Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

That Alaskan Purple from 2019 didn’t look purple either. :laughtwo:
Cause it wasn't. :)
Congrats on your harvests (done and upcoming) and those sweet @Weed Seeds Express babies!
Thanks about the harvests, but those WSE seeds aren't babies yet. In fact I knocked over one of the solo cups (Black Domina) today trying to get a closer look at the helmet that was emerging from the soil. I think (and hope) it will survive my blunder. :straightface:
Looking forward to seeing the WP too. How about the Style section?
For you Boo, I will fulfill this "ridiculous" request forthwith:
Hi @Grand Daddy Black your cars look very interesting. Was it the intention of them being so small? If you have any tips for me in my diary then let me know thanks for looking through this is my first diary.
Mini cars innit. GDB cars :rofl:

Auto show looks small and spicy. Alaskan Purple must be top shelf product.
Hi @Grand Daddy Black your cars look very interesting. Was it the intention of them being so small? If you have any tips for me in my diary then let me know thanks for looking through this is my first diary.
Thanks Kanno26! I did not intend for them to be so small. They insisted on it! :laughtwo:

I've been to your place and you are doing well. Those seedlings are coming along nicely. You've already received good advice about removing the domes and when to start feeding them.

There is nothing I can add at this point except to say keep up the good work! :Rasta:
Thanks Kanno26! I did not intend for them to be so small. They insisted on it! :laughtwo:

I've been to your place and you are doing well. Those seedlings are coming along nicely. You've already received good advice about removing the domes and when to start feeding them.

There is nothing I can add at this point except to say keep up the good work! :Rasta:
Thanks for the feedback and for the insight
LMAO! :rofl:

Smoke, you can go back as many pages as you like and you won't find an answer to that question!

They're short because they want to be short, I guess. They're autos.

I used to grow a lot of them and they were always all over the map: tall, short and anywhere in between. If you've never had a shorty then just thank the Auto Cannagods!

At least these, while they are short, have some meat on their bones.

I took a couple of solo pics this morning, trying to capture the "chonkiness" of the buds.

Smoothie I has thick fist-like buds. She's a heavyweight to be so short.
Smoothie I Day 84.jpg

Alaskan Purple also has thick buds and they start down near the soil. She too is "heavy."
Alaskan Purple Day 84.jpg

And the last time I grew an Alaskan Purple auto back in 2019 I got this:
Alaskan Purple DWC.JPG

Go figure! :laughtwo:
Good morning Mr Black

Your grow is looking schmick as :) Thanks for inviting me along :)

Sorry to take your thread straight to off topic but.. I notice you have a couple of guitars! Do you play? Coz I’m pretty good on the recorder if you ever want to jam :)

That’s me on the kazoo too :)
Good morning Mr Black

Your grow is looking schmick as :) Thanks for inviting me along :)

Sorry to take your thread straight to off topic but.. I notice you have a couple of guitars! Do you play? Coz I’m pretty good on the recorder if you ever want to jam :)

That’s me on the kazoo too :)
Holy crap! I played that and either my computer speakers are completely buggered, or a flock of galahs flew into John Denver's studio and laid down a track pining for some Kookaburras!
Good morning Mr Black

Your grow is looking schmick as :) Thanks for inviting me along :)

Sorry to take your thread straight to off topic but.. I notice you have a couple of guitars! Do you play? Coz I’m pretty good on the recorder if you ever want to jam :)

That’s me on the kazoo too :)
Trala, I'm stunned that I made it through 1:15 of that vid!

I'm having second thoughts about an unconditional invite to you. :laugh:
Coz I’m pretty good on the recorder if you ever want to jam
Can I just jam something in my ears before you pick up the recorder...?
j/k Trala! but don't quit your day job.....
Looks again as my timing is impeccable. How do you follow up on a thread after @Trala has just torn through.

Thanks for the WPost and nice plants.:thedoubletake:
You follow up by not tempting fate! :laughtwo:
Hello growers.


From this point forward, all updates on the Express Grow will appear in a separate journal that is located here.

This is in response to new restrictions imposed on who can be nominated for JOTM.

I ain't gonna lie, I'd absolutely love to win JOTM one day. It would be an honor and a joy! Plus, I've always wanted to try one of the prizes -- the Blue Planet Nutrients (for free). And when they added the T-shirt to the prize list a few months back, it only increased my resolve. I really want a T-shirt (for free). And I am not cheap. I just don't like spending money! :laughtwo:

Anyhow, 420 now says that journals like this one, "perpetual journals", are no longer eligible for inclusion into JOTM.
As of Jan 1, 2022, perpetual journals are no longer permitted to be nominated in our contests. We realized that this contest was not fair to those who have created single grow journals to highlight methods, sponsors and genetics, as most perpetual journals are half filled with off topic conversations. Single journals simply cannot compete with perpetual journals that have multiple grows, many pages and years of gathered followers. This is the kind of loophole that creates the "popularity contest" mindset, so we opted to remove it to minimize drama and keep things fair. While we truly appreciate the teaching, content and comradeship that a perpetual journal provides, we cannot allow them to be a part of this contest any longer, nor do we have the time, energy and resources to add another contest.
The announcement is a little vague as to what constitutes a perpetual journal, citing those with "multiple grows, many pages and years of gathered followers."

This journal is nearly one year and two months old and has fewer than 160 pages +/-. It hasn't been around long enough to attract "years" of gathered followers. It has, however, included "multiple grows." I'm honestly not sure if it fits the "perpetual" criteria that's been set forth.

Still, I believe the "spirit" of the new rule requires me to start a separate journal if I am to have any chance of winning a T-shirt.

I've won MOTM (but there was no T-shirt prize then). And I long ago realized that the photo-based contests have the bar set so high, month in and month out, that my chances of winning any of those contests are very, very slim. (Translation: "It'll never happen.") So the JOTM is my sole chance at getting that T-Shirt and the Blue Planet nutes.

I'm just being shamelessly honest (as always). I want to retain at least the opportunity to be nominated for the JOTM.

So that's my major update.

Hope to see you all in my new journal!
Hello growers.


From this point forward, all updates on the Express Grow will appear in a separate journal that is located here.

This is in response to new restrictions imposed on who can be nominated for JOTM.

I ain't gonna lie, I'd absolutely love to win JOTM one day. It would be an honor and a joy! Plus, I've always wanted to try one of the prizes -- the Blue Planet Nutrients (for free). And when they added the T-shirt to the prize list a few months back, it only increased my resolve. I really want a T-shirt (for free). And I am not cheap. I just don't like spending money! :laughtwo:

Anyhow, 420 now says that journals like this one, "perpetual journals", are no longer eligible for inclusion into JOTM.

The announcement is a little vague as to what constitutes a perpetual journal citing those with "multiple grows, many pages and years of gathered followers."

This journal is nearly one year and two months old and has fewer than 160 pages +/-. It hasn't been around long enough to attract "years" of gathered followers. It has, however, included "multiple grows." I'm honestly not sure if it fits the "perpetual" criteria that's been set forth.

Still, I believe the "spirit" of the new rule requires me to start a separate journal if I am to have any chance of winning a T-shirt.

I've won MOTM. And I long ago realized that the photo-based contests have the bar set so high, month in and month out, that my chances of winning any of those contests are very, very slim. (Translation: "It'll never happen.") So the JOTM is my sole chance at getting that T-Shirt and the Blue Planet nutes.

I'm just being shamelessly honest (as always). I want to retain at least the opportunity to be nominated for the JOTM.

So that's my major update.

Hope to see you all in my new journal!
Yeah. I'm with ya on that. Love to win something but never won anything ever. So used to it now
Hello growers.

I got to take down the Black Cream today, the first to go from the Auto Show on Day 85.

This was definitely not trim jail. It was far more akin to "something to do while I smoke a joint." :laugh:
(BTW, that's a half-gallon vegetable oil bottle and a 3 gallon pot.)
Black Cream 2-5-22 End D85.JPG

Blk Cream 2-5-22 End D85 overhead.JPG

She was sorta frosty and even looked like she might be hiding some purple within!:oops:
B Cream 2-5-22 End frost.JPG

After taking off the big fans, there was not a lot left to do! I weighed her whole, to the tune of 70g wet.:)
Blk Cream 2-5-22 End D85 scale.jpg

And in the end she was....PURPLE! :yahoo:
Black Cream 2-5-22 End PURPLE.jpg

Weighing in at 70g wet, I have no doubt that this will be some of the bestest weed I've ever had! Because that's so "normal" in these parts! :)

As always, thanks for looking in.

Hello growers.

I got to take down the Black Cream today, the first to go from the Auto Show on Day 85.

This was definitely not trim jail. It was far more akin to "something to do while I smoke a joint." :laugh:
(BTW, that's a half-gallon vegetable oil bottle and a 3 gallon pot.)
Black Cream 2-5-22 End D85.JPG

Blk Cream 2-5-22 End D85 overhead.JPG

She was sorta frosty and even looked like she might be hiding some purple within!:oops:
B Cream 2-5-22 End frost.JPG

After taking off the big fans, there was not a lot left to do! I weighed her whole, to the tune of 70g wet.:)
Blk Cream 2-5-22 End D85 scale.jpg

And in the end she was....PURPLE! :yahoo:
Black Cream 2-5-22 End PURPLE.jpg

Weighing in at 70g wet, I have no doubt that this will be some of the bestest weed I've ever had! Because that's so "normal" in these parts! :)

As always, thanks for looking in.

Congrats on the "quickie" harvest- and on finding the hidden purple!
I have no doubt that this will be some of the bestest weed I've ever had!
I'm sure it will, since there's not a lot of it ..:oops:
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