blue Lights and Northern Lights x Pakistani Chitral Kush are on day 70 in super soil, just getting plain water and the occasional carb load (molasses).


NL strains in the front (BL left). CK left rear.
Auto Tent Mar 8th.JPG

And now the photo tent.

The Lemon Haze (back left) is starting to bulk up and she's a big girl considering her past.
Next to her in the rear, the Double Black is growing the slowest, I believe. But she's not far behind the others.
And right-most in the rear is the Strawberry Banana Grape which looks like it's gonna' be the easiest trim of the bunch one day.

Front left is the Grand Daddy Purple and she's continues to be the alpha female.
Next to her is the Cheese, and I still don't smell any cheese. :laughtwo:
Front right is the Geoflora fed Critical Kush looking content.

I upped the MC dose tonight for all of the plants from 5g to 5.3g and they all took about 3.2 liters +/- a few tenths, except the Lemon Haze. That greedy one drank 4.5 liters.

The CK was just given a liter of plain water. She's due to get her second dose of GF Bloom tomorrow so I watered her lightly so she can take some more water tomorrow.

Photo Tent Mar 8th.JPG

That's all for this evening.

Thanks for stopping by.

Hello growers.

A small update on my Grandaddy Purple clones today.

These cuttings were taken on Feb. 11th. I failed to note when they were placed in soil, but it was within 2 weeks of cutting them.

They seem to have gotten their footing and they're making new leaves. Yesterday I swallowed hard and gave each their first dose of MC at 5g per gallon. That was scary, feeding that much MC to such little plants. But that was the guidance I received. And since this is my first time doing this, I'm following instructions! :Rasta:

For now I'm just keeping them in the auto tent so they're on a 19/5 light cycle.


That is all.

Good morning growers.

I'm pumped!

Temps are predicted to reach 70F today, followed by 76 tomorrow. Sunshine and warmth, even while having to wear and mask and social distance, is a wonderful thing. :Rasta:

So I'm up at 5am this morning, getting whatever plant watering duties that I can taken care of early. I plan on spending much of this day outside...somewhere.

The autos are seemingly taking their own sweet time, but I'm not complaining.

Blue Dream'atic - day 80
She's finally starting to put on a little weight while slurping down about 4.5 liters of MC 5.3 every other day in a 4 gallon pot.
BD II day 80.JPG

BD day 80.JPG

Chocolate Kush - day 80
She's trying to put on some weight it seems to be a struggle for her. Maybe she's just determined to be the last plant standing. She's also drinking about 4.5 liters every other day, also in a 4 gallon pot.
CK day 80.JPG

CK II day 80.JPG

The 2 NL strains are on day 72 in super soil and they just continue to fatten up. They drink about 2.5 liters of plain water every other day in 3 gallon pots.

Blue Lights
BL day 72.JPG

Last week I mistakenly thought she was heading for the finish line. Then one morning she said, "No. I want to throw out more white pistils."

BL bud day 72.JPG

Northern Lights x Pakistani Chitral Kush - day 72

NLxPCK day 72.JPG

And one of her tops:
NLxPCK bud day 72.JPG

So it's just water and wait for this bunch. I won't be changing anything related to their care and feeding for the remainder of their existence. At least that's the plan! :Rasta:

Thanks for stopping by.

Hello growers.

I took a filtered pic of the auto tent today. Just thought I'd share it! :Rasta:

Filtered Autos Mar 10th.JPG

BTW, those are my little clones sitting down in the shade.

Hello growers.

I'm back with today's photo tent update.

All got a solo pic today. I'm not sure this is going to happen much more. It was a lot of work and had my lazy-meter near the red zone for extended periods.

First up the Critical Kush. She's the @GeoFlora Nutrients plant due for her next Bloom feed today. Now believing I had been overfeeding her, I lowered her dosage from 5.5 ozs. to 5. I need to settle on a feeding plan before I start my (MC to Geoflora comparison grow) so I want to see how she reacts to the reduction.
Critical Kush 11 flip 38.JPG

All the rest are on flip day 38 and getting 5.3g of Mega Crop for only the second time (upped from 5.0).

The Double Black is plugging along and stacking nicely.
Double Black flip 39.JPG

The Strawberry Banana Grape has really stretched up and is trying to live up to my early enthusiasm about her.
Strawberry Banana Grape flip 38.JPG

The Cheese still doesn't smell like cheese.
Cheese flip 38.JPG

The fauxto Lemon Haze is tall and actually looks lemony.
Lemon Haze flip 30.JPG

Last, the alpha female Grand Daddy Purple. She's going harder than the others!
Grand Daddy Purple flip 38.JPG

Thanks for stopping by.

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