Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello growers.

I thought I'd return yesterday and do another quick update but things didn't work out. So today it is!

Those of you who have been following this grow may have noticed that there was a plant missing from the Freebie + 1 tent in yesterday's update.

The Original Glue has been removed and has been in the dark for the last 48+ hours.

Now she's been stripped down and is prepped for the chop/wash this morning.
Original Glue end 1-18-22 Flip 62.JPG

She caused me a bit of a disappointment, not so much in the plant but in myself. After she stumbled following a strong beginning I did what I could to return her to health. But after those initial efforts my attitude toward her changed to indifference and she was pretty much on her own. I fed her GeoFlora Bloom and really did nothing else for her.

So near the end, the Borg saw and took advantage of that opening.

I took her down because I saw too many critters on her and knew I'd be unable to eradicate them at this stage of the grow.

I'll save a few buds to see how she tastes but most of her will be used for a fresh harvest infusion that I read about here.

And so my Borg drama continues, with me still on the losing end. :straightface:

I'm pleased that her tent mates show no evidence of the Borg. (Though they have to be there.) They were all continually treated for pests while, like I said, the OG got sorta' neglected. My bad.

Thanks to all for the recent feedback:
That weird purple is a great looking little plant, she's gonna be nothing but bud at harvest time- sorta reminds me of a lowryder I grew quite awhile back- not very big, but she produced a lot of weed..
I like that ARC clone too...perfect size
Thanks Carcass. The weird Purple has been a pleasant surprise. I hope she produces well, too.

The ARC clone stopped stretching at 16.5 inches, the same height as your Blueberry Hill! (DR)
Those smaller plants actually look quite attractive. Nice work.
Thanks, Reave. I've grown to like most of them as well. (The Black Cream: it takes too much effort to actually like that one!) :Rasta:
FREEBIE + 1 Is humming along! They're all so chunky and close! Looking at your ARC clone is like looking through the universe with all those stars! Mmmmmmmm, make it so captain!
Give me a minute. I need to do some last-minute repairs to the flux-capacitor! :laughtwo:

Thanks for looking in.

Hello everyone.

I took down the Original Glue today. She was "minimal" to put it nicely. I got 3 mason jars worth...wet.
OG End post-wash 1-20-22 D64.jpg

I took her down a little early. But I took a trich pic of her yesterday and figured she still might pack a little punch.
OG End 1-29-22 D63.jpg

I've changed my mind about using this for a fresh harvest infusion. I'm going to put it in the fridge and dry it. I'll give the fresh harvest thing a little more thought. This batch I'll infuse as I normally would.

Having the wash buckets prepped got me to thinking about the runt Fast Banana that was still in the tent. I scoped her trichs, saw all cloudy, and that's all I needed to see. Time's up!

Her bath was already prepared and she wouldn't take long to chop at all, with her runt self. :Rasta:

Here she is trimmed for the end.
runt Fast Banana End 1-20-22 D64.jpg

She was not that frosty but was a really smelly thing and I was surprised that she didn't smell like bubblegum. I can't describe what she smelled like but it was more sinister than bubblegum!
runt FB Bud End 1-20-22 D64.JPG

Only two more to go in the Freebie tent!

Thanks for being here.

Congratulations on the harvest. The bud looks tasty.:rollit:

She was not that frosty but was a really smelly thing and I was surprised that she didn't smell like bubblegum. I can't describe what she smelled like but it was more sinister than bubblegum!
Whats more sinister than Bubblegum?
Hello everyone.

I took down the Original Glue today. She was "minimal" to put it nicely. I got 3 mason jars worth...wet.
OG End post-wash 1-20-22 D64.jpg

I took her down a little early. But I took a trich pic of her yesterday and figured she still might pack a little punch.
OG End 1-29-22 D63.jpg

I've changed my mind about using this for a fresh harvest infusion. I'm going to put it in the fridge and dry it. I'll give the fresh harvest thing a little more thought. This batch I'll infuse as I normally would.

Having the wash buckets prepped got me to thinking about the runt Fast Banana that was still in the tent. I scoped her trichs, saw all cloudy, and that's all I needed to see. Time's up!

Her bath was already prepared and she wouldn't take long to chop at all, with her runt self. :Rasta:

Here she is trimmed for the end.
runt Fast Banana End 1-20-22 D64.jpg

She was not that frosty but was a really smelly thing and I was surprised that she didn't smell like bubblegum. I can't describe what she smelled like but it was more sinister than bubblegum!
runt FB Bud End 1-20-22 D64.JPG

Only two more to go in the Freebie tent!

Thanks for being here.

Congratulations on the harvest.. nice trich pic... And "smells more sinister than bubblegum" :laugh: hahaha I get what you mean has that Eau De Funk.
Congrats on the takedowns, GDB! More sinister than bubblegum made me LOL. :Rasta:
Hello everyone.

I took down the Original Glue today. She was "minimal" to put it nicely. I got 3 mason jars worth...wet.
OG End post-wash 1-20-22 D64.jpg

I took her down a little early. But I took a trich pic of her yesterday and figured she still might pack a little punch.
OG End 1-29-22 D63.jpg

I've changed my mind about using this for a fresh harvest infusion. I'm going to put it in the fridge and dry it. I'll give the fresh harvest thing a little more thought. This batch I'll infuse as I normally would.

Having the wash buckets prepped got me to thinking about the runt Fast Banana that was still in the tent. I scoped her trichs, saw all cloudy, and that's all I needed to see. Time's up!

Her bath was already prepared and she wouldn't take long to chop at all, with her runt self. :Rasta:

Here she is trimmed for the end.
runt Fast Banana End 1-20-22 D64.jpg

She was not that frosty but was a really smelly thing and I was surprised that she didn't smell like bubblegum. I can't describe what she smelled like but it was more sinister than bubblegum!
runt FB Bud End 1-20-22 D64.JPG

Only two more to go in the Freebie tent!

Thanks for being here.

Sinister Bubblegum! Good band name!
Hello grow aficionados.

I've got a quick update on the Alien Rock Candy on Flip 64.

All I could get was a lights-out flash pic, but overnight she starting eating from her leaves. They're turning the kind of yellow that is a welcome sight to me at this stage of a grow.

Some may say no, this is not a good sign. But by this stage in my grows the leaves on my plants often look like they've been dead for longer than the plant has actually been alive. So I'm just glad to have some leaves remaining with something in them that the plant wants! :Rasta:
Alien Rock Candy 1-20-22 Flip 64 eating .JPG

Thanks to you for visiting.

Oops. Forgot something!
Congratulations on the harvest. The bud looks tasty.:rollit:
Thanks, Stinker. I'll let everyone know...eventually.
Yayyy :yahoo: more meds! :slide:
Nice one, GDB
Thanks, Donkey! Seems more is never enough! :laughtwo:
Congrats on your harvest Gdb! Looks like some tasty stuff!!
Thanks so much, N420. Hope she tastes like she looks.
Congratulations on the harvest.. nice trich pic... And "smells more sinister than bubblegum" :laugh: hahaha I get what you mean has that Eau De Funk.
Thanks, Happy. Funkier than a George Clinton fart! :laughtwo:
Congrats on the takedowns, GDB! More sinister than bubblegum made me LOL. :Rasta:
Thank you, Hashgirl! Always nice to generate a chuckle!
Sinister Bubblegum! Good band name!
Thanks, D! Coming soon to a seedbank near you! :Rasta:
Two chops one bucket! And what's with the stock market pages? Those are the same all over. :)
Trying to draw your attention to the plants, Shed! :laughtwo:
Congrats on a couple of nice harvests, GDB!
They're turning the kind of yellow that is a welcome sight to me at this stage of a grow
And it's nice that this far in, you don't have to worry about fixing it...
Congrats on a couple of nice harvests, GDB!

And it's nice that this far in, you don't have to worry about fixing it...
Thanks, Carcass. :ciao:
Hello growsters.

Today I have a look into the Auto Show on Day 69.

Some of these have to be getting close, the 2 Smoothies in particular. I'll need to start checking their trichs soon. But for now, all are still drinking plenty with the exception of the Black Cream. I don't believe "being close to done" has anything to do with her not drinking much. I just think she has a small root mass.

And the weird Purple continues to evolve, weirdly, She has become a mass of pistils. They're all over the plant! She remains the thirstiest of the bunch.

Yesterday, all got their first feed of MC @5.25g (up from 5g).
Auto Show 1-21-22 Day 69 labels.jpg

I feel like I'm getting close to being able to start the next grow for this tent, the Bubblegum Machine. But I know the weird Purple will still be around after all the others are done and gone. The big question for me is how long will she take!

Thanks for your interest.

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