Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello all.

I got to LB's place yesterday. The remote Cosmic Lights lives!

However, I'm still not convinced she's made up her mind about what she wants to do. She kinda' looks like she starting to build but she also looks like she's still in limbo. I honestly can't be certain either way yet.

Remote CL 6-21-24 D121 (4).JPG

She still has some browning on some of her leaves. LB pointed out how they seem to appear on only one side of the plant and he is correct. Half of the plant (the back side in this pic) is a flawless green and the other half has blemishes.
Remote CL 6-21-24 D121 (3).JPG

I took LB a baggie of EWC to dump at her feet when he next waters her. And I took him a spray bottle of an epsom foliar concoction to apply as the sun goes down.

The goofy tube guy was not doing the job, so LB has broken out the mannequin and he's blasting talk radio by the pond!
Remote CL 6-21-24 D121 (1).JPG

And this one assured me that he has not and will not piss on the plant!
new buddy 6-21-24.JPG

LB's wife is a riot (and a good liar). When she saw me yesterday she said something like this:

"There was a deer out there by your plant yesterday. She was munching on it. She had a little baby deer with her and told the baby to come on over and eat some of this. I went out there and the deers were red-eyed. The big one told me she's gonna' tell all of her friends about this wonderful plant!"


Yesterday was blistering hot and when I wasn't looking (cause I was at LB's), temps in the 2x2 jumped to about 95F! The clones were wilting. I had to move them out of there and into the 5x5 in the basement (and the temp down there isn't much better).

P2 clone 6-22-24 D41 to 5x5.JPG

The Fat Kid's Cake clone (tan pot) is the only one of this group that seems to be truly happy. The Cosmic Lights clones all look grumpy, with their leaf edges pointing downward. I'm finding that the CL strain is somewhat finicky. The initial plant didn't seem to like Grow Dots and now the clones don't seem to like Roots Organics dry nutrients that much either!


Stella seems no worse for wear, having spent the last few nights outside! But circled in red is a load of cat poop. I wonder why it pooped so close to Stella?

Stella 6-22-24 D41.JPG


Looking good GBD a little small but looks BEAUTIFUL Right on itll gather momentum ✌️😎
Thanks SOG. I'm waiting on the "surprise" that some have predicted!


Thanks for taking a look!

Yeah I have a semi-flat roof Stone and so does my house.

I will be patient and wait to be surprised. :straightface:

Hello all.

I got to LB's place yesterday. The remote Cosmic Lights lives!

However, I'm still not convinced she's made up her mind about what she wants to do. She kinda' looks like she starting to build but she also looks like she's still in limbo. I honestly can't be certain either way yet.

Remote CL 6-21-24 D121 (4).JPG

She still has some browning on some of her leaves. LB pointed out how they seem to appear on only one side of the plant and he is correct. Half of the plant (the back side in this pic) is a flawless green and the other half has blemishes.
Remote CL 6-21-24 D121 (3).JPG

I took LB a baggie of EWC to dump at her feet when he next waters her. And I took him a spray bottle of an epsom foliar concoction to apply as the sun goes down.

The goofy tube guy was not doing the job, so LB has broken out the mannequin and he's blasting talk radio by the pond!
Remote CL 6-21-24 D121 (1).JPG

And this one assured me that he has not and will not piss on the plant!
new buddy 6-21-24.JPG

LB's wife is a riot (and a good liar). When she saw me yesterday she said something like this:

"There was a deer out there by your plant yesterday. She was munching on it. She had a little baby deer with her and told the baby to come on over and eat some of this. I went out there and the deers were red-eyed. The big one told me she's gonna' tell all of her friends about this wonderful plant!"


Yesterday was blistering hot and when I wasn't looking (cause I was at LB's), temps in the 2x2 jumped to about 95F! The clones were wilting. I had to move them out of there and into the 5x5 in the basement (and the temp down there isn't much better).

P2 clone 6-22-24 D41 to 5x5.JPG

The Fat Kid's Cake clone (tan pot) is the only one of this group that seems to be truly happy. The Cosmic Lights clones all look grumpy, with their leaf edges pointing downward. I'm finding that the CL strain is somewhat finicky. The initial plant didn't seem to like Grow Dots and now the clones don't seem to like Roots Organics dry nutrients that much either!


Stella seems no worse for wear, having spent the last few nights outside! But circled in red is a load of cat poop. I wonder why it pooped so close to Stella?

Stella 6-22-24 D41.JPG


Thanks SOG. I'm waiting on the "surprise" that some have predicted!


Thanks for taking a look!

Have you got her in GOOD ☀️ all day? Its a Healthy looking plant,just small but stretching will be coming you'll get some harvest outta her don't worry it might not be a bumper crop but decent if ya do it right I got faith in you GBD!😎
The Cosmic Light looks so happy! I can see the growth in her from the day y'all put her there to now for sure. It's not a tall growth it's a wide one. 💚 And that mannequin should get a zombie makeover! Show some teeth!! That'll deter them red eyed 🦌 robbers!
Have you got her in GOOD ☀️ all day? Its a Healthy looking plant,just small but stretching will be coming you'll get some harvest outta her don't worry it might not be a bumper crop but decent if ya do it right I got faith in you GBD!😎
She gets a lotta' sunshine SOG. Yeah, I'm thinking she's not going to get but so tall. The first time I grew a CL a few years ago she remained a short, stocky plant. This one is already taller than that one ever got!

Thanks for the encouragement! :Rasta:
The Cosmic Light looks so happy! I can see the growth in her from the day y'all put her there to now for sure. It's not a tall growth it's a wide one. 💚 And that mannequin should get a zombie makeover! Show some teeth!! That'll deter them red eyed 🦌 robbers!
Thanks Jiggi! I guess any growth is good growth, whether up or sideways! :Rasta:
She gets a lotta' sunshine SOG. Yeah, I'm thinking she's not going to get but so tall. The first time I grew a CL a few years ago she remained a short, stocky plant. This one is already taller than that one ever got!

Thanks for the encouragement! :Rasta:
Well SHIT, those are perfect for growing in The neighborhoods where neighbors can be an issue so cool! I get concerned here because they get so Big outside , more about theft than anything!
That outdoor CL will sort itself out as long as the deer family don't get too attached, and I was a bit scared of the mannequin, but only in a concerned way because it looked sickly thin.

Can you put one of those remote thermometers in the 2x2 to let you know when it's blazing away in there? And on the plus side, all the CL clones look the same, so it's not you, it's them!
I wonder why it pooped so close to Stella?
To keep the rats away?
Well SHIT, those are perfect for growing in The neighborhoods where neighbors can be an issue so cool! I get concerned here because they get so Big outside , more about theft than anything!
She's a lowrider, SOG!

I have just arrived at the point where theft doesn't concern me as it once did. I still wouldn't like it if it happened, but really, I've stolen a few from myself (one just recently). :straightface:
she also looks like she's still in limbo. I honestly can't be certain either way yet.
She may be getting ready to stretch a bit- sometimes they'll do it slowly outdoors
But circled in red is a load of cat poop. I wonder why it pooped so close to Stella?
I think cats just like weed plants- my plants are literally surrounded by little 'kitty land mines'. 💩 .
Thanks SOG. I'm waiting on the "surprise" that some have predicted!
Any day now!
It's odd how differently your east coast plants are growing, it's the same solstice on both coasts.:hmmmm:
If you have access to it(the roof) then why not grow up top? No bugs up there! Unlimited shadeless sun?
I live in a row house, Stone. My roof access is through the ceiling of my man cave (room). I'd have to remove the ottoman in front of my wife's chair because the access door is directly above that ottoman. And I'd have to have a ladder sitting directly in front of her chair to get to the roof. In a seedshell, to grow up there would be a major PITA.

Would be nice though, if I had a better way to get up there!
That outdoor CL will sort itself out as long as the deer family don't get too attached, and I was a bit scared of the mannequin, but only in a concerned way because it looked sickly thin.

Can you put one of those remote thermometers in the 2x2 to let you know when it's blazing away in there? And on the plus side, all the CL clones look the same, so it's not you, it's them!

To keep the rats away?
I have remote sensors in my tents Shed but they're only bluetooth enabled. The readout device sits in my man cave where I can check what going on whenever. However, I don't have any on my wi-fi network that would allow me to monitor from my phone from anywhere. So being over LBs as the heat began to rise, I was in the dark! :Rasta:
Good morning GDB :)

You really do put on great plants and a great read :)

Thanks Tra.

But please do not visit my site and then report folks for their sexual pecadillos. I want folks to feel they can speak freely here, even the pervs! 😁
She may be getting ready to stretch a bit- sometimes they'll do it slowly outdoors

I think cats just like weed plants- my plants are literally surrounded by little 'kitty land mines'. 💩 .

Any day now!
It's odd how differently your east coast plants are growing, it's the same solstice on both coasts.:hmmmm:
Same sun, different coasts Carcass. Cali sunlight is more intense for longer periods than in DC. You're 10th on the sunniest list of US States. I'm ranked 29th.
Hello grow gang.

It's Day 44 for the clones and Stella and it's a ball of confusion!

Nothing seems to make the indoor Cosmic Lights clones happy. The Fat Kid's Cake (tan pot) is content and growing like she wants to be here. The CLs, on the other hand, look like they'd like to be anywhere but here!
P2 clones 6-25-24 D44 tent.JPG

There's something she's getting that she does not care for. I don't know if it's the nutrients or too much light, but I'm betting it's the light that bothers her the most. The CL that turned out wonderfully a few years ago was grown under a 150w LED (Mars Hydro TS1000). These are under a @PhlizonGrowLight FD8000 at 1000w. Even turned down low, that Phlizon puts out some intense light.

I'm trying to find a happy balance where the Fat Kid's Cake clone (which seems to love the amount of light and the nutrients) and the CLs can coexist. I'm not sure that balance can be achieved with all the plants about the same height. I'm tempted to just move the FKC into my other tent (flip her) and then turn the lights even lower for the CLs to see if that helps them. Currently DLI is about 25 and LUX is around 28K. Or, I may just elevate the FKC and turn down the lights a bit. To be honest, I'm not sure what I should try. :straightface:


Stella continues to pretty much be a still-life photo. She's stopped at the 12 inches in height she reached last Thursday. She prays to the sun each day when it arrives, but she looks nothing like her indoor sister, development-wise. She doesn't drink much at all. I gave her 2 liters when I transplanted her on June 2, and then almost another 2 liters on about the 16th. But her soil still registers moisture and she hasn't been fed since. I think tomorrow might be the day.

Other than when I grew in buckets of water (DWC), I've never grown weed in anything other than fabric pots. Stella, in her plastic pot, is quite different. They just don't dry out as quickly. And it's been hot as hell around here!

Stella 6-25-24 D44.JPG

A plastic pot, FOOP organic nutrients (I don't know what to expect from them.), and outdoors! I need a Zoot Bomb cookie to calm me down! :)


Thanks for taking the time to visit.

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