Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Congrats on the harvests GDB. Your thread really moves fast. Missed a couple days and 6 pages later... all caught up now. Great start on the new grow.
Those autos look close. :yummy:
Thanks Stinker. Can't wait to try some of that bounty!

The autos are close, very close if you know what I mean. :Rasta:
Thanks for the feedback folks!

Mmmm smoothie didn't last long in our jars! Enjoy the cut this weekend!
What does last long in your jars, Stone? :laughtwo:

The cut on these little fellas will be as easy as getting my grandson to pull my finger!
Will we get a WaPo pic this time?
Yeah, Shed! Geez. :laughtwo:

You know I like the LA Times too. Can I expect a commensurate post from you at some point?
Love the trichome pic. I'm glad you're chopping on Saturday. She looks ready to me. At least that's where I chop. Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode. Apparently I chop where you chop! :Rasta:
You are absolutely the best with a plan and schedule. :nervous-guy:

And another vote for the WP
Okay, Nev.

I'll just ignore that first lie and deal with the second part of your post. :laughtwo:

What is it with you news hounds? Turn on the TV in the afternoon!
Har! First, I get the NY Times and second, there is no precedent of my posting pics of my harvests on newsprint.

That said, when the time comes I will lay my wet DV harvest on the NY Times for you, most likely the obits. :)
Ha! I love the NY Times, but you have deadened my anticipation of that post! :laugh:
Hi-diddly-ho! :passitleft:
Don't worry. I'm not contagious anymore!
Nice to see you again, VG!

It doesn't matter, I've got a quarantine seating area for anyone who might be "iffy." Almost everyone is sitting in there! :laughtwo:

Glad that you're feeling better!
Congrats on the seed sprouts GDB! I’m Way late to the party here but I gotta question. Do you only grow auto’s? I’ve only done a couple over the years (many years ago). I notice a lot people do around here. When I grew them I wasn’t really impressed but I’ve seen some awesome pics (yours included). Looks like I never got any decent ones or they have come a long way over that time period. Anyways, back to lurkin through your older posts haha
Congrats on the seed sprouts GDB! I’m Way late to the party here but I gotta question. Do you only grow auto’s? I’ve only done a couple over the years (many years ago). I notice a lot people do around here. When I grew them I wasn’t really impressed but I’ve seen some awesome pics (yours included). Looks like I never got any decent ones or they have come a long way over that time period. Anyways, back to lurkin through your older posts haha
Thanks for the lurk, LED209!

No, I don't only grow autos. I started out that way but once I got into photos I kicked them to the curb. I'm into photos now for sure!

I tossed in this auto grow in between photo grows just on a whim. I was not happy that I did first. But it's turned out to be a pretty satisfying revisit!

See you around! :Rasta:
GDB You weigh everything yet. And if did how much u get out of that. Or u still drying out sorry just getting on my rounds here
Confess, Dust. Where did you get the weed? :rofl:
Thanks for the lurk, LED209!

No, I don't only grow autos. I started out that way but once I got into photos I kicked them to the curb. I'm into photos now for sure!

I tossed in this auto grow in between photo grows just on a whim. I was not happy that I did first. But it's turned out to be a pretty satisfying revisit!

See you around! :Rasta:
Okay cool. Good to know. So is this your main thread? Just want to make sure I’m following a long the right one. I remember discussing autos with a few on here before and was always curious as to why grow them over photo plants. I’m not hating on autos or anything I just wanted to know. From what I’ve heard or read autos take like anywhere from 80-100+ days. That’s plenty of time to grow a photo period plant as well. So that’s why I was asking. Genuinely curious is all. Thanks
Okay cool. Good to know. So is this your main thread? Just want to make sure I’m following a long the right one. I remember discussing autos with a few on here before and was always curious as to why grow them over photo plants. I’m not hating on autos or anything I just wanted to know. From what I’ve heard or read autos take like anywhere from 80-100+ days. That’s plenty of time to grow a photo period plant as well. So that’s why I was asking. Genuinely curious is all. Thanks
Autos can run anywhere from 70 to 100+ days! They can stay tiny or get huge. They can produce premium meds, or bargain basement meds.

I've heard that autos have improved since they first hit the scene. I don't doubt that, but they remain unpredictable.

That's why I'm a photo buff now. Less uncertainty.
Hello growers.

The Auto Show is on Day 83 and I've changed my mind about taking down the Smoothies tomorrow.

I went to check on the plants last night, about 48 hours after they had been last watered. As expected, the 2 purple plants had sucked up all their water. The Black Cream had drank hardly a drop. But the Smoothies, to my surprise, had consumed quite a bit. Their pots weren't as light as those of the purple plants, but they were noticeably lighter than the Black Cream's pot. Long story short, they are still drinking.

So the Black Cream is coming down alone, and the Smoothies will get to go a little longer.
Auto Show 2-3-22 Day 83 labels.jpg

83 days and counting and I'll bet the weird Purple has another 30 days in her!

Autos! :straightface:

Thanks for looking in.

Hey GDB , let me try this again , i keep losing track o were i am at journals wish . Without me going back 75 pages why are those autos so short ? Thats all i grew manly for the quickness , but they were anywhere from 3-4.5 Ft. tall at the end . They Look good though . And hi there seed tails LOL
Without me going back 75 pages why are those autos so short ?
LMAO! :rofl:

Smoke, you can go back as many pages as you like and you won't find an answer to that question!

They're short because they want to be short, I guess. They're autos.

I used to grow a lot of them and they were always all over the map: tall, short and anywhere in between. If you've never had a shorty then just thank the Auto Cannagods!

At least these, while they are short, have some meat on their bones.

I took a couple of solo pics this morning, trying to capture the "chonkiness" of the buds.

Smoothie I has thick fist-like buds. She's a heavyweight to be so short.
Smoothie I Day 84.jpg

Alaskan Purple also has thick buds and they start down near the soil. She too is "heavy."
Alaskan Purple Day 84.jpg

And the last time I grew an Alaskan Purple auto back in 2019 I got this:
Alaskan Purple DWC.JPG

Go figure! :laughtwo:
Hello growers.

The Auto Show is on Day 83 and I've changed my mind about taking down the Smoothies tomorrow.

I went to check on the plants last night, about 48 hours after they had been last watered. As expected, the 2 purple plants had sucked up all their water. The Black Cream had drank hardly a drop. But the Smoothies, to my surprise, had consumed quite a bit. Their pots weren't as light as those of the purple plants, but they were noticeably lighter than the Black Cream's pot. Long story short, they are still drinking.

So the Black Cream is coming down alone, and the Smoothies will get to go a little longer.
Auto Show 2-3-22 Day 83 labels.jpg

83 days and counting and I'll bet the weird Purple has another 30 days in her!

Autos! :straightface:

Thanks for looking in.

Hi @Grand Daddy Black your cars look very interesting. Was it the intention of them being so small? If you have any tips for me in my diary then let me know thanks for looking through this is my first diary.
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