Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello growers.

Well, they got me again. For the umpteenth time, the borg are causing me to take a plant down early. :straightface:

This time it's the Alien Rock Candy on Flip 68 (138 days above soil).

When I looked at her this morning, 2 of the top buds were encased in spider webs. I don't know how those damn things keep sneaking up on me. Why am I always behind the curve? I'm going to make an appointment with the eye doctor.

Seriously. :straightface:

Any way, this plant did okay despite the borg, I think. I believe kept them at bay for some time with my defensive arsenal, so she had time to develop. She got big with firm buds.

Here's her lousy obit pic. (I was in a hurry.)
Alien Rock Candy End 1-24-22 Flip 68.jpg

I gave her a really good wash after the chop.
Alien Rock Candy End 1-24-22 post-wash.JPG

And she filled up my big bowl with 499g wet.
ARC end 1-24-22 bowlful.jpg

I took a trich pic to see where she was. It's an early takedown for sure, but not so early that it will be of no use. You can see evidence of the borg in the pic.

After seeing the webs I started thinking about what more I can do to lessen my chances of this happening (over and over) again.

First, no more plants over 3 feet tall. I don't care if I have to flower them for only 4 weeks before flipping them. A long flowering period eventually leads to too much plant for me to thoroughly inspect. I'm not surprised that I miss things. The Freebie + 1 plants were vegged for 10 weeks.

Second, I'm going to start growing fewer plants. I need to give the individuals more attention and I often fall short because I get lazy. When growing photos, the max will be 2-3 in the 4x4 tent and 4 in the 5x5 (though in the 5x5 I may use bigger pots).

There is no "Third" yet, but I'm still thinking and I'm open to suggestions! :Rasta:

As always, thanks for looking in.

Sorry about the return of the mites. :( I'm glad you managed to see what was happening in time to get the plant down before it was awash with them, and the trichome pics look like you were right on the edge of the window anyway!

In terms of bigger pots in the 5x5, if you don't think you can fill them with roots in 4 weeks I think you might be wasting soil and see more overwatering issues. Just my thoughts on it.
Looks like a nice haul despite the mite issues.

I think your on the right track with thinking less is more when it comes to plant count, it will probably help with the mites and make everything about the grow much easier to manage! Take it from me over crowded tents are no fun to garden in lol.
There is no "Third" yet, but I'm still thinking an and I'm open to suggestions! :Rasta:
I wish I could help, but I've not experienced the Borg yet...
Would predatory (good) mites be one more thing to try? although I don't know how well they work.
Apx. $35.00 on the zon
Mites are the curse from heck. So sorry it’s happening to you. The only way I got rid of them was to take everything down and completely clean with bleach and elbow-grease. I hope my little tent doesn’t get any of them.

…Kill them…kill them with fire…and extreme prejudice… :cheesygrinsmiley:
I wish I could help, but I've not experienced the Borg yet...
Would predatory (good) mites be one more thing to try? although I don't know how well they work.
Apx. $35.00 on the zon
I don't have personal experience with predatory good mites, but for what it is worth, I did read of someone else who used them and found they cleared up the bad mites.
She looks better every day!
Thanks Carcass. She's getting lots of attention!
Hey GDB. I missed alot... Lol. Looks like you turned those autos right back around! Last I seen they where tiny and being treated for critters haha. Now look at them.
Thanks Moony! And thanks for stopping by.
Best two words placed together ever!
You're referring to "Sinister Bubblegum."

Well, I'm almost sure that certain other 420 member has already seen the name and copyrighted it! :laughtwo:
I’m in! :kisstwo:
Welcome Grandpa! We rule...the stool! :laughtwo:
Autos are turning out better than expected, especially the weird purple! That's a crazy looking plant, though not as crazy as MrS' odd one.

If you're seeing a general yellowing of the lowers in the 2x2, I'd up the frequency/amount of the GF. Epsom will help if there's only yellowing between the veins (magnesium def).
Thanks for the tip, Shedster. I'm already feeding her more than the recommended amount of GF but I know upping it won't hurt. I also think it might be just a clone doing the leaf shedding thing they do, as well.

As for the autos, they are exceeding expectations. I think they might need some water tonight but I'm scared to go down there because I've been taking down the mite-infested ARC all day. I might have to take a shower and go down there naked to water them. (Yeah, the borg are seriously in my head!)

That plant that MrS. has, I believe, is a Sinister Bubblegum. That would be poetic justice anyway. :laughtwo:
Sorry about the return of the mites. :( I'm glad you managed to see what was happening in time to get the plant down before it was awash with them, and the trichome pics look like you were right on the edge of the window anyway!
Yeah, she was getting close. When/If I smoke some I'll be running around looking for stuff to do!
In terms of bigger pots in the 5x5, if you don't think you can fill them with roots in 4 weeks I think you might be wasting soil and see more overwatering issues. Just my thoughts on it.
"Bigger" might be misleading. I plan on using 3 gallon pots in the 4x4 and 5 gallons in the 5x5.

I'm serious about keeping the size down.
Looks like a nice haul despite the mite issues.

I think your on the right track with thinking less is more when it comes to plant count, it will probably help with the mites and make everything about the grow much easier to manage! Take it from me over crowded tents are no fun to garden in lol.
Thanks for that N420. Nothing like a little positive reinforcement! :Rasta:
I wish I could help, but I've not experienced the Borg yet...
Would predatory (good) mites be one more thing to try? although I don't know how well they work.
Apx. $35.00 on the zon
Your being here is plenty of help Carcass!

I don't know anything about predatory mites. Sounds like pretty mean critters! I will look into it but...

I had once considered getting a bunch of Lady Bugs from the Zon. Then I thought about the ones that wouldn't want to stay in the tent and would eventually end up on Mrs. GDB's forehead as she was peering into the bathroom mirror one morning and how she would have a complete fit that would involve a scream and then call on me wondering how a Lady Bug got into the house and me having to explain that a few of them had organized an escape from my tent where they were supposed to stay.

And I just decided to stay with all the damn liquid ammo I've got. :laugh:
Hello grow folks.

I got all scrubbed up and went to tend to the Auto Show on Day 73 just a bit after midnight. I had on clothes.

They all seem happy getting 5.25g of MC. But I didn't let that stop me from adding some Dirtilizer at a half dosage (3-0-3) to all their feeds this time. I gave the weird Purple some of this stuff several days ago and she seems to like it. (It may be an illusion, but I actually think she's looking better by the day.) So I figured how much damage can I do at this point, and gave them all some. The Black Cream and one of the Smoothies had been showing some yellowing and I gave them a tiny taste of CalMag seven days ago. But that was all they got, and they've been watered plenty since then. So I feel safe adding something else into the mix.

I took some solo pics because I had nothing but time on my hands! :Rasta:

Smoothie I
Smoothie I 1-25-22 Day 73.jpg

Smoothie 1-25-22 Day 73.jpg

Black Cream
Black Cream 1-25-22 Day 73.jpg

Alaskan Purple
Alaskan Purple 1-25-22 Day 73.jpg

weird Purple
weird Purple 1-25-22 Day 73.jpg

And last, a tent pic for scale.
Auto Show Tent 1-25-22 Day 73.jpg

I have to put up with constant griping from these grommets. They feel left out and are complaining about even being around.

I think the one pot without the grommets has been teasing them. :Rasta:

Thanks for looking in.

Hello grow folks.

I got all scrubbed up and went to tend to the Auto Show on Day 73 just a bit after midnight. I had on clothes.

They all seem happy getting 5.25g of MC. But I didn't let that stop me from adding some Dirtilizer at a half dosage (3-0-3) to all their feeds this time. I gave the weird Purple some of this stuff several days ago and she seems to like it. (It may be an illusion, but I actually think she's looking better by the day.) So I figured how much damage can I do at this point, and gave them all some. The Black Cream and one of the Smoothies had been showing some yellowing and I gave them a tiny taste of CalMag seven days ago. But that was all they got, and they've been watered plenty since then. So I feel safe adding something else into the mix.

I took some solo pics because I had nothing but time on my hands! :Rasta:

Smoothie I
Smoothie I 1-25-22 Day 73.jpg

Smoothie 1-25-22 Day 73.jpg

Black Cream
Black Cream 1-25-22 Day 73.jpg

Alaskan Purple
Alaskan Purple 1-25-22 Day 73.jpg

weird Purple
weird Purple 1-25-22 Day 73.jpg

And last, a tent pic for scale.
Auto Show Tent 1-25-22 Day 73.jpg

I have to put up with constant griping from these grommets. They feel left out and are complaining about even being around.

I think the one pot without the grommets has been teasing them. :Rasta:

Thanks for looking in.

The Grommets, that's an english band from the 70's isn't it? Looking fab GDB!
Hello grow folks.

Black Cream
Black Cream 1-25-22 Day 73.jpg

Is the Black Cream foxtailing? Dark Devils seem to foxtail and they're both from the same breeder so I'm wondering if all of their strains do it.

Sorry to hear you had to take down the ARC clone due to spiders but I think the trichomes look perfect for a nice uplifting high.

Congrats on the nice haul!
And like @HashGirl says the Black Cream looks like its just growing foxtails. That's an interesting observation of the Swwet Seeds. I also had a little foxtailing of the DDa.

The only way I got rid of them was to take everything down and completely clean with bleach and elbow-grease.
I couldn’t agree more. At some point you need to stop the bleeding go back to ground zero. It may hurt now but you will be so much happier tomorrow.

I’m also a firm believer that in small one person home grows that less is more. I’ve done both and get overwhelmed with to much going on and I don’t give the care the individual plants need.

Now as far as good predatory mites may be I would think if you use them you would need to stop all other methods of extermination as that would kill off the good guys. I believe Grandpa Tokin is leading you to the answer of ridding the home of the borgs.

Oh yea I still see all the beauty in your tent. :love:
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