Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Good morning growers and Happy Saturday!

I had the fauxto Glue Gelato out for watering today. She's on day 52 post-flip and getting 5.4g of MC plus 15ml of Terpinator. She seems to have been stricken with powdery mildew, but I'm not sure. I've been spraying her with a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide.

Hopefully, there won't be many more of these feeding pics!



The ladies in the auto tent are really picking up. Their growth has exploded over the past few days! I'd like to supercrop the 2 in the front but there is little room. I think if I change their placements, however, I can do some bending.


As you may know, I have received a @Mars Hydro TS-3000 in order to conduct a sponsored grow. Problem is, I can't start it until these autos are done.

But I couldn't wait to see the @Mars Hydro in action. So I installed her in the auto tent 3 days ago. I'm happy to say that, in my view, this growth spurt is directly related to the new light. Thanks to @Mars Hydro. I hope you don't mind the way I'm introducing the use of your light! :Rasta:


I've still got about 45 minutes until lights on in the photo tent.

I'm anxious to get down there and see how the two plants that I attacked yesterday have rebounded (or not).

I'll be back later with photo pics.

Thanks for stopping by.

Great work man, I've nothing to add, just enjoying the process
Thanks Beast!

I'm enjoying your grow, too. And your growing impatience is quite amusing (been there)! :laughtwo:
Hello again growers.

I'm back after having looked in the photo tent.

The 2 plants I beat on yesterday (Grand Daddy Purple & Critical Kush) displayed just the reaction I wanted to see -- indifference! :Rasta:

They're both coming back up like, "Who the hell pulled me down further away from that wonderful light!?"

"Wonderful light" refers to the @NextLight mega. It's truly a beast of a light and the plants just happily suck up to it!



By the time I do the others I will have close to a properly filled tent!


@ChefDGreen, that results from knowing when to flip them! :laughtwo:

@ChefDGreen, that results from knowing when to flip them! :laughtwo:

Ohhh come now, don’t pretend like that was intentional... you tried to blame flipping your plants early on me!

also I’m not sure if you remember my last journal... but I always way way over grow myself. And I like it that way :cheesygrinsmiley:
Ohhh come now, don’t pretend like that was intentional... you tried to blame flipping your plants early on me!

also I’m not sure if you remember my last journal... but I always way way over grow myself. And I like it that way :cheesygrinsmiley:
As you see, my plants are not the only things around here that can flip. :laughtwo:
Howdy do.
I thought I would pop in and show my face. I've just about caught up on other journals so I was looking for some more reading material.
I will be lurking about from now on if that's ok
Welcome, Squiggle.

Glad you stopped here!
Hello growers.

A quick update.

I had the faux-auto Glue Gelato out for watering today. She's on day 31 post-flip and took 3 liters @ MC 5.7.

I spotted some spider mites (again)! Where are these damn things coming from, the dirt?

They seem to be present in only a single quadrant of the plant. I took off a few fans that had lots of spots. I swabbed some other leaves (using a Q-tip) on the underside with @Sierra Natural Science spider mite treatment. At lights out I give the entire plant a good spray with the SNS product.

Just for the heck of it, I put a layer of coco on top of the soil after I watered the plant and sprayed the coco layer with Neem oil. I have no idea whether this will help but I figure it couldn't hurt. If the bugs are coming from the soil maybe I can trap them down there or make their trip out of the dirt a suicide mission. :Rasta:

She's stacking...

A few pistils are turning colors and the frost is starting to appear.


That's all for now.

Man that plant is super healthy looking!
What Shed said... but if you don't have citric acid at the moment, a 50/50spray of vinegar and water
will work temporarily- that's what I used on my cbd citric acid finally arrived on harvest day...
You do have to spray every day with the vinegar, though.
Thanks guys. I've got some citric acid (I sometimes use it to make sour gummies) and will be making a solution per Shed's recipe.

A quick update on the autos.

I did manage to bend one of those larger autos (the Chocolate Kush). I had to use some bamboo stakes to support the branches.

After I watered her with all the stakes in the way, I decided I will just let the other one grow as is. :Rasta:

The 2 larger autos (CK and Blue Dream'atic) had their MC dose upped from 5g to 5.3g today. The 2 smaller ones (NLxPK and Blue Lights) are in super soil. Today they were fed 2l each of Real Growers Recharge @ 2.5g per gallon.

For the anecdote, I believe this pic shows the difference in color between the super soil plants and the MC fed plants. While they both look healthy they are two distinctly different shades of green.

Why is this relevant? I don't know that it is. It's just an observation that I'm sharing "For the Anecdote." :Rasta:

Thanks for stopping by.

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