Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello growers.

Just a quick update on Stella today. She's on her Day 39 and I'm trying to get used to the rhythm of growing outdoors. It seems like everything occurs in slow motion out there.

Anyway, today she reached a milestone of sorts. As of this morning she's officially 1 foot tall. :straightface:
Stella 6-20-24 Day 39 solstice.JPG

Since this is the longest day of the year I'll likely stop schlepping her now and just leave her out there.

Thanks for looking in.

Stellar Summer Solstice Stella! ☀️
Thanks Shed. But she seems to be growing so slowly! Is it because she's in a small pot and not in the ground? Is it because she spends her nights under a weak LED? When @Carcass put his girls outside (in ground) they seemingly grew about 3 feet in 3 days. (That might be a slight exaggeration. :) )
His went in the ground two months ago in full sun, so that's gotta play a part in the growth. That and the fact that they started flowering (and stretching) early.

They also might have been more vigorous growers from the jump.
Well it's not just his. It seems that everyone's outdoor plants grow up faster than mine is doing!

No matter. I'm just trying to find the "allure" of outdoor growing and so far, the allure is eluding me! Even my remote outdoor girl seems kind of underwhelming to me. I wanted a big tree and got a little bush. 😁
Start 'em early and keep them at the bright right light schedule and you'll get the trees you dream of!
Next year, look out! (And look up!) :Rasta:
Man, I've really got to start paying attention- I forgot you had one going outside...(I knew about your buddies plant, but not this one....)
Stella looks fine, she's just not quite ready to commit- 4 or 5 more days outside, and you'll start to see the change-
When @Carcass put his girls outside (in ground) they seemingly grew about 3 feet in 3 days. (That might be a slight exaggeration. :) )
They also started stretching shortly after I put them out, they both grew an inch a day for apx 45 days...not what I planned, but I'll take it!
Now, the Forbidden Fruit took the standard route. she's 34 days old, and 10 inches tall, so comparable to Stella in size, and growth-she's growing like they usually grow...
His went in the ground two months ago in full sun
Tbh, I was as surprised as anyone when they grew that fast...I just figured they really dug those graveyard nutrients...🍽️
the allure is eluding me!

You may change your tune when she gets as tall as you are...🌲
I'll likely stop schlepping her now and just leave her out there.
If you don't have any Caterpillar Killer, you should probably get some for later on... as well. I'll have the fence up, the deer "at bay" and a cultivated section in my garden ready to go in April next year.
Hmm. My remote caretaker, LB, has deer issues! I hadn't given that a thought until now, @Schnookie! :lot-o-toke:
I vaguely remember saying I would test neem oil as a squirrel repellent and report back.
Was that here? It seems to work. They avoided my peppers after I sprayed them with it.
Maybe deer wouldn't like the smell either?
Stella looks fine, she's just not quite ready to commit
Aww, hell no! Commitment issues? I ain't hiring no friggin' therapist for my plant!😁
Tbh, I was as surprised as anyone when they grew that fast...I just figured they really dug those graveyard nutrients...🍽️
I'm gonna' tell LB that if he ever traps one of those groundhogs we should kill it and bury in the weed plant spot. :)
You may change your tune when she gets as tall as you are...🌲
No shit I would change my tune if I got a plant over 6 feet. I'd go from jazz to the blues just thinking about the trim! 😟
If you don't have any Caterpillar Killer, you should probably get some for later on...
Will do. Thanks, dude. :thanks:
I vaguely remember saying I would test neem oil as a squirrel repellent and report back.
Was that here? It seems to work. They avoided my peppers after I sprayed them with it.
Maybe deer wouldn't like the smell either?
Yeah, I think you were here Mel. Thanks for getting back with that info. I'll pass it on to LB! :thanks:
Yeah, I think you were here Mel. Thanks for getting back with that info. I'll pass it on to LB! :thanks:
I've tried peppermint, garlic, cayenne, clove oil, you name it. Some combinations of these must be like salad dressing to these varmints...but each one of them is supposed to deter them..HAH!
Fred Sanford to Grady: "Grady, Grady, you sure are shady."

When I was looking over my estate to determine if growing a small plant in the backyard was feasible, I thought I scoped out a few spots that would work just fine. But I left something out of the equation: the large tree in my next door neighbors backyard!

As the foliage on that tree gets denser, the amount of sunshine reaching my yard gets diminished. Bummer. So now what had been a great spot for early in the day (before noon) is going from being sunny to partly sunny. Then around noon a better spot presents itself where I can move Stella under full sun for about 6 hours or so. It's not ideal but I have no options. The front yard is off limits per you-know-who (and I would not care to be that conspicuous anyway).

So here she sits around 8:30am in her formerly full-sun spot.
Stella 6-15-24 D34.JPG

Guess I won't be trying this again. :straightface:


I beginning to see some growth from the indoor clones on their Day 32.
P2 clone 6-15-24 D34 tent.JPG

It won't be long before I'll be flipping them. I'm going to try to see if I can get them to the end in the 2x2. It might get a little crowded but it should be doable. Height is my primary issue, as the 2x2 is only 4ft tall. But with these strains, if flipped soon, they should stay fairly short.


Thanks for taking a peek.

"Let the sunshine in!"

You wouldn't have a flat roof would you?
Well it's not just his. It seems that everyone's outdoor plants grow up faster than mine is doing!

No matter. I'm just trying to find the "allure" of outdoor growing and so far, the allure is eluding me! Even my remote outdoor girl seems kind of underwhelming to me. I wanted a big tree and got a little bush. 😁
Patience GDB. It's a pretty long season. My bet is your remote grow will surprise you in the next week or two, and your local outdoor lassie will too as you chase the sun!
You wouldn't have a flat roof would you?

Patience GDB. It's a pretty long season. My bet is your remote grow will surprise you in the next week or two, and your local outdoor lassie will too as you chase the sun!
Yeah I have a semi-flat roof Stone and so does my house.

I will be patient and wait to be surprised. :straightface:
Hello growers.

Just a quick update on Stella today. She's on her Day 39 and I'm trying to get used to the rhythm of growing outdoors. It seems like everything occurs in slow motion out there.

Anyway, today she reached a milestone of sorts. As of this morning she's officially 1 foot tall. :straightface:
Stella 6-20-24 Day 39 solstice.JPG

Since this is the longest day of the year I'll likely stop schlepping her now and just leave her out there.

Thanks for looking in.

Looking good GBD a little small but looks BEAUTIFUL Right on itll gather momentum ✌️😎
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