Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello growers.

It's Flip + 57 for the Freebie + 1 Grow.

The THC Bomb is giving me fits! I've had a lot of leaning plants but never one as bad as this one. She rejects nearly every effort to support her and just keeps leaning further and further over. I hope its because her buds are heavy. But damn, she's leaning like each bud weighs 28 ounces!

In a somewhat lame attempt to get "some" of her nearer to the light, I attached a thick bungee cord to the top of the tent and then hooked it underneath one of the plants main branches. It didn't help much but it helped a little. In the pic below, she's actually a little more upright than she was pre-bungee, so you can imagine how she was looking before!

(I see another area I might be able to pull up if I can find another big bungee or some string.)
THCB 1-13-22 Flip 57 bungeed.jpg

Here's a tent pic:
Freebie + 1 tent 1-13-22 Flip 57.jpg

And for good measure, here's a pic of the Auto Show on Day 62. (I don't know if you recall, but this grow was intended to produce some purple flowers. I guess green is the new purple! :Rasta:).
Auto Show 1-13-22 Day 62.jpg

As always, thank you for your attention.

Hello grow people.

I'm up at a strange hour (approaching 3am), high and then some, can't sleep and have nothing to do. But I can do a quick update!

The Arc clone on flip 18 is doing that flip day 18 thing, I guess. She's still only 18 inches from the soil, so she's staying within range of the tent height. I'm liking that!

She's getting @GeoFlora Nutrients Bloom feed.
ARC clone 1-10-22 Flip 18.jpg

The Auto Show on Day 59.
These got fed 4.6g of MC 'round midnight.
Auto Show tent 1-11-22 Day 60.jpg

The Alaskan Purple (right) was especially happy tonight/today. Don't know why. :Rasta:

That was a quick update, don't you agree?


Hello growers.

Here's a pic of the take from my little CB clone. I let her sit in the dark for 3 days before I chopped her down, two of which were on purpose. The third day was due to CRS! :Rasta:

This is after her wash. I forgot to weigh her before she got waterlogged, but I'm guesstimating maybe 1 ounce dry, maybe a little less. (Oh, and I made some lime gummies to share in the photo-op.)
CB clone 1-12-22 post-wash.jpg

It was fun flipping a clone soon after cutting it. But I'm not sure it's worth the investment in time for the little bit I got from her. Doing a bunch of them at a time might be a better approach, but I don't have the grow space to devote to that kind of project.

@InTheShed, the beginning of that byline reads, "As one of the first White..";)

As always, thanks for passing through.

May I ask what you mean by sprayed them? I have never read anything about that. And that's cool how soon can you flip clones?
Hello again growers. I'm back for a quick return visit and update.

After I made that last post, I kept looking at the pic of the THC Bomb and thinking, "You can do a little better than that."

So I stuck a few bamboo shafts in there and tied a few branches to them. Now she's a little bit more upright!
THCB 1-13-22 Flip 57 more support.jpg

Placing those stakes was a near-disaster. The first thing I tried to do was slide the plant elevator to the front of the tent (with the plant still on it) so it would be easier to work with. But I forgot about the bungee I had attached to the plant. So I nearly pulled the elevator from underneath the plant. That would have left the plant dangling by the affixed bungee and...well, I don't even want to speculate what might have happened then. Luckily, I noticed in time, and just as the plant was beginning to slide off of the back of the elevator I pushed it back into place. Whew!

Thanks again for stopping by.

May I ask what you mean by sprayed them? I have never read anything about that. And that's cool how soon can you flip clones?
I don't see a reference to "spraying." Do you mean "washing?"
Hello again growers. I'm back for a quick return visit and update.

After I made that last post, I kept looking at the pic of the THC Bomb and thinking, "You can do a little better than that."

So I stuck a few bamboo shafts in there and tied a few branches to them. Now she's a little bit more upright!
THCB 1-13-22 Flip 57 more support.jpg

Placing those stakes was a near-disaster. The first thing I tried to do was slide the plant elevator to the front of the tent (with the plant still on it) so it would be easier to work with. But I forgot about the bungee I had attached to the plant. So I nearly pulled the elevator from underneath the plant. That would have left the plant dangling by the affixed bungee and...well, I don't even want to speculate what might have happened then. Luckily, I noticed in time, and just as the plant was beginning to slide off of the back of the elevator I pushed it back into place. Whew!

Thanks again for stopping by.


That sounds like something I would do. :laughtwo: I'm glad you came to your senses before doing any real damage.
Yes the wash sorry photo looked like a controlled spray. But same question what the wash?
I wash all my plants after the chop. I use 2 buckets. The first has a solution of Hydrogen Peroxide, water and lemon juice (or citric acid). The second bucket is just plain water. The plants gets submerged in the first bucket, swished around and then go into the plain water bucket for the rinse.

I have to use a lot of bug sprays on my plants during grows so I want to wash all of that stuff off at the end (along with any dead bugs)! :Rasta:

Thanks for looking in, @HappyHazmat88!
Ok I understand now. Thank you for the cleaning tip and the explanation. So now with the washes do you have to dry buds longer as they were submerged in water? Sorry to ask so many questions but all information is good information in my book.. so when I see something "new to me" I inquire.
Ok I understand now. Thank you for the cleaning tip and the explanation. So now with the washes do you have to dry buds longer as they were submerged in water? Sorry to ask so many questions but all information is good information in my book.. so when I see something "new to me" I inquire.
No problem, Happy!

I assume that washing them does increase the time it takes to dry them. I've never done a real comparison between drying washed buds vs. unwashed. But, the washed buds do retain some of the water from the wash. They're heavier than before the wash. (This fact, I can confirm.) So it makes sense that they would take a bit longer to dry.
That sounds like something I would do. :laughtwo: I'm glad you came to your senses before doing any real damage.

@HashGirl, I've done quite a few bone-headed things trying to grow plants. But this could have been most bone-headed move ever. I was glad to avoid it too! If it had happened, I'd have to disclose it to the 420 community and any potential sponsors that I may get would quickly get gone! :laughtwo:
That THC Bomb is standing with a lot more dignity now GDB! :thumb:
Thanks, Stunger.

I'm not sure why it took me this long to figure out that bamboo might be helpful. I think I might need to cut back some on the meds....NAH! :laugh:

And bungee jumping would be the time to make sure the bungee is attached.
Can you imagine? It only would have been about a ten inch drop but the bungee cord was taut.

I think the plant would have survived. Me, I'm not so sure! :laugh:
Can you imagine? It only would have been about a ten inch drop but the bungee cord was taut.

I think the plant would have survived. Me, I'm not so sure! :laugh:
I’d have had an instant seizure!
Hello growers.

Not much going on here. With all the plants, the work has been done. Now it's mostly water and watch. Watch and water. :Rasta:

The Alien Rock Candy on Flip 58 is a heavyweight and she's at least trying to stand erect (with some help). Her buds are solid, heavy and nicely stacked. Plus, she smells like a big piece of bubblegum (What else?). She will be one of my larger harvests, though maybe not the largest.

Alien Rock Candy 1-14-22 Flip 56.jpg

Meanwhile, in the 2x2 the ARC clone on Flip 23 continues to cooperate by staying low. She's hardly stretching at all now and that's fine with me.
ARC clone 1-14-22 Flip 23.jpg

She's going to fit!
ARC clone 1-14-22 Flip 23 tent top.JPG

I'm happy with the goings ons. But I'm eagerly anticipating starting my next grow. Today's mission is to hit a few dollar stores in search of some shot glasses.

Most folks here who soak their seeds seem to soak them in shot glasses and it's so much cooler than my Solo cup soaks!

Little joys come in many forms. :Rasta:

Thanks for visiting.

Hello growers.

Not much going on here. With all the plants, the work has been done. Now it's mostly water and watch. Watch and water. :Rasta:

The Alien Rock Candy on Flip 58 is a heavyweight and she's at least trying to stand erect (with some help). Her buds are solid, heavy and nicely stacked. Plus, she smells like a big piece of bubblegum (What else?). She will be one of my larger harvests, though maybe not the largest.

Alien Rock Candy 1-14-22 Flip 56.jpg

Meanwhile, in the 2x2 the ARC clone on Flip 23 continues to cooperate by staying low. She's hardly stretching at all now and that's fine with me.
ARC clone 1-14-22 Flip 23.jpg

She's going to fit!
ARC clone 1-14-22 Flip 23 tent top.JPG

I'm happy with the goings ons. But I'm eagerly anticipating starting my next grow. Today's mission is to hit a few dollar stores in search of some shot glasses.

Most folks here who soak their seeds seem to soak them in shot glasses and it's so much cooler than my Solo cup soaks!

Little joys come in many forms. :Rasta:

Thanks for visiting.

That ARC (58) is looking awesome! :drool:
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