Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello grow lovers.

I've been downstairs looking in on the Auto Show on Day 64 this morning.

Things are going as smoothly as I could want, I guess.

The pistils on the two Smoothies have started to turn orange. That's nice...keep on keeping on! :)

Smoothie 1-15-22 Day 64.jpg

Smoothie I 1-15-22 Day 64.jpg

After a very rough beginning -- the knotted one -- the weird Purple has kind of become the star of the show. She drinks nearly twice as much as any of the others, is tallest and is going to produce more than any of the others, by far.
weird Purple 1-15-22 Day 64.jpg

Since she's a miracle baby anyway, why not try something new on her!

Last night I skipped the MC feed and fed her some new stuff I just got. I'm hoping it will help her finish strong!
I'll be using this Dirtilizer perhaps once a week for the rest of the ride. (That is, if she reacts well!)
dirtilizer front.jpeg

dirtilizer back.jpeg

I was speaking with @Carcass on the subject of these kind of K additives and he made a very valid admission and one that I totally agree with: "I'm not even sure how you can tell if the extra "K" is helping anything or not."

I'm not sure how you tell either. :straightface:

Thanks for the company!

Last night I skipped the MC feed and fed her some new stuff I just got.
Good Mornin', GDB!
Not sure if totally skipping the MC is the thing to do or not- the Dirtilizer is a supplement, ("intended to supplement a regular fertilization program") so ,to my way of thinking, it should be added on top of your usual feed...
Just my 2 cents....
Good Mornin', GDB!
Not sure if totally skipping the MC is the thing to do or not- the Dirtilizer is a supplement, ("intended to supplement a regular fertilization program") so ,to my way of thinking, it should be added on top of your usual feed...
Just my 2 cents....
Thanks, MrC.

When I have a plant as thirsty as this one I usually skip a feed every now and then and just top it with plain water. That's what I'm doing with the Dirtilizer.

I'm never sure if a thirsty and healthy-looking plant wants more nutes or just more water to activate what they've got in there already. I tend to underwater mine sometimes, so I'm always concerned about just plain water! :Rasta:

This is my lop-sided way of trying to split the difference. It's similar to the way I use Recharge, as an in-between feed without the regular nutes -- and not to run off, only enough to get some in there.

And I have no idea if what I just said makes any sense at all!

Let's watch and see what happens. I'm sure we'll both be nodding off in no time at all! :laugh:
And I have no idea if what I just said makes any sense at all!
No, I get it...I was just concerned that you were cutting out the MC completely from here on in...
Your plan should work just fine!
Thanks, MrC.

When I have a plant as thirsty as this one I usually skip a feed every now and then and just top it with plain water. That's what I'm doing with the Dirtilizer.

I'm never sure if a thirsty and healthy-looking plant wants more nutes or just more water to activate what they've got in there already. I tend to underwater mine sometimes, so I'm always concerned about just plain water! :Rasta:

This is my lop-sided way of trying to split the difference. It's similar to the way I use Recharge, as an in-between feed without the regular nutes -- and not to run off, only enough to get some in there.

And I have no idea if what I just said makes any sense at all!

Let's watch and see what happens. I'm sure we'll both be nodding off in no time at all! :laugh:
Your not only that does that also. I had black Russian plant that I did that too. Every other day water. She drank so much .
No, I get it...I was just concerned that you were cutting out the MC completely from here on in...
Your plan should work just fine!
Oh no! She'll get fed an upped dosage of MC (from 4.6 to 5) on her next feed! And the way she's drinking, that'll probably be Sunday evening or Monday morning.
Hello growers.

I took a trich pic of the Alien Rock Candy the other day and forgot to post it. I cut off a little bud and took this three days ago (on Flip + 56).

She's getting there!
ARC trichs 1-12-22 Flip 56.jpg

Looks like she's just about there...or she is there if you don't need a whole lot of amber..
I'd wait for a just a little more amber if she were mine...:high-five:
Looks like she's just about there...or she is there if you don't need a whole lot of amber..
I'd wait for a just a little more amber if she were mine...:high-five:
I think she's done too, Carcass.

That pic was from a bud taken near the bottom of the plant. I'm going to take a look at one from the top one day soon.

In fact, I'll do it now.

She's a big galoot and I'm not looking forward to the takedown, so I have mixed feelings about what I hope to see. :laughtwo:
You could always do the 36 hours in the dark thing before harvesting...that's what us lazy folks do to buy a little more time... :cheesygrinsmiley:
You could always do the 36 hours in the dark thing before harvesting...that's what us lazy folks do to buy a little more time...:cheesygrinsmiley:
IKR! I do the same thing to put it off for a day or so! But she's too big for my Box of Darkness®

Anyway, I jumped right on taking a pic of one of the trichs near the top of the plant. And what I see is interesting.

They seem to have less amber than the lower buds!
ARC 1-16-22 Flip 60 upper trich.jpg

I vaguely remember reading before about how the lower buds might work harder to attract pollen than the ones near the top of the plant. And I think I remember reading about someone who suggested lessening light intensity near the end to increase potency. And those two "theories" seem to fit together.

Maybe I'll turn my light down a notch, For The Anecdote! :Rasta:
They seem to have less amber than the lower buds
They sure do... that's odd, really didn't expect that ...
You could dim the light down for 3 or 4 days to see what the "upper" trichomes do..
I don't think I've ever checked the lower buds when I check trichomes, always just the top buds- I'm going to have to start checking both...
They sure do... that's odd, really didn't expect that ...
You could dim the light down for 3 or 4 days to see what the "upper" trichomes do..
I don't think I've ever checked the lower buds when I check trichomes, always just the top buds- I'm going to have to start checking both...
Well, your lower buds and top buds are never that far away from each other! :laugh:

(Sorry, Bro. Could not pass that up!)
Trichomes eh, the great conundrum of when is it optimum to harvest? I try to go for some amber (5% - 20%), but I am still am not sure when is best, I wish I knew.
I wish I knew too, Stunger! And I even believe that they get more "ambery" during the dry/cure. So that's another thing to think about.

The hell with it. Just chop/dry/cure and move on! :Rasta:
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