Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

This was definitely not trim jail.
:straightface: There is not a speck of anything to trim there dad. I would snap it out of the pot throw it in an old sock and toss it in the back of the fridge for a month. And be thankful I had a pirates chest full of the booty. Reuse that soil.:cheesygrinsmiley:
love ya brother:passitleft:
Hello growers.

The Auto Show on Day 86 is one plant down now.

As I peered at the rest of the plants last night I thought about how easy it was to trim the tiny Black Cream. That led to the realization that all of the plants remaining (except the weird one) will be just as easy to take down. There will be no real trim jail sentence resulting from this grow! :Rasta:

What a wonderful feeling!

The weird Purple (back left) may require a little effort at trim time, but all the others will be a walk in the park! This pic is from last night (on day 85).
Auto Show 2-5-22 Day85.jpg

Snip, snip, snip. Snip.

Snip, Snip. NEXT!

Thanks for you attention.

Hello growers.


From this point forward, all updates on the Express Grow will appear in a separate journal that is located here.

This is in response to new restrictions imposed on who can be nominated for JOTM.

I ain't gonna lie, I'd absolutely love to win JOTM one day. It would be an honor and a joy! Plus, I've always wanted to try one of the prizes -- the Blue Planet Nutrients (for free).

Non-Americans don't get all the more expensive prizes, i.e. nutes, pest control, geopots, etc.

And when they added the T-shirt to the prize list a few months back, it only increased my resolve. I really want a T-shirt (for free). And I am not cheap. I just don't like spending money! :laughtwo:

I did get the t-shirt, lighter, nug jar and stickers and I loved them but to be honest, I was really just super excited to get the title. I have wanted a title for a long time. :battingeyelashes:

Anyhow, 420 now says that journals like this one, "perpetual journals", are no longer eligible for inclusion into JOTM.

The announcement is a little vague as to what constitutes a perpetual journal, citing those with "multiple grows, many pages and years of gathered followers."

This journal is nearly one year and two months old and has fewer than 160 pages +/-. It hasn't been around long enough to attract "years" of gathered followers. It has, however, included "multiple grows." I'm honestly not sure if it fits the "perpetual" criteria that's been set forth.

Still, I believe the "spirit" of the new rule requires me to start a separate journal if I am to have any chance of winning a T-shirt.

I've won MOTM (but there was no T-shirt prize then). And I long ago realized that the photo-based contests have the bar set so high, month in and month out, that my chances of winning any of those contests are very, very slim. (Translation: "It'll never happen.") So the JOTM is my sole chance at getting that T-Shirt and the Blue Planet nutes.

I'm just being shamelessly honest (as always). I want to retain at least the opportunity to be nominated for the JOTM.

So that's my major update.

Hope to see you all in my new journal!

Well, that helps me with my decision. I was thinking about starting a perpetual journal but maybe I need to rethink it now... :hmmmm:
Non-Americans don't get all the more expensive prizes, i.e. nutes, pest control, geopots, etc.
Don't get me started on the U.S/Canadian thing!

Last time I checked we were allies sharing the same continent and I don't understand....

Never mind. I don't want to start ranting! :straightface:
I have wanted a title for a long time.
And it fits you well!
Don't get me started on the U.S/Canadian thing!

Last time I checked we were allies sharing the same continent and I don't understand....

Never mind. I don't want to start ranting! :straightface:

And it fits you well!
Wait till here what Russia is really doing.. they don't like the one world gov bs. They trying to stop it by crippling the oil supply to NATO. And finish NATO once and for all since they are pushing one world bs
Hello growers.

I'm still having fun with the Black Cream harvest!

I let the BC sit in a paper bag over night before I broke down the buds and put it in a single Mason jar (which it only filled about 3/4s of). :laughtwo:

It's now in the fridge for drying.

Before that, I cut off a piece of a bud to scope, just out of curiosity. It looks like I took her a bit early. It's loaded with trichs though, so this could be some busy-body weed.
Black Cream trich 2 2-3-22 Day 83.jpg

Black Cream trich 2-3-22 Day 83.jpg

I saved the little piece I cut off for a tester later on in the week. Can't wait to try it!

Hello growers.

I'm still having fun with the Black Cream harvest!

I let the BC sit in a paper bag over night before I broke down the buds and put it in a single Mason jar (which it only filled about 3/4s of). :laughtwo:

It's now in the fridge for drying.

Before that, I cut off a piece of a bud to scope, just out of curiosity. It looks like I took her a bit early. It's loaded with trichs though, so this could be some busy-body weed.
Black Cream trich 2 2-3-22 Day 83.jpg

Black Cream trich 2-3-22 Day 83.jpg

I saved the little piece I cut off for a tester later on in the week. Can't wait to try it!

Oh yeah love tests pieces. Lmao. Got let us know for sure
Highya GDB,

According to the trich pic, the trichomes could be more mature. I'll bet it still be very pleasing to you judging from the amount of trichomes there. I hope so. Happy Smokin'
Morning bro. Coffee just need the cream out of the frig. Bro. Lmao. How much longer . Bro.
Not sure how much longer Dust. Getting close though on three of the autos.

All are still drinking so all are still standing! :Rasta:
Congrats on the purple Black Cream harvest! Big things can come in small purple packages, so hope springs eternal for it. :thumb:
Anyhow, 420 now says that journals like this one, "perpetual journals", are no longer eligible for inclusion into JOTM.
Well there goes my shot at a third title...I guess I can finally stop posting now. ;)
I saved the little piece I cut off for a tester later on in the week. Can't wait to try it!
We'll be waiting here... :)
Nope. Not caught up and very behind...but did manage to see this so far.

I've done the super-cleaning thing several times to no avail. But, of course, I will do it again after this grow. :straightface:
By chance, do you have other house plants? If you do, which species are they? I'll skip ahead to see how the mite fight is coming along with this. Not much you can do at this point...except...

*DISCLAIMER* I cannot remember if I have had this discussion on this site before. I don't think I have. If this topic is a no-no, someone please let me know.

So this may be frowned upon. Downright controversial maybe. I believe pyrethrin sprays are a very capable tool to include in the arsenal. For any insect but potentially mammals too. It can be very intense, a bit too intense if used in excess. Caution should be used when using this!

I utilized a preventative technique from another hobby of mine which also involves potential mite infestations. I sprayed with pyrethrin, the outside edges of my tent before the start of the grow. The tent was closed for this by the way. I sprayed the zippers, the vents, and the seams. And around the garage floor around the bottom edges. All this makes a lasting barrier for mites. It works!

You could also use a papertowel and a plastic container/baggie to create a neurotoxin bomb. Put a freshly pyrethrin sprayed paper towel in a plastic baggie and close up the tent. Shouldn't take too long to wipe them out.

I would have no issues doing this IF I had to deal with an infestation. Thankfully, I have only experienced pests in smaller numbers. The latest being thrips. Very stubborn!

I have been going the slow route with the organics. It does help but sometimes not fast enough IMO. After I harvest the autos in my tent, I'll be taking the vegging plants for some outside time and doing another preventative spray on the outside of my tent and a tent bomb for a solid hour. No actual spray on anything inside the tent. Only on the outside! This will wipe out any insect within 5+ feet of the tent. Anything inside will be dead within minutes.

An infestation is bound to happen to me at some point. I'm able to keep things in check but I just know that I have far too relaxed procedures about coming to and from the tent after being around my houseplants or outside. So it is simply a part of my growing experience. Period.

In defense of the Auto Show, these are not the smallest autos around at the moment. :cheesygrinsmiley:

BTW, I'd relish the chance to meet any number of folks here on 420. I hope to be able to do so some day!
I tell ya GDB, I'd hot pepper relish the chance to meet you amigo. You seem like an kiss ass dude that would have me either way too stoned for my own good or way too stoned for your entertainment. Either way...way too baked for anyone's pleasure!

If you are ever in CA, I would be honored to smoke you out and share anything in my pantry that you would want to try. Blessings.
Shit might be messed up all over the world right now, but at least life in my little world is quite comforting!

I am stoked to read this. Sometimes, that is all we can ask for. Our little world here is comforting. I am afraid for so many people in this world right now. Urgh.
Peace, Love, and Blessings to all!

Will the first one of those three ever be possible? :(
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