Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello growers.

I looked in on the Alien Rock Candy clone today and one of the tops had stretched up to 19 inches above the soil. I'm trying to keep this plant to 18 inches (or so) as an act of homage to one of my favorite growers.

So I did a little pinch and bend on the culprit branch.
ARC clone 1-12-22 Flip 20 label.jpg

Here's a closer look at the little bend.
Arc clone 1-12-22 flip 20 bend.jpg

Then I got the bends. Couldn't stop. Some I bent inward and some I bent outward. But I was a bending somebody!

She's back down to 16 inches from soil to tip. I'll leave her alone now! :Rasta:
ARC clone 1-12-22 Flip 22  after LST.jpg

Thanks for looking in.

I'm trying to keep this plant to 18 inches (or so)
Bending/supercropping works great for that, I can relate to the initial intention to do one or two, and then get carried away on many. Plus I'd like to think it encourages some form of growth stimulus in the plant, and if nothing else hopefully stronger limbs to support the eventual harvest!
Bending/supercropping works great for that, I can relate to the initial intention to do one or two, and then get carried away on many. Plus I'd like to think it encourages some form of growth stimulus in the plant, and if nothing else hopefully stronger limbs to support the eventual harvest!
I bent that one branch and it was like trying to eat one potato chip. (I'll have just a few more!)

I don't think the plants care one way or the other. :Rasta:
@stinker and @Stunger are at it again. Trying to confuse an old man! :laugh:

Thanks for looking in, gents!
Hello growers.

Here's a pic of the take from my little CB clone. I let her sit in the dark for 3 days before I chopped her down, two of which were on purpose. The third day was due to CRS! :Rasta:

This is after her wash. I forgot to weigh her before she got waterlogged, but I'm guesstimating maybe 1 ounce dry, maybe a little less. (Oh, and I made some lime gummies to share in the photo-op.)
CB clone 1-12-22 post-wash.jpg

It was fun flipping a clone soon after cutting it. But I'm not sure it's worth the investment in time for the little bit I got from her. Doing a bunch of them at a time might be a better approach, but I don't have the grow space to devote to that kind of project.

@InTheShed, the beginning of that byline reads, "As one of the first White..";)

As always, thanks for passing through.

Congrats on the takedown, GDB!
Hello growers.

I looked in on the Alien Rock Candy clone today and one of the tops had stretched up to 19 inches above the soil. I'm trying to keep this plant to 18 inches (or so) as an act of homage to one of my favorite growers.

So I did a little pinch and bend on the culprit branch.
ARC clone 1-12-22 Flip 20 label.jpg

Here's a closer look at the little bend.
Arc clone 1-12-22 flip 20 bend.jpg

Then I got the bends. Couldn't stop. Some I bent inward and some I bent outward. But I was a bending somebody!

She's back down to 16 inches from soil to tip. I'll leave her alone now! :Rasta:
ARC clone 1-12-22 Flip 22  after LST.jpg

Thanks for looking in.

Good training!
Hello growers.

Here's a pic of the take from my little CB clone. I let her sit in the dark for 3 days before I chopped her down, two of which were on purpose. The third day was due to CRS! :Rasta:

This is after her wash. I forgot to weigh her before she got waterlogged, but I'm guesstimating maybe 1 ounce dry, maybe a little less. (Oh, and I made some lime gummies to share in the photo-op.)
CB clone 1-12-22 post-wash.jpg

It was fun flipping a clone soon after cutting it. But I'm not sure it's worth the investment in time for the little bit I got from her. Doing a bunch of them at a time might be a better approach, but I don't have the grow space to devote to that kind of project.

@InTheShed, the beginning of that byline reads, "As one of the first White..";)

As always, thanks for passing through.

Great looking harvest GDB, taking notes!
Hello growers.

I just have a quick update on how the ARC clone responded to my laying hands on her yesterday.

I don't think she noticed much. I went past 90 degrees with a few branches and they're pointing down just a bit, but they'll be okay. It's just gonna' take them a bit longer to recuperate.
ARC clone 1-12-22 Flip 21.jpg

She got her second drench feed of SNS 209 today to keep the borg at bay. I'll continue that for at least the next 3 feeds and maybe longer.

Thanks for the company!

Then I got the bends. Couldn't stop. Some I bent inward and some I bent outward. But I was a bending somebody!
Haaa haaaa...I am 100% exactly that same fellas. Too funny reading these. I thought I was crazier than originally anticipated. Thanks for calming my anxiety about it and sharing the crazy with me.
Bending/supercropping works great for that, I can relate to the initial intention to do one or two, and then get carried away on many. Plus I'd like to think it encourages some form of growth stimulus in the plant, and if nothing else hopefully stronger limbs to support the eventual harvest!
When I supercropped my plants last year, they knuckled up, and put off big colas and held them all up with gusto. It makes sense, that if they were to get damaged in the wild, they would throw everything at making sure they survive. Roots are forced to release those hormones and nutes. That's my thinking anyway. Haa haaa. Baked and typing away...long ass way of saying, I agree.
I'll have just a few more!
Know what...that branch too. Ehhh...that one too. Why not?! If Shed says to supercrop well Gawwwwd dammit, it's time to SuuuuPeR CrOp!!!
Nice work on the ARC clone, GDB!
You just might win that battle- she's 19 days in, so , with a little luck, she may be just about done stretching....
Welcome to the "stubby little plant" club! :thumb:
Haaa haaaa...I am 100% exactly that same fellas. Too funny reading these. I thought I was crazier than originally anticipated. Thanks for calming my anxiety about it and sharing the crazy with me.

When I supercropped my plants last year, they knuckled up, and put off big colas and held them all up with gusto. It makes sense, that if they were to get damaged in the wild, they would throw everything at making sure they survive. Roots are forced to release those hormones and nutes. That's my thinking anyway. Haa haaa. Baked and typing away...long ass way of saying, I agree.

Know what...that branch too. Ehhh...that one too. Why not?! If Shed says to supercrop well Gawwwwd dammit, it's time to SuuuuPeR CrOp!!!
LMAO, Baked!

It probably is a little bit more fun that it should be! :Rasta:
Welcome to the "stubby little plant" club!
Thanks, MrC.

I'm quite familiar with the club. I was hired as a consultant during its initial start-up! :laughtwo:

I'm hoping she's about done stretching too. If so, then she's growing like the breeder predicted, with "very little stretch in the flowering stage." Her mom grew tall in veg and stretched a lot in flower.
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